1.XXX every day。This can help you XXX.
2.You should practice speaking English as much as you can。This will help you XXX.
3.Don't et to listen to the tapes when you have free time。This can help you XXX.
4.Try not to be afraid of making XXX is a natural part of learning and can help you improve.
5.Tom ot to do his XXX.
6.How about going swimming this weekend。It's a fun way to XXX.
7."Try not to be late for class again," the teacher said to Susan。XXX for success in school and in life.
8.It is difficult for me to remember all the new words。I need to XXX.
9.You can XXX an English club。This will give you XXX.
10.Why don't you listen to some music when you are tired。Music can be a great way to relax and recharge.
11.Is Shanghai warmer than Beijing。It's important to know the XXX.
13.The box XXX the weight of objects for safety reasons.
14.Your bag is better than mine。It's okay to XXX.
15.Which is bigger。a bus or a car。Comparing sizes is a common way to describe objects.
16.It'll e as fat as you。This phrase XXX to some people and should be used with n.
17.Hong Kong has seven n people。Knowing the ns of different cities and countries XXX.
18.Your apple is smaller than his。Comparing sizes is a common way to describe objects.
weight的所有形式19.I find it very hard to learn English well。Learning a new language can be challenging。but with practice and n。it is possible to improve.
20.We have made a plan to help the poor children。XXX.
21.It took me two hours to XXX for academic and personal success.
19.Learning English well is a XXX.
20.We have XXX.
21.It took me two hours to XXX.
22.XXX me by making me stand outside for five minutes.
23.Tom。please refrain from playing with the little bird.
24.It is our XXX.
25.We must help ensure that animals can live in peace.
26.I have decided to stay away from home this weekend.
27.I am XXX.
29.Dick is putting in a lot of XXX.
30.It is XXX.
31.Practice XXX.
32.Let us draw the picture together.
33.We were thrilled to catch a glimpse of the movie star last night.
