  主动表达:I ate an apple in the morning.
  被动表达:An apple was eaten by me in the morning.
  上面句中的ate 这个词原形是eat,它具有主被动形式。在英文中,并非所有的动词都具有被动形式,针对此,文都英语老师将常用主动形式表被动的重要动词及短语作相关总结。
  【1】consist of 表示“由……所组成”=be made up of
  例如:The medical team consists of 3 doctors and 7 nurses.
  =The medical team is made up of 3 doctors and 7 nurses.
  【2】be to 表示“应负责;受到责备”
  例如:The driver is to blame to the accident.
  【3】need, want, require表示“需要被……”时,后跟动名词的主动形式表被动
  例如:The room needs/wants/requires cleaning.
  =The room needs/wants/requires to be cleaned.
  【4】be worth doing worth后一定跟动名词主动用法。表示“值得做某事”
  例如:The city is well worth visiting.
  【5】weigh 表示“重……”;measure表示“测量结果为……”
  例如:The melon weighs 10 pounds.
  The room measures 6x6 meters.
  【6】read 表示“上面写有……字样”
  例如:The sign on the door reads : no entry.
  【7】happen, take place, occur/break out, burst out 表示发生/爆炸等含义时只有动词形式。
  例如:The accident took place last month.
  【8】sell, open, drive, write, wash, wear表示“特性,性能”时用主动用法。
  例如:The book sells well.
  The door opens easily.
  The pen writes smoothly.
  The cloth washes easily.
  The sweater wears comfortably.
  【9】所有的系动词都是主动用法,如 look, sound, smell, taste, feel, appear, get, become, remain, go wrong/bad, come true.
