学员编号:                            年    级:初一                  课 时 数:
学员姓名:                            辅导科目:英语                    学科教师: 
星    级
〔一〕、不定冠词a, an的用法:
“an〞用在以元音开头的词前. e.g.: an apple    an hour  a student    a university
注意:  a uniform  a European  a useful book
A horse is useful to mankind. 马对人类有用.  A steel worker makes steel. 炼钢工人炼钢.
We often go to school twice a day. 我们常常每天去两次学校
The car can run 200 kilometers an hour。汽车每小时可以跑200km
A boy came to see you a moment ago.   一个男孩刚刚来看你
There is a table and four chairs in that dining room 在那个餐厅有一张桌子和4把椅子
There is going to be an English lecture this evening今晚将有一场英语演讲
(1)用于集体名词前,I was put into a large class last term我上学期被分到一个大班
(2)用于物质名词前,如coffee , food , tea , fruit , rain , snow , wind
An unexpected rain fell this morning in this small town 这个小镇今早突然下雨了
Working with Jane is a  great joy和简一起工作是一件很快乐的事情
A Mr . White wants to see you this afternoon一位怀特先生今天下午想见你
还是an取决于该形容词的第一个音素〕不可数名词,如education,history, knowledge
population 在表述其某一局部或者某一方面的内容概念时,前面常加不定冠词
China is an Asian country with  a long history中国是一个历史悠久的亚洲国家
Do you want a second chance?你想要再一次时机吗
Last night I dreamed a terrible dream昨晚我做了一个噩梦
The little girl smiled a friendly smile那个小姑娘友善地笑了笑
Have a look 看一看 have a walk 散步 have a rest 休息一下
Have a try 试一试 give a smile微笑 give a shout 大喊
Make a choice做出选择 make a decision做出决定
A great deal of 大量的  make a move 开始行动  for a while 一会儿  as a result 结果
In a hurry 匆忙地  after a while一会让以后  have a  good time 玩的愉快  make a living谋生
          如:an hour  an honest boy  a university
〔1〕在26个字母中,前面用an的字母有:a , e , f , h , I , l ,  m , n , o , r , s , x ,其他用a
      an umbrella ;  an unusual story ;  a university ;  a useful book
Where did you put the jeans? 你把牛仔裤放哪里了?
The sharpener in the desk is mine. 桌子里的卷笔刀是我的
I bought a book from Xinhua bookshop. The book costs 15 yuan.
    The orange is orange.
    The first lesson is very easy.
    She is the most careful student in our class.
    He is the younger of the two boys.
the sun 太阳    the moon 月亮    the earth 地球    the rain 雨
    the poor 穷人    the rich富人    the wounded 伤者    the sick 病人
Although they failed, they tried a third time.
The Great Wall; the United States
Jilin Province is in the north-east of China.
The more love we give ,the more love we will receive
13、用于“动词+人+介词+the +人体部位〞结构中
The woman hit the man in the face and the man struck her on the back
In every country the sun rises in the east太阳局部国别,永远升自东方
The Yangze River is home to many fishes and animals
in the morning/afternoon/ evening ;   in the daytime; all the time;
at the same time; by the way; in the open air; at the ;
on the other side ;
Happiness is a direction ,not a place 幸福是一个方向不是一个地点
〔2〕某些专有名词,如 人名、地名、国家名 等前面用零冠词
    China is a great country.
    Mary lives in New York.
    Man〔不可数名词〕cant live without water.
    Horses are domestic animals.
〔4〕名词前面如有指示代词〔this, that 〕物主代词、不定代词或名词所有格等修饰,不用冠词
Every student likes English in our class.
I like this picture better
This is my address, Lets keep in touch 这是我的地址,咱们保持联系吧
(5)用在表 日期、星期、月份、季节等词的前面,但假设特指某年的某月或某年的某个季节,
    June 1st is Childrens Day.
    Spring comes after winter.
    That event happened in the spring of 1932.
    We learned arithmetic at primary school 我们小学在学算数
Do you like playing basketball or football你喜欢打篮球还是橄榄球
    This is Professor Li.
    Whats wrong , Granny?
〔8〕单数可数名词相对应使用时,各名词前面不用冠词 ,介词或者连词链接的两个相同、
All day and all night 整天整夜day and night日日夜夜 Day after day日复一日
face to face 面对面的 hand in hand 手拉手 heart and soul 全心全意地
shoulder to shoulder肩并肩  one by one 一个接着一个little by little 渐渐地
husband and wife 夫妇man and woman 男人和女人step and step 一步一步
Battle after battle was fought打了一仗又一仗
He raised a black cat and a white cat
He raised a black and white cat他养了一只花猫
Man 表示全人类或者男性时,其前面不加冠词
Man can save the earth , and man can destroy the earth 人类能过拯救地球也可以消灭地球
Nanjing Road  南京路 Hainan Island海南岛
〔11〕与by连用的交通工具名词前用零冠词by car; by train;
但in a car,in a boat,on the bike,on a bus等短语中的交通工具前需用冠词
〔12〕假日、节日前用零冠词 New Years Day; Womens Day
On foot 步行,at home 在家 on show 展览 in surprise 惊讶地 after school 放学
in trouble陷入困境 at noon 在中午 by hand 手工
Set fire to 防火 catch fire 着火 put on weight 增肥 take part in 参加
Take office 就职 pay attention to注意
Keep in mind 牢记 come back to life 苏醒
Come to /into power 掌权 catch sight of 无意中看见
as /though 引导的倒装结构中,如果是名词放在句首,通常不用冠词
Girl as/though she is  , Mary has managed to swim across the river
系动词turn 后如果有名词时通常不用冠词〔turn 后的名词前有修饰词时需要用冠词〕
    I hope to be a pianist ,but I turned teacher我本想成为一名钢琴家,可最终成了教师
        go to school 上学〔是学生〕
        go to the school 到学校去〔不一定是学生〕
        go to bed 上床睡觉
        go to the bed 走到床前,向床边走去〔不一定是去睡觉〕
        at table 在吃饭
        at the table 在桌子旁
        at school 在上学
        at the school 在学校里
        in class 在上课
        in the class 在班级里
        in future 今后
        in the future 在将来
        next year 明年
        the next year 第二年
        by sea 乘船
        by the sea 在海边
        in hospital 生病住院
        in the hospital 在医院
    a number of 意为“许多〞,相当于a lot of,修饰可数名词复数,和名词一起作主语时谓语动词
用复数形式;the number of意为“...的数量,...的数目〞,和名词一起作主语时谓语动词用
    A number of students like playing computer games.
    The number of the students is about 1500 in our school.
(1)such 在修饰单数可数名词时,不定冠词紧跟在such 之后
I have never seen such an animal我从来没见过这样的动物
Miss green is such a warm-hearted teacher that all her pupils love her
(2)在被形容词修饰的单数可数名词在as/so/too 之后,不定冠词置于形容词之后,名词之前
It is as pleasant a day as I have ever spent我从未有过这么快乐的一天
(3)在有all \both\half\many 修饰的名词或者名词短语中,冠词位于其后
All the movie theatres are good 所有的剧院都很好
(4)  以what 开头的感慨句,不定冠词紧跟在what 后,以how开头的感慨句,how 紧跟形容词,不定冠词置于该形容词之后
Most people know what a great scientist Edison became later
What +a/an+形容词+单数可数名词可以和how+形容词+a/an+单数可数名词互换,但是同学们要注意这两个感慨句型中不定冠词的位置
课堂小测  〔 10min 〕
(    ) 1.“I〞      the first letter in the word“include〞,and there is       “u〞and    “l〞in it.
        A.am;an;a    B.am;a;an  C.is;a;an    D.is;an;a
(    ) 2.If we sit by       window of the train,we’11 have      better view.
        A./;the      B./;a      C.the;a      D.the;the
(    ) 3.Is      dictionary on the desk yours?
        No,I don’t have       English-Chinese dictionary.
        A.the;an      B.an;the      C.an;an      D.the;the
(    ) 4.I think it’s really      hard work for me to finish the job in twenty minutes.
        A.a            B.an          C.the          D./
(    ) 5.We can live a better life if we create       less polluted world.
        A.the          B.an          C.a          D./
(    ) 6.What do you often do after class?
        We often take part in after-class activities.I like to play     basketball,
        but my brother likes to play       guitar.
        A.a;the        B.the;the      C./;/    D./;the
(    ) 7.Emily,      11-year-old girl,can sing      pop songs.She dreams of
        being a pop singer.
        A.a;number of                  B.a;the number of
        C.an;a number of                D.an;the number of
(    ) 8.      person like him won’t be simply satisfied with       progress that
        has been made.
        A.The;a      B.A;the        C.The;/    D.The;the
(    ) 9.I can not remember when exactly the Robinsons left       city.I only
        remember it was       Sunday.
        A.the;a        B.a;the        C.a;a        D. the;the
(    )10.一What do you think of the bridge?
        一Wonderful! I have never seen       before.
        A.so a long one                  B.as long one
        C.such a long one                D.a such long one
(    )11.Yesterday she advised me to buy my daughter       iPad as a birthday
          Present.      useful suggestion she offered me!
          A.a;How      B.an;What a    C.an;What  D.a;How a
(    )12.一Do you want to give him      third chance?
        一Yes,he’s       only child in the poor family.
    A.the;a      B.the;the      C.a;/      D.a;the
(    )13.Before I talked with      doctor,I had never met such       humorous
          person like him.
          A.a;a        B.the;a        C.a;the      D.the;the
(    )14.—Have you heard of       news that Li Hong won the first prize in the
        —Yes,I have.What      exciting news!
    A.the;an      B.the;/        C.a;/      D.a;an
(    )15. What    good news! Our school band will play at Harbin Summer Concert in August.
A.a            B. the          C./
(    )16. When you travel in Xinghua , our local guide will show you around    Zheng Banqiao Memorial Hall〔纪念馆〕.
A.a            B.an          C./      D. the 
1.          boy is waiting for you at the gate.
2.            earth goes round          sun.
3.          horse is          useful animal.
4.Which subject is more difficult ,           maths or          physics?
5.Alice is          tallest girl in her class.
6.          book on the desk is Jim’s.
7.Most of the students go to          school by          bus.
8.March 8 is _________ Women’s Day.
一、用a , an 或 the 填空
1.________ earth goes around _______ sun .
2. I see _______ girl in  _______ zoo. The girl wears ________ red coat.
3. Where is _________  hospital?
4. Beijing is __________ capital of China.
5. You need to take ________ umbrella with you.
6. Do you like playing __________ football or playing ______ violin ?
7. “ Lesson one  〞 means “________ first lesson〞.
8. I like running in  _______- morning.
9. She likes eating hamburgers for _________ breakfast.
10. There is _______ old man and some children on ________ hill.
11. Today is __________ Mother’s Day. I bought ______- present for my mother.
________ present is _________ dress.
12. There is________ “ h 〞 in ________ word “ hill 〞.
1.The writer is        French person.
A、The    B、 a    C、 an    D、/
2.France is a big country, with coasts on      English Channel,
        Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea.
A、the, the , the    B、/,/,/    C、a, a, a    D、an, an, an
3.        Teachers’ Day is on 10 September.
A、The    B、 A    C、An    D、/
4.          are very kind to us.
A、The Turner      B、The Turners’    C、The Turners    D、Turners
5.The car can run 200 kilometers          hour.
A、an            B、a              C、/              D、the
6.Early in          morning, I visited          old friend of mine.
A、/; a    B、the; an    C、the; a    D、the; the
7.      spring is      beginning of a year.
A、/; the    B、the; a    C、the; the    D、a; a
8.---Where is        English teacher?    --He’s talking with Sam’s father over there.
A、a    B、an    C、the    D、/
9.Wang Wei’s father built a new house.      house cost him a lot of money.
A、The    B、A    C、the    D、An
10.We can’t see _______ sun at _________ night.
A、a; /              B、 a; the            C、 the; /          D、 the; the
11.This is _______ orange. It is _______ small orange.
A、 an; an            B、 an; a          C、 /; the          D、the; a
12.We’ve never seen ________film before. It’s very interesting.
A、so a good          B、 a so good        C、a such good    D、 such a good
13.John Smith is ________ of the two young men.
A、 strong            B、a stronger        C、 the stronger    D、 the strongest
14.The house in ______ front of the river is on ______ fire.
A、 /; /              B、 the; the          C、 the; /        D、 /; a
15.He often says ______ rich should help _______ poor.
A、 the; a            B、 a; the          C、 the; the        D、 /; /
16.There’s ______ egg on the plate. _____ egg is for you.       
A、 a; A              B、 an; An          C、 an; The        D、 the; An
17、As we know ,England is  _____European country and Singapore  is ____ Asian country
A.an  an  B an a  C a a  Da an
18、It is not _____    good idea to drive for four hours without _____    break
A、  a  a  B、the  the  C、 a  不填 D、 the a
19、Ling ling !Do you know _____    woman  in white 
Yes  , she is a nurse in our hospital
A  a  B、  the  C、 不填  D、 an
20、Do you play_____ piano  in your free time ?
No ,I like sports ,I often play _____  soccer with my  friends
A、不填  the    B、a  a    C、the    the    D、the 不填
21、 All the students agree to go to Qingdao by_____ sea and  camp by_____ sea
A、the ;a  B、 不填 ; the C、  不填 ;不填  D、 a; the
23、Mary has a bad cold .she has to stay in _____ bed
A、 a    B、 不填  C 、the
