    今日给大家带来used to的用法,让我们一起来学习吧。下面我就和大家共享,来观赏一下吧。
    情态动词used to在句子中的用法
    一、Used to表示过去的习惯动作或状态,现在已不存在,在间接引语中,其形式可不变。如:
    1.He told us he used to play football when he was young.
    2.I weigh less than I used to.
    3.He is used to eating out all the time.
    4.Youll get used to it.
    5.Are you used to the food here?
    6.I used to get up early and take an hours walk before breakfast.
    7.Women used to think they were on the shelf at 30.
    8.Jack used to assist Mary in her lessons.
    Did you use to go to the same school as your brother?
    Used you to go to the same school as your brother?
    I usednt to go there.
    I didnt use to go there.
    Usent you to be interested in the theatre?
    Didnt you use to be interested in the theatre?
    I certainly used to smoke,but it was a long time ago.
    I certainly did use to smoke,but it was a long time ago.
    She used to be very fat,didnt she? (口语+常用)/ use(d)nt she? (正式+过时)
    Did you use to play chess? Yes,I did.
    Used you to get up early in the morning? Yes,I did. (Yes,I used to.)
    Used to 用法小结
    01 一、把握used to的构成
    used to+动词原形,其中to是不定式符号
    02 二、把握used to用法。
    used to do sth. 过去经常做某事,它没有人称和数的变化。
    1. 表示过去存在而今不复存在的习惯行为或状态,意为:“过去经常”,其中to不定式符号,后接动词原形,表示今昔对比。如:
    I used to walk to school, but now I am used to taking the school bus to school.
    2. used to 与there be 结构连用,表示“过去存在的状态”,而现在不存在此类状态了。如:
    There used to be a lot of trees here.这里原来有很多树。(意味着现在没有了)
    3. used to 与always, often, sometimes等频度副词连用时,并非表示现在的动作或现在的习惯,仍表示过去习惯、过去常常反复发生的动作或存在的状态。如:
    She used to write to her father with pens. 她过去常常用钢笔写信给她父亲。
    03 三、把握used to 的句子结构。
    1. used to的确定句结构
    主语+used to+动词原形……如:
    I used to go to the cinema, but I never have time now. 我过去常常去看电影,但现在没有时间了。
    2. used to的否定句结构,其否定结构有两种形式。
    ⑴ 主语+did not use to+动词原形……,这种否定句型,就是把used当做实义动词来看,所以变否定句要用助动词did,是美式英语用法。如:
    You used to drink. →You didnt use to drink.
    ② 主语+used not to+动词原形……,这种否定句是把used当做情态动词,变否定句直接在used后面加not即可,used not可以缩写成usednt,是英式英语用法。如:
    The shop used to open on Sung\days.→ The shop usednt to open on Sunday.
    3. used to的一般疑问句结构,其一般疑问句有两种形式。
    ⑴ Did+主语+use to+动词原形……?这种一般疑问句,就是把used当做实义动词来看,所以变一般疑问句时要用助动词did,是美式英语用法。如:
    I used to go swimming in the river when I was young.
    →Did you use to go swimming in the river when you were young?
    ⑵ Used+主语+to+动词原形……?这种一般疑问句是把used当做情态动词,所以变一般疑问句时,直接把used提到句首,是英式英语用法。如:
    He used to go to school by bike.→ Used he go to school by bike?
    4. used to 的确定和否定回答结构。
    used to用于省略句时,确定式保留to,否定式不保留to。如:
    —— Used you play basketball? 你过去常打篮球吗?
    ——Yes, I used to.(No, I usednt.) 是的,常常打。(不,不常打。)
    5. used to的反意疑问句,其反意疑问句有两种形式。
    ⑴ 在附加疑问部分中借助于助动词did构成,这种反意疑问句,就是把used当做实义动词来看,所以变反意疑问句时要用助动词did,是美式英语用法。如:
    She used to go to work by bus, didn’t she?
    She didn’t use to do it, did she?
    ⑵ 在附加疑问部分中直接使用usedn’t。这种反意疑问句是把used当做情态动词,所以变反意疑问句时,直接用used,是英式英语用法。如:There used to be a bookshop here, usedn’t there?
