on duty [值班,上班]on shift[轮班]
on holiday/ on leave [在度假;在休假中]on business [为了公事,出差]
on purpose [有目的地,故意地]on time[按时,准时;按时付款]
on sale [廉价出售]on show [展览着,在公开展出]
on board[在船(火车、飞机)上]on hand [在手边;在场;即将发生]
on record[记录在案的;公开发表的]on request [应要求;承索(即寄等)]
on earth [究竟,到底]on principle[根据原则]
for example / instance [例如]for all [尽管;虽然]
for good[永久地;一劳永逸地]for nothing[免费;徒然]
for convenience[为了方便起见]for short [简称;缩写]
for fear [以免,唯恐;由于害怕]for sale[出售;待售]
2.与by相关的固定搭配by weight ( volume size number〜〜
[按重量(体积大小数5)by profession[在职业上;就职业来说]
by definition[按照定义;当然地;明显地]by rule[墨守成规地:按照规则地]
by turn [轮流]by chance/ accident[偶然;意外地]
by mistake[错误地;由于差错]by hand [adv.用手]
by train ( bus ,taxi ,ship ,boat / air / landby force [强迫地;靠武力;凭藉暴力]
by day[在白天;日间]by nature [天生地;生性]
by sight [凭外貌,凭目视].与at相关的固定搭配
at most[至多]at least [至少]
at best[最多]at worst [在最坏的情况下;作为最坏的可能性]
at once [马上,立刻]at firstweight的搭配[首先]
at last [最后;终于]at home / school
at will ( at will:任意)[随意;任意]at work [在工作;忙于;起作用]
at night / midnight / daybreak / dawnat present[现在]
at length[最后,终于;详细地].与as相关的固定搭配
as above[如上;同上]as below / fol lowing [如下]
asever [一直,依旧]as usual [往常一样;照例]
as before [依然,依旧,如以前]asa matter of fact [事实上]
3.与above相关的固定搭配above all [首先;尤其是]
above measure [以上措施]above normal [高于正常的;超额的]
4.与before相关的固定搭配before all [尤其,特别]
before long[不久以后]before time[提前(等于 ahead of time]
before now[以前在此以前]before then[那时以前,在这之前]
5.与after相关的固定搭配after all [毕竟;终究]
after class [下课后;课下]after school [放学后]
6.与out of相关的固定搭配out of action[损坏;不运转;失去作用]
out of order [发生故障;次序颠倒]out of condition [健康状况不好]
out of use [废弃;不被使用]out of operation [adj.不起作用的;不运转的]
out of step [不合拍;步调不一致]out of joint[脱臼;混乱;心情不好]
out of repair[失修的;破损的]out of gear[失常;齿轮脱开;不工作的]
out of balance [不平衡,失去平衡]out of range [在射程外]
out of doubt / question [毫无疑问]out of date[过时的;过期的;废弃的]
out of danger [脱离危险]out of shape [走样;身体状况不佳]
out of hand[无法控制;脱手,告终;立即]out of place [adj.不合适的;不相称的;不在适当的位置]
out of stock [adv.已脱销].与with相关的固定搭配
with caution [adv.慎重;留心]with interest [有兴趣地;付利息地]
with difficulty[困难地;吃力地]with ease[熟练地;不费力地]
with confidence[满怀信心地]with advantage / effect[有利地,有效地]
with reason [合理;有道理]with reserve[有保留地,有条件地]
with success[成功地]with vigor [生机勃勃]
work with vigor[精力充沛]a face with vigor[面苍白]
grow with vigor [生机勃勃地生长]axis with vigor [活力轴线]
Energy with Vigor [精力充沛]With New Vigor [带着新希望]
With Renewed Vigor [重新焕发活力]Dotted With Green Vigor [点缀着绿活力]
trumpet with great vigor [大肆宣扬]with success[成功地]
meet with success [成功获得成功/胜利]be crowned with success [事情将近成功取得成效功成业就大功告成] bloat get dizzy with success [得意忘形得意洋洋]
Flushed with success [春风得意].与beyond相关的固定搭配
beyond comprehension / conception [不可思议,无法理解] bcyondcxprcssion / doubt [无容置疑,确实地]beyond control [无法控制]
beyond power [在能力范围之外]
beyond description[无法形容,难以形容]
beyond reach [够不着;不到;消失]
beyond measure [无可估量,极度]
beyond grasp [鞭长莫及,意为“力量达不到”]
beyond compare adv.[非常好;无以伦比]
beyond controversy / dispute[无可争议]
beyond hope [没希望的;绝望的]
beyond example[没有先例,超越示例,空前].与under相关的固定搭配
under age [adj.未成年的;未到法定年龄的]
under discussion[正在讨论中]
under way[进行中;航行中;在行进]
under lesl[处于试验阶段]
under repair[修理中]
