                  主动                      被动
一般式          to write                    to be written
进行式          to be writing                无
完成式          to have written              to have been written
完成进行式      to have been writing          无
1) 不定式的一般式常表示与谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生或在其后发生
e.g. I saw him enter the room.
  They decided to discuss the problem at the next meeting.
2) 不定式的进行式强调其动作与谓语动词表示的动作同时进行
e.g. She is likely to be waiting for us at the station.
3) 不定式的完成式表示其动作发生在谓语动词动作之前
e.g. She knows every detail. She seems to have read the book before.
I am glad to meet you.
I am glad to have met you.
2. 动词不定式作状语一般用于下列结构中
(in order) (not) to
so as (not) to
e.g. I’ve come to attend the meeting.
  In order to measure matter, we must have units of weight, volume and length.
  Her brother always gets up early so as to catch the first bus.
be + 表示心情状态的形容词/过去分词+不定式
这些形容词或过去分词有:able, afraid, ambitious, anxious, ashamed, angry, eager, careful, careless, fortunate, frightened, happy, glad, delighted, fit, impatient, foolish, grieved, ready, shocked, surprised, reluctant, unfortunate, willing, unwilling, wrong, worthy, jump with joy
e.g.  She is ashamed to tell us of her mistakes.
    He jumped with joy to learn his son had passed the exam.
too+ 形容词/副词+ to
e.g.  He knows too little to speak on the subject.
We are never too old to learn.
但(only) too+某些表心情的形容词(ready, pleased, glad, likely, willing, eager)+ to 表示肯定意义
e.g.  I am only too glad to work with you.
He was too willing to finish the work at once.
形容词/ 副词+ enough to
e.g.  The car is big enough to hold all of us.
so + 形容词/副词+ as to
e.g.  She is so stupid as not to understand such a simple thing.
such + 名词+ as to
e.g.  These two compounds react in such a way as to liberate oxygen.
only to
e.g.  He made a long speech only to show his ignorance of the subject.
The book is interesting enough to attract many readers.
This is such an interesting book as to attract many readers.
This is so interesting a book as to attract many readers.
The book is so interesting as to attract many readers.
                      及物动词write                    不及物动词 go
现              主动语态            被动语态           
在    一般式    writing              being written            going
分词  完成式    having written        having been written      having gone
    过去分词                      written                gone
e.g.  the exploiting class (=the class that exploits) 剥削阶级
the exploited class(=the class that is exploited) 被剥削阶级
a developing country(=a country that is developing) 发展中国家
a developed country(=a country that has developed) 发达国家
fallen leaves 落叶
The man standing thereweigh的用法 is our group leader. 主动,正在进行
The boy beaten is my brother. 被动,已完成
e.g.  The man talking with our teacher is his father. 同时
Sitting in an armchair, he told me he would go abroad. 同时
The man rose from the ground, beating the dust off his clothes. 后于
Knowing that they were going to the countryside the following week, the students began to make preparations. 先于
e.g.  Having done the days work, they went home.
Having met with an accident, he was not able to go to school.
1)作时间状语,常前置,相当于时间状语从句。如果分词的动作与谓语动词的动作同时发生,分词短语前可加when 或while.
Hearing the news (=When they heard the news), they set off for the station at once.
Heated (=When it is heated), water changes into steam.
While watching the film, I couldnt help thinking of my own childhood.
The rocket will weigh 100 tons when completed.
Not knowing (As we did not know) he would come, we did not make any preparations.
Deeply moved by the story (As he was deeply moved by the story), the child began to cry.
3)表示方式或伴随状况( 两个动作同时发生,分词动作较次要,只是对谓语动作进行修饰或说明),常位于句末,一般不能用状语从句替换.
These contented people stood in front of their cozy homes, talking about all the guns.
Talking and laughing, the girls came into the room.
Given more money (If I am given more money), I can buy it too.
We adopted many new methods, (thus) improving the quality of our products.
