九年级英语Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.【课堂笔记】
常用词组make sb.do sth.使某人做某事
*2. make sb.sleepy 使某人困倦3 would rather do sth.than do sth.
=would do sth.rather than do sth.
宁愿做某事而不愿做某事4. azy 使某人发疯
5.have a lot in common有很多共同之处6. feel left out感到被忽略
*7. make our friendship stronger使我们的友谊更加坚固
*8. cry for no reason无缘无故地哭9. weigh的用法examine sb. = look over sb.检查某人
*1(). be called in 被召唤find nothing 发现没有 问题
*12. sb.向某人解释worry about/be worried about doing sth.
担忧做某事*14. lose one's power/wealth/fame
失去某人的权力/财富/名声*15. take one's position = take one's place
取代某人的位置be followed by sb.被某人跟踪
16.steal sth.from sb.从某人那里偷来某物(steal过去式:stole过去分词:stolen)*18. in three days1 time在三天的时间内
*19. to start with 起初20. hand back one's exam归还某人的试卷
*21. remain unhappy 仍然不开心
22. a happy person with power and money
*23. a heavy weight on his shoulders
*24. let sb.down使某人失望
*25. kick sb.off 开除某人
*26. on the school soccer field 在学校足球场上
27.score the goal 射门得分
*28. keep one's eyes on sth.眼睛盯着某物
29.walk through the door 走过门
*30. be hard on sb.对某人苛刻
*31. be close to winning the game 即将获胜
*32. pull together 齐心协力
*33. nod to sb.in agreement赞同地对某人点点头(nod过去式/过去分词:nodded)
*34. to one's surprise and relief
*35. lose/win the game
1.The movie was so sad that it made Tina and Amy cry.
2.The more I get to know Julie, the more I realize that we have a lot in common. 我了解朱莉越多,就越意识到我们有很多共同之处。
3.A long time ago, there lived an unhappy king. His face was always pale as chalk. 很久很久以前,那里住着一个不开心的国王。他的脸总是像粉笔一样苍白。
4.Neither medicine nor rest can help him.
5.What he needs is the shirt of a happy person to wear.
6.It's true that I'm famous and everyone loves my songs.
7.Besides, winning or losing is only half the game. The other half is learning how to communicate with your teammates and learning from your mistakes.
此外,赢与输只是比赛的一半。另一半是要学会如何与队友交流,并从你的错误中 吸取教训。
8.The next day, Peter went to soccer practice with courage rather than fear in his heart.
9.To his surprise and relief, his teammates all nodded in agreement.
10.It made him feel lucky to know that he was on a winning team.
1.would rather 宁愿
(l)would rather意为“宁愿”,后跟动词原形。如:
I would rather stay at home.
(2)would rather do sth.than (do) sth.宁愿做而不愿做如:
I would rather stay at home than go out.
He would rather have the small one than (have) the large one.
2. nor.・・既不也不
neier…nor…用于连接两个表示并列关系的成分,用于否认两者,意为“既不……也 不;和都不"。如:
