高三英语一轮复习导学案  选修六 Module 2 编制人:    审核人:      审批人       
课题:period 1:language points  weight的用法及短语授课日期:      姓名:        班级:          编号:
过程与方法: 积累词汇并掌握其用法,提升运用能力
情感态度价值观: 积极而热情地投入,充实自己的英语知识
教学重点: 掌握本单元词汇、短语和句型的用法
一、 知识点部分(A级)

1 in shape 在形状上
in the shape of ……的形状
out of shape 变形的;走样的
take shape 成形;形成规模

2. doubt n.&v. 怀疑 疑问
no/without/beyond doubt毫无疑问(地)
in doubt    不确定的/
There is no doubt that/……毫无疑问
3.hesitate about/over/at (doing) sth. 对(做)某事犹豫不决
hesitate to do sth. 迟疑于做某事
without hesitation 毫不犹豫地
4. marry sb.        娶某人/嫁给某人
marry sb. to sb 把某人嫁给某人
be married (to sb.)    (和某人)结婚(表状态)
get married (to sb.)    (与某人)结婚(强调动作)
5.be possessed of拥有(某种品质、能力等);占有;具有
be in possession of 拥有;在某人的控制下
be in the possession of(某物)为(某人)所拥有/控制
take possession of占有……
possess  vt. 拥有,持有
possession n.U]拥有,占有;(pl)财产,所有物
6.play a part/role    扮演一个角
le in  参加,在中担任一个角;起作用
take part in        参加
take an active part in    ……中起积极作用,积极参加
7associate sb./ sth. with    把某人/某物与……联系起来
associate with sb.      (尤指他人不赞同的)人交往
in association with    ……合伙(合作)
(be) associated with
8.turn down        拒绝,调低
turn up            出现,到达;开大
turn in            上交
turn back  折回 翻回
turn ……into ……变成
turn on / off /关(灯等)
turn out 结果是  生产  出来
turn to +n/doing转向  ……求助
turn away 走开, 不让……进入  拒之门外  转过身去

9 put down 放下;写下,记下(=write down); 镇压/平息(叛乱、革命)
put aside 存钱
put away 放好,收起来;存钱
put an end to 结束
put back ()拨慢;推迟;阻碍
put forward 提出
put into 插入;译成
put off 延期,拖延
put on 上演;穿戴
put on weight 长胖
put out 熄灭,扑灭; 伸出,拿出
put sb to bed 打发某人睡觉
put sb to the trouble of 麻烦某人做
put up 挂起,张贴; 举起,抬起;建造,搭起;为某人提供膳宿
put up with 忍受,容忍
put one’s heart into 用心去做
get down to doing sth.    终于开始做(需要花费许多时间或精力的事)

10look down upon(on) 看不起,轻视
look forward to  盼望,期待
look into ...看去;调查
look on  旁观,观望
look through  浏览,翻阅,温习,仔细查看;透过...
look up  查寻,查阅;抬头

11appeal to sb. 对某人有吸引力
appeal to sb. for sth.=make an appeal to sb. for sth.因某事向某人呼吁
appeal to sb. to do sth. 恳求某人做某事
appeal to the law    诉诸法律
12. sth occur to/ strike sb 某人想起某事

On seeing her, the king immediately falls in love with her. (page 20)一见到她,国王就爱上了她。
on/upon+n./doing sth. on/upon在此表示时间,意为…………;……的时候
on+ v.-ing或表示动作的名词
at+名词  E.g.At the news, I changed my plan
At the thought of leaving, he began to weep.
At the sight of his brother, he jumped with joy..
as soon as
the moment/the minute/the instant / instantly/ immediately/ directly
no sooner …than  hardly……when (注意:位于句首句子要进行部分倒装)
1 If necessary, help the person who is telling the story.
2 On seeing her, the king immediately falls in love with her.
3 It looked as if someone had cut a patch out of the air , …
4 A young man was walking through a wood when he saw a ring lying on the ground.
Although in Japan radiation is now being detected in some food in the area where the March 11 earthquake happened , none of the food has been imported to Canada.
  The earthquake and tsunami, which left more than 30,000 people dead or missing ,caused great damage at the Fukushima nuclear power factory , which resulted in radiation leaking (泄露) into the atmosphere.
  Japanese products sold in Canada now were shipped before the nuclear factory was damaged , so they would not be radioactive (放射性的) the Canadian Food Inspection Agency says on its website .
  Since the earthquake and tsunami , Japan has not shipped any products to Canada, but once exporting begins again, the CFIA will be monitoring any potential risk from Japanese food , plants and animals.
  “Measures , such as testing , may be taken to assure that Canada’s food supply remains protected,” the CFIA says on its website. “Strict controls and tracking systems are in place for imported food , plants and animals , and additional action will be taken if necessary to protect the safety of Canada’s food supply.”
  Food polluted by radioactive materials will not appear spoiled , but eating such food could increase health risks , including cancer in the future. The surface of food can become radioactive if radioactive particles fall on it through air or rain water.
  The International Atomic Energy Agency reported that the Japanese Ministry of Health found Iodine-131 in three milk samples ,which was above the allowed levels . Cesium-137 was detected in one sample , but below allowed levels. Iodine-131 and Cesium-137 were also found in leaf vegetables such as onions and spinach at higher levels than allowed by Japanese law .
