add up  合计  You will know the result if you add up all the numbers. 你把所有的数加起来就会知道结果。
calm down 使平静下来,镇定下来  Calm down and dont panic. 冷静下来,不要焦躁不安。
be concerned about 关心,挂念,担忧  Lucy is very concerned about the natural environment. 露西很关心自然环境。
a series of 一连串的,一系列,一套    Life is a series of test. 人生就是一连串的考验。
on purpose 故意    He said nothing on purpose. 他故意什么都没说。
in order to 为了    In order to improve my English, I take part in English corner frequently.
face to face 面对面地    In order to get rid of generation gap, you should communicate with your parents face to
face. 为了消除代沟,应该和父母面对面。
no longer/notany longer 不再.    The phenomenon of lateness no longer exists in our class. 班级里不再有迟到的现象了。
suffer from 遭受;患病    Lots of teenagers suffer from short sight. 很多青少年都患上了近视眼。
get/be tired of  对厌烦    Lucy is never tired of helping people in trouble. 露西从不厌倦帮助别人。
pack up 将(东西)装箱,打包  Let’s pack up our luggage and get ready to start at once.让我们收拾好行李,准备马上出发。 
get along with 与相处,进展    I am outgoing and can get along with others well. 我性格外向,能与人很好相处。
fall in love 相爱;爱上  They fall in love at the first sight. 他俩一见钟情。
at present 现在;目前    At present, our task is to improve the efficiency of study. 目前我们的任务是提高学习效率。
make use of 利用,使用  You should make use of every chance to speak English with your teacher.你要抓住机会跟老师说
change ones mind 改变主意  You only have one chance to change your mind. 你只有一次机会改变主意。
make up ones mind 下决心;决定  Think twice before making up your mind. 做决定前要三思。
give in 投降;屈服;让步  To give in or to resist, its up to you. 屈服还是抵抗,由你决定。
as usual 照常  Unfortunately, the bus doesn't arrive on time as usual today.  不幸的是, 今天公交车没有照常准时到站。
right away 立刻;马上    I hope I can solve the problem right away. 我希望我可以马上解决这个问题。
a (great) number of 许多;大量的  A great number of visitors come to West Lake every year. 每年有大量的游客来游西湖。
out of work 失业    At present, a great number of people are out of work in America. 现在,美国有很多人失业了。
as a matter of fact 事实上  As a matter of fact, I know nothing about this book.实我对这本书一无所知。
in trouble 在麻烦中,在困难中  When you are in trouble, Ms. Sun will help you. 当你有困难时,孙老师会帮助你 。
turn to 求助于    You can turn to Mr. Cao for math problems. 有数学问题,你可以向曹老师求助。
lose heart 丧失勇气或者信心    Never lose heart even though you are failed. 即使失败了,你也不要失去信心。
come to power 当权,上台    The new president will come to power this week. 新总统本周将上任。
be sentenced to 被判处(徒刑)  He must be sentenced to death according to the law. 依据法律,他必须被判处死刑。
1.My parents are very concerned about me.
2.Everybody can see that she did it on purpose.
3.He waited at the gate in order to meet her when she came out.
4.Many teenagers suffer from stress.
5.I am tired of the same food every day. I want to have some different.
6.John got along with his teachers and classmates well.
7.I have lots of homework to do, so I should make use of every minute.
8.I have made up my mind to work hard.
9.As a matter of fact, Mr. Cao doesn’t like eat at McDonalds at all.
10.Turn to her for help if you are in trouble.
in search of 寻    He comes to Hangzhou in search of original dream. 他来杭州寻寻最初的梦想。
belong to 属于    These books belong to the library. 这些书是属于图书馆的。
in return 作为报答;回报  If you are honest to others, they will be honest to you in return. 如果你诚实的对待他人,他们将用诚实回报你
at war 处于交战状态  America is at war. 美国正经历战争。
take apart 拆开    How dare you take apart my letter? 你怎么敢拆开我的信?
think highly of 看重;器重  I think highly of your opinion. 我对你的观点评价很好。
