1. The police are _______ the records of all these involved in the crime.
A. looking into        B. looking out        C. looking after        D. looking on
2. In hard times people always ____their country’s leaders for guidance.
      A. look to            B. look on        C. look into            D. look down
3. “Goodbye, then,” she said, without even ______ from her book.
      A. looking down        B. looking up      C. looking away          D. looking on
4. I have ______ all my papers but I still can’t find my notes.
A. looked through        B. looked for        C. looked after              D. looked out
5. It is agreed that constant arguing doesn’t _______ a happy marriage.
A. make out              B. make for    C. make up            D. make up for
6. Without my glasses I can hardly _______ what has been written in the letter.
A. make for            B. make up        C. make out            D. make up for
7. If you lack experience, you can _____ it through practice.
      A. make up            B. make up for        C. make of            D. make into
8. He _______ some Japanese during his trip to Tokyo.
A. picked off            B. picked on        C. picked up            D. picked out
9. The Bus ______ outside of New York Bus Station at
A. pulled up            B. pulled on        C. pulled down          D. pulled over
10. As we all know, X _______ something unknown in math.
A. stands for            B. stands out        C. stands up            D. stands up to
11. Last week I _______ an old friend of mine in the shopping mall.
A. ran off                B. ran across        C. ran down            D. ran over
12. Jean was rather excited because she ____ her cousin in the museum yesterday.
      A. ran over            B. ran into        C. ran after            D. ran down
13. Don’t worry. I’d _______ your baby when you are away at work.
  A. see to                B. see through    C. see off            D. see over
14. Check the brakes and the tyres to make sure that they work before ____.
      A. setting on            B. setting out        C. setting down        D. setting up
15. Why not _______ tennis? It will help you keep fit.
A. take up            B. take in            C. take on            D. take after
16. I say! Have you _______ a single word I have been saying to you?
A. taken in            B. taken over        C. taken up            D. taken off
weight的用法及短语17. Don't be _____ by products promising to make you lose weight quickly.
A. taken off            B. taken out      C. taken away            D. taken in
18. The new appointment of our president _______ from the very beginning of next semester.
A. takes effect             B. takes part          C. takes place            D. takes turns
19. Mr. Millard will ____as chairman of the committee when Mr. Neil retires.
      A. take off            B. take back        C. take over            D. take up
20. After 1990 the farm began to _____ a new look.
      A. take up            B. take out        C. take on            D. take to
21. Important people don’t often have much free time as their work ____ all their time.
      A. takes away            B. takes up        C. takes over            D. takes in
22. When children grow up, they will ____different occupation in various places.
      A. take on            B. take off        C. take up            D. take in
23. If you can’t ________ the answer to the riddle in 5 minutes, you will lose the game.
      A. think of             B. think out        C. think about        D. think over
24. We will have to ______ qualified students who would otherwise be able to attend our universities. 
A. turn off            B. turn up        C. turn away            D. turn over
25. Some of the suggestions adopted, others have been _______ as they are quite impractical. 
A. turned out          B. turned against      C. turned away        D. turned down
26. The American pianist who had been praised very highly ____to be a great disappointment.
      A. turned down        B. turned out        C. turned in            D. turned up
27. I waved my hands to him, but he ________.
      A. turned up            B. turned away     C. turned out            D. turned down
28. I am afraid that housing price will keep ______ in the years to come?
      A. rising up        B. going up        C. bringing up        D. growing up
29. As is well known, Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom while the rest of the Ireland Island _______ the Republic of Ireland.
    A. makes up             B. takes up          C. holds up            D. brings up
30. We’ll meet again in the morning and we can _______ where we left off.
    A. look up            B. back up        C. check up            D. pick up
31He's making so much trouble! How can I _____ with him any longer?
A. catch up            B. put up          C. end up                D. stay up
32. Although the false banknotes fooled many people, they did not _______ to close examination.
A. make up            B. turn up        C. stand up            D. keep up
33. People ______ before they go to participate in some grand occasions.
