1.—Is Julie as tall as you?
—No, she isn't. She's      than me.
A. tall
B. short
C. taller
D. tallest
【答案】 C
2.People who always do sports are in      spirits than those who don't.
A. high
B. higher
C. tall
D. taller
【答案】 B
【解析】【分析】句意:总是做运动的人比不做运动的人精神状态更高。  A.高的,原级;  B.更高的,比较级;  C.高的,原级;  D.更高的,比较级。spirits精神,形容精神高用high,than是比较级标志词,所以用high的比较级higher,故选B。
3.To make rivers      than before, everybody is supposed to protect them.
A. dirty
B. dirtier
C. clean
D. cleaner 【答案】 D
【解析】【分析】句意:要使河流比以前更干净,每个人应该去保护它们。根据比较词than,可知此处用比较级结构,根据 everybody is supposed to protect them,可知是为了河流更干净,故选D。
4.—Diana. I forget new words quickly. How can I remember them?
—Don't worry. It's      to forget new words! I suggest you read the words and try to use them.
A. rude
B. exciting
C. perfect
D. natural
【答案】 D
【解析】【分析】句意:——戴安娜。我很快就忘了新词。我怎么能记住它们?——别担心。忘记新词是很自然的!我建议你读读单词,并尽量使用它们。  A 粗鲁;B 令人兴奋的;C 完美的;D 自然的。根据题干中的语句 to forget new words可知,这是很自然的事情,故选D。
5.I live next to a supermarket. It's ______for me to do some shopping.
A. crowded
B. valuable
C. convenient
D. awful
【答案】 C
【解析】【分析】句意:我住在超市旁边,所以购物对我来说很方便。A拥挤的,B贵重的,C方便的,D糟糕的;根据 I live next to a supermarket. 可知我住在超市旁边,所以购物
6.The flying squirrel might be one of __________ animals you could meet during the trip.            A. strange                        B. stranger                        C. strangest                        D. the strangest 【答案】 D
【解析】【分析】句意:这会飞的松鼠可能是你在旅程中能遇到的最奇怪的一个动物。one of+the+形容词最高级+名词复数,表示最……之一,故选D。
【点评】此题考查形容词最高级。注意固定短语one of+the+形容词最高级+名词复数。
7.LeBron James is one of ___________ players in the NBA. He is my hero.
A. better
B. the best
C. worse
D. the worst 【答案】 B
one of结构中如果后面跟形容词,应使用最高级,故排除AC,根据 He is my hero. 可知他是最好的篮球运动员之一。故答案是B。
【点评】考查形容词的最高级,注意在one of 结构中应使用形容词最高级。
8.Wu Dajiang, a _________Chinese skater, set a new world record at the Short Track World Cup last year.
A. 25-years-old
B. 25 year old
C. 25-year-old
D. 25 years old 【答案】 C
9.The artist is so ________ that he can make different changing pictures with sand.
A. common
B. careless
C. creative
D. helpful
【答案】 C
图片。A.常见的;B.粗心的;C.有创造性的;  D.有帮助的。能用沙子制成不同变化的图片很
10.— I tried several ways to work out the math problem, but      of them worked.
— Never give up. I believe you'll make it.
A. all
B. each
C. none
D. neither
【答案】 C
—不要放弃。我相信你将成功。  A.所有,三者或者三者以上;  B.每个;C.没有,表示三者或者三者以上;  D.两者都不。根据several ways,可知是三者或者三者以上,排除D。根据but,可知虽然尝试许多方法。但是没有起作用的,表示否定,故选C。
11.You need not only talent but also hard work to become a _________ football player.            A. young                            B. successful                            C. happy                            D. friendly
【答案】 B
员。A年轻的,B成功的,C高兴的,D友好的. 根据You need not only talent but also hard work,可知这是成功的关键,故选B。
12.— This kind of watch is much      today than last month. Would you like to have one?
— Really? I'll take one.
A. the most expensive
B. the cheapest
C. more expensive
D. cheaper 【答案】 D
便宜的多,你想买一块吗?--真的?我想买。因为第一句有than,可知,这里应该用比较级,根据Would you lik e to have one?可知,要买肯定是价格比较低,故选D。
13.—“Food Safety” problem is becoming ______ these days
—I think so.The government must do something to deal with it.
A. smaller and smaller
B. worse and worse
C. better and better
D. nicer and nicer
府必须采取措施来应对这一问题了。根据 The government must do something to deal with it
比较级  and 比较级的用法,表示越来越…所以此处应用worse and worse.故选B。
14.—If there are ________ people driving, there will be ________ air pollution.
—Yes, and the air will be fresher.
A. less; less
B. less; fewer
C. fewer; fewer
D. fewer; less
【答案】 D
其比较级是fewer,更少,修饰可数名词,people,可数名词,用fewer修饰,air pollution,空气污染,不可数名词,用less修饰,故选D。
15.Nothing is _________ than riding.I like it best.
A. enjoyable
B. more enjoyable
C. most enjoyable
D. the most enjoyable
【答案】 B
than 可知应该是比较级,enjoyable的比较级是more enjoyable,故选B。
16.—I'm very tired these days, Mary.
— Why not        music. It can make you      .
A. listen to; relaxed
B. listening to; to relax
C. listening to; relax
D. listen to; to relax
【答案】 A
【解析】【分析】句意:——玛丽,这些天我非常累,——何不听一下音乐。它能让你放松。why not后直接跟动词原形,故排除BC,make sb+adj使某人如何,空二使用形容词,relaxed是形容词,relax是动词,故答案是A。
【点评】考查动词的基本形式和形容词做宾补,注意识记固定句式why not do…和make sb.+adj的用法。
17.It's really      you not to tell your parents about the problems. Do you think you can solve them on your own?
A. smart of
B. smart for
C. silly of
D. silly for 【答案】 C
【解析】【分析】句意:你不把问题告诉父母,真傻。你认为你能自己解诀吗?在后句“你认为你能自己解决吗?”可知作者认为“傻”,所以A,B都错了。不定式作主语的结构是:it+ adj+for/ of sb to do sth (对……来讲,做某事……)用介词for时,前面的adj指事情;用of 时,前面的adj指人的品质。本题中的silly(傻的)指人,所以后面跟of。故选C。
18.Who is          one, Tom or Jack?
A. the taller
B. the tall
C. the tallest
D. tall
【解析】【分析】句意:汤姆和杰克,谁更高?  A.the taller更高的,比较级;.the tall高的;C.the tallest最高,最高级形式;  D.tall高,原形。在汤姆和杰克两人之间作比较,用比
19.Qomolangma is ______ than any other mountain. I hope to climb it one day.
A. high
B. higher
C. highest
weight的用法及短语D. the highest
级表达最高级:比较级+than+any other +单数名词。表示比其它任何的都......。故答案为B。
【点评】考查固定用法。用比较级表达最高级:比较级+than+any other +单数名词。
20.To create a more      space, eating or drinking on the subway in Beijing is not allowed.
A. relaxing
B. personal
C. uncrowded
D. comfortable
【答案】 D
【解析】【分析】句意:为了创造一个更舒服的空间,北京不允许在地铁上吃喝。  A.轻松的;B.个人的;C.不拥挤的;  D.舒服的。地铁上能吃喝会破坏乘车环境,因此地铁禁止饮食
21.Just be ______; you can't lose your weight in a day.
A. careful
B. patient
C. honest
D. brave
【答案】 B
【解析】【分析】句意:要有耐心,你不可能在一天中减肥。  A.小心的,仔细的;  B.有耐心的;C.诚实的;D.勇敢的。根据常识可知,不可能一天就能减肥成效,要有耐心,故选
22.— I am ___tired, but I still have _________ clothes to wash.
—Cheer up, mom. Let me help you.
A. too much; too many
B. much too; many too
C. too much; much too
D. much too; too many
【答案】 D
【解析】【分析】句意:——我太累了,但我还有很多衣服要洗。——振作起来,妈妈。我来帮你。 too much太多的,修饰不可数名词;too many 太多的,修饰不可数名词,too 是加强much和many一起;much too,非常,太,修饰形容词/副词/动词,much是加强
