1Jim has never___________ (be)to Mount Tai in China.
2.I like teachers who___________(be) always friendly。helpful and fair to each student.
3.I is raining outside。Why not___________(take) an umbrella with you?
4.This machine can___________(translate ) simple messages。into 24 different languages.
5.___________(wash)your XXX.
6.The little girl is often afraid to___________。(cross )the street.
7.The red roses ___________(smell) sweet.
8.An apple a day___________(keep)the doctor away.
9.She always___________(take)a walk after dinner.
10.The old photo on the wall___________(remind)me of the days we XXX.
11.He___________(wake) up to find XXX.
12.If I___________(be) Yang Liwei,I would fly into the space.
13.Teenagers should ___________(allow)to make their own decisions.
14.(2017省卷83题) English___________(speak) all over the world.
15.Usually,shirts and ties___________(give )to XXX.
16.Have you ever read the books___________(translate) by Yang Jiang?
17.Each of the students___________(ask) to take a dictionary to the English class.
18.What is the language___________(speak) in that country?
19.By the time the visitors arrived,Phi___________l(clean)up the house.
20.Look。The Smiths___________(eat) dinner in the kitchen.
21.Please be quiet The children___________(sleep).
22.He was see___________(argue) with his classmates last night.
23.Look。The Greens ___________(play )XXX in the park。What a happy family!
24.After___________(finish)your homework。you can have a good rest.
25.Many April Fool’s jokes may end up___________(be) not very funny.
26.I don’t think___________ (be ) angry with yourself XXX.
27.As a student you should avoid___________(smoke).
28.(My mother thinks ___________(get)up too late isn't good for my health.
29.My father usually goes to work early___________(avoid) heavy traffic.
30.Kim invites me__________(spend) XXX.
31.Be careful___________( not fall)off the ladder.
32.The library is a good place___________ (read).
33.My pen is___________(break).Could I use yours?
34.The actor and director ___________(be )coming to give us a speech XXX.
35.His father always___________ ( encourage ) him to deal with difficulties on his own.
36.He should take off his shoes before he ___________(enter )the room.
37.Lang Ping,___________( consider) as one of the greatest coaches in the world。
is from Beijing.
38.In Switzerland。some of the old clothes are___________(sell)in some special shops.
39.I have _________(keep) this book for three weeks。So I have to return it this afternoon.
40.I was___________( choose ) as a member of the school XXX.
41.Young children are___________(teach )the common sense of road safety to avoid road
42.My sister is ___________(dance)。and she likes dancing.
43.We must come to a ___________(decide) about what to do next by tomorrow.44.He___________( refuse )to go to the party yesterday。so I had to go there instead.
45.I’ve tried to work hard on my schoolwork but still___________ (fail)
46.I saw the girls___________(dance )in the room when I passed by.
47.You are supposed to close the windows。It's reported that it will be a________( rain)day.
48.He felt__________(excite )about the news that the famous singer would have a concert
in his city.
weight的所有形式49.The novel is great because it tells us the life in the 20th century。It's well worth_______
____(read) again.
