1.  一般情况加s,如:pen—pens, doctor—doctors,boy—boys,其读音规则是在清辅音后读[s],在元音和浊辅音后读[z]。
如:map—map , boy—boys.
2. 在以s, sh, ch, x结尾的名词后面加es,如:bus—buses, class—classes,其读音为[iz]。
3. 以ce, se, ze, (d)ge结尾的名词加s,其读音为[iz]。
4. 以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,要将y变为i再加es,读作[z],如:factory—factories, country—countries, family—families.但要注意的是以元音字母加y结尾的名词的复数形式只加s,如:boy—boys, day—days。
5. 以o结尾的名词的复数形式一般要加es,但如果o前面是元音字母或外来词,缩写词以o结尾
的则只加s,有生命的要加es 没有生命的加s
如:tomato—tomatoes, hero—heroes; potato- potatoes  negro-negroes
photo—photos, radio—radios, piano—pianos
6. 以f或fe结尾的名词的复数形式要将f或fe变为v再加es,如:knife—knives, leaf—leaves, 但有些例外的词如roof的复数形式是roofs。
7. 不规则名词的复数形式是要单个记忆的,它没有规律可循,如:man—men, woman—women, child—children, foot—feet, tooth—teeth, mouse—mice
8. 单复同形的名词有:fish, sheep, deer…
9. 单数形式但其意为复数的名词有:people, police, family等。 名词还有格的变化,其主格可作主语,宾格可作宾语。还有所有格,用来表示人或物的所有,以及领属关系。表示有生命的名词的所有格其单数形式是加's其复数形式是s',如其结尾不是s的复数形式仍加's,如:a student's room, students' rooms, Children's Day. 在表示时间、距离、世界、国家……名词
的所有格要用's,如: a twenty minutes' walk. 但无生命名词的所有格则必须用of结构,如:the capital of our country, the colour of the flowers
1、orange          2、class              3、text            4、monkey            5、piano            6、child              7、shelf              8、bed              9、country            10、family            11、toy              12、foot            13、Japanese            14、radio            15、photo            16、army              17、tomato              18、fox              19、woman            20、knife              22、sheep           
1、There        on the wall .They are very beautiful.
A. are photoes  B. are photos  C. is a photo  D. is photos
2.  This kind of car      made in  Shanghai.
A.  is  B .are  C .were  D .has
3.  There are four      and two          in the group.
  A. Japanese,Germen    B Japaneses,Germen  C. Japanese,German    D.Japanese, Germans
4. That’s          art  book.    A. an  B. a  C. the  D are
5. The boys have got        already(已经).
  A. two bread    B. two breads  C. two pieces of bread  D. two piece of bread
6. The old man wants       
  .A.  six boxes of apples  B.  six boxes of apple
  C.  six box of apples    D.  six boxs of apples
7. There    some    in the river.
A. is ,fish  B. are, fishs  C. is, fishs  D. are ,fish
8. There    two    in  the box.
A. is watch B. are watches C. are watch D. is watches
9. We should clean        twice a day.
A .our tooth  B. our tooths  C.teeth    D.our teeth
10.They come from different ______A. untries C. a country D. countrys
11. How many _____do you see in the ato  D.the tomato
12.  They are______.      A . woman teachers  B. women teachers  C. women teacher  D. woman teacher
weight什么时候用复数13.  Would you like _______ ,please?
  A. two glass of  water      B. two glasses of  water 
C. two glass of  waters    D. two glasses of  waters
14.  Most of ______ live in _______.
A. Germans, German B. German, Germen C. Germen, Germany D. Germans, Germany
15.  There are some ______ in these _______.A.knifes…pencil-boxes    B.knives…pencils-box  C.knives…pencil-box  D.knives…pencils-boxes
16.  ______ like ______ by air. 
A. Greens, travelling  B. The Green, traveling C. The Greens, travel
D. The Greens, traveling
    A. the people  B. people  C. peoples  D. the peoples
1.  I have two_____ (knife)
2.  There are many _____ here. (box)
3.  There are many _____ on the road. (bus)
4.  A few _____ are drawing on the wall. (boy)
5.  The _______ are playing football now. (child)
1.He was eager to make some extra money, since during these years he could hardly live on his_______.   
a. little wage    b. few wage    c. wage    d. wages
2.Most of the houses in the village were burnt to ______ during the war.
a. an ash    b. the ash    c. ash    d. ashes
3.The students at colleges or universities are making ______ for the coming New Year.
a.        many preparations    b. much preparation    c. preparations    d. preparation
4.Painting in _____ is one of their spare-time activities.
a.  oil    b. an oil    c. oils    d. the oil
5.In the view of the foreign experts, there wasn’t ____ oil here.
a.  much    b. lots of    c. a great deal of    d. many
6.The large houses are being painted, but ______.
a. of great expense    b. at a great expense  c. in a lot of expenses d. by high expense
7.The room was small and contained far too ______.
a.much new furniture    c. much new furnitures
