一、 选择题
1. Why ______ join us in the game for fun!
A. not to    B. don’t    C. not to    D. not
2. --- I’m taking my driving test tomorrow
ACheers        BGood luck          CCome on        DCongratulations
3. It remains to be seen ___ the new policy can be put into practice.
  A. that      B. which    C. what      D. whether
4. Only when the countries in the Middle East are no longer at war _____able to live a
  peaceful life.
  A. will the people over there be    B. the people over there will be
  C. are the people over there        D. the people over there be
5. The way you thought of _________ the work is very good .
A. doing            B. to do            C.  that do        D. which to do
6. Only when students fail in the exam and are criticized severely ______ the importance of studies.
A. realize they  B. they have realized
C. will they realize    D. they will realize
考查倒装。“only+状语(副词、介词短语、从句等)放在句首时,句子要用全部倒装语序。 再结合句子意思: 只有学生考试不及格,受到严厉批评,他们才将会意识到学习的重要性。故选C
7. I consider _______ necessary for him to learn a foreign language.
A. that          B. it          C. one              D. this
8. —I think it's going to be a big problem.
—Yes,it could be.
I wonder       we can do about it.
A.if                    B.how              C.what                D.that
9. I was just to go out ____ it began to rain.
Aas          Bwhen            Cafter                      Dwhole
10. —What's that terrible noise, David?
—Oh, I forgot to tell you. The new machines in the nearby plant ________.
Awere tested              Bwill be tested
Care being tested          Dhave been tested
解析 考查动词时态。句意:——大卫,那可怕的噪音是什么?——噢,我忘了告诉你,附近工厂的新机器正在被检测。此处为正在进行的被动动作。
11. I’m calling to enquire about the position ___ in yesterday’s China Daily.
A. advertised    B. to be advertised  C. advertising  D. having advertised
12. How can I improve my English handwriting?
Copy a model of calligraphy (书法), in my opinion, ______ you’ll make progress little by little.
A. or                            B. when                      C. and                          D. until
13. A letter _____ today will probably reach her the day after tomorrow.
A. will be posted        B. posted          C. to post        D. posting
14. ---What made him disappointed?
---      visit his grandmother at the weekend.
A. Being not allowed to          B. He had not been allowed to
C. Having not been allowed to    D. Not being allowed to
15. Do remember to see a doctor tomorrow
________.(  )
A. Got it    B. Heard it
C. Made it    D. Taken it
答案 A [句意:——务必记住明天去看医生!——明白。口语中常用Got it表示知道了;明白了]
16. The restaurant is _________my uncle.
A. in charge of      B. in the charge of  C. in exchange for        D. by the means of
二、 完型填空
17. I always wanted to look like the slim girls on TV even though I knew that it was impossible. I worried about my ___21___ and tried every new diet I read about online. I tried no-fat, low-fat, only bananas, no bananas-I almost went bananas, too.
Then I read an article that said ___22___ asking ''Am I fat? '' I should be asking ''Am I ___23___?'' I had no ___24___ a letter could make such a ___25___! Once I started thinki
ng about fitness rather than weight, things began to ___26___. Instead of saying ''I want to lose three kilos'', I would say ''I want to ___27___ two kilometers in eight minutes'' or ''I want to do 30 push-ups''. Rather than ___28___ the foods I enjoyed, I added healthy foods to my meals. I could ___29___ have a burger now and then, but I would ____30____ a salad or an apple.
Finally, I stopped ____31____ myself with actresses and models and ____32____ things that were wrong with my face or body. Instead, I made a list of the things I ____33____ about myself. By being ____34____ about myself and my body, I became both happier and ____35____.
21. A. face    B. weight    C. future    D. comfort
22. A. after all    B. as long as    C. instead of    D. only if
23. A. tall    B. brave    C. beautiful    D. fit
24. A. source    B. idea    C. way    D. experience
25. A. summary    B. fortune    C. difference    D. chance
26 A. lose    B. change    C. survive    D. suit
27 A. suffer    B. find    C. run    D. get
28. A. taking in    B. cutting out    C. putting off    D. making up
29. A. still    B. never    C. hardly    D. seldom
30. A. throw    B. add    C. forget    D. buy
31. A. thinking    B. dreaming    C. warning    D. comparing
32. A. looking for    B. getting rid of    C. passing down    D. managing to
33. A. maintained    B. liked    C. refused    D. realized
