Unit 4
Reading A
      A                        B
(    )1. importance          A. give support, confidence or hope to sb
(    )2. develop          B. belonging to one particular person or group only
(    )3. encourage            C. bring or gather sth together
(    )4. include              D. illness
(    )5. private                E. supply
(    )6. provide            F. become or make more advanced
(    )7. collect                G. being important
(    )8. avoid                  H. join or mix together to form a whole
(    )9. combine            I. have sb/sth as part of a whole
(    )10. disease            J. keep oneself away from sb or sth
1. People have various ______(爱好)such as basketball, table tennis, football. 
2. Our monitor says that this is very_____; that is, it is of great ______(important).
3. I like taking part in the school’s _____(active).
4. China is a d______ countryand America is a ________ (develop) country.
5. The boy is developing a fine _______(个性). 
6. I _______(courage) her to work hard yesterday. 
7. Ten members were present at the meeting, ______(include) myself.
8. I like _______ (collect) stamps.
9. More and more people choose sports activities as ways of ______(relax).
10. Hobbies are thought to be _______ (relax).
1. The song is thought ____ one of the most popular songs.
A. to be  B. being  C. been  D. be
2. Watching too much TV is not good ____ your health.
A. to  B. for  C. on  D. with
3. Mother encouraged her son _____ it on his own.
A. do  B. done  C. doing  D. to do
4. We choose Wang Wei ____ our monitor.
A. as  B. for  C. of  D. to weight的搭配
5. In rainy days, drivers usually drive carefully to _____ accidents.
A. cause B. have C. avoid D. stop
6. You can’t avoid ____ her because she works in the same company.
A. meet  B. to meet  C. met  D. meeting
7. An overweight woman is asking the doctor how to ___.
A. put on weight B. put on her weight C. lose weight D. lose the weight
8. “The goods are for sale at attractive price.” Means ______.
A. The goods for sale are expensive  B. The goods for sale are cheap
C. The goods for sale are good      D. The goods for sale are bad.
9. One who enjoys life should ____ business ____ pleasure.
A. combine, with  B. divide, into  C. separate, from  D. join, and
10. He is a ____ in our city.
A. man of important B. man of importance C. important man D. importance man
11. “The school will provide us ____ food,” means “The school will provide food ___ us.
A. with, for B. with, to C. by, for D. by, to
12. Father ____ me ___ study abroad.
A. hoped, can B. encouraged, to C. hope, / D. encourated, /
13. You shouldn’t read other’s ___ letters if they don’t want you to.
A. provide B. personal C. self D. person
14. A new movie will be put ____ at that theatre next month.
A. up B. out C. on D. off
15. The children in that school are ____ very well.
A. develop B. developed C. developing D. development
16. Her father had no way to help her. She could only get the job done _____ her own.
A. to B. for C. on D. of
17. Although I prefer a colour TV, ____ I have decided to buy a black and white one this time.
A. but B. and C. so D. /
18. My teacher was not here ____ he was ill.
A. because  B. because of  C. so  D. but
19. Both my mother and my sister _____ good workers.
A .is  B. am  C. are  D. be
Reading B
      A                        B
(    )1. various        A. have sth within itself
(    )2. contain        B. work done for others
(    )3. replace        C. of several kinds
(    )4. square            D. take the place of sb/sth
(    )5. service            E. object having four equal sides
1. The weather _____( vary) from day to day. 
2. There are _______( vary) colors to choose from. 
3. At school we learn a _______( vary) of things.
4. Gold and silver are ________(珍贵的)metals.
5. There are lots of ______(货物) in the room, so it looks crowed.
6. We usually visit Tiananmen S________(广场).
7. He went to town with many ______(目的). 
8. Do you use _______( electronic) for cooking? 
9. Can anything ______(place) a mother's love and care?
10. We need the ________(serve) of a doctor.
1. I thought ___ my hometown when I saw the beautiful scenery.
