The bottle is very beautiful,but it is___. use B.of useless C.of no use D.useful
be of + n=be +adj
This book is of great value.=This book is valuable.
be of 结构用法很灵敏,在句中可作表语、后置定语或宾补。
一、“be of+表示年龄( age )、大小( size )、颜( color )、重量( weight )、高度( height )、价格( price )、意见( opinion )、形状( shape )、种类( kind )和方法( way )等的名词”,表示“具有„„”,说明主语的特征。例如:
When I was of your age,I entered the war.
These flowers are of different colors.
注意:在此结构中,如果后面的名词前有不定冠词 a /an ,则这个冠词相当于the same .例如:
The two boys are of an / the same age.
二、“be of +物质名词”,表示主语是由某种材料制成或由某种成分构成,相当于 be made of,be built of,be made up of 等。例如:
The necklace is (made)of glass.
Our class is (made up)of over 50 students.
三、 be of 还可以表示所属关系,相当于belong to .例如:
China and India are of the third world.
Workers and peasants are of one family.
四、“be of +形容词最高级”,相当于 be one of„.例如:
His temper is of the quickest.
Mr Liu is of the best teachers in our school.
五、“be of+抽象名词( value, importance, use, help, interest 等)”相当于“be +该抽象名词相对应的形容词”。其中 of 表示“具备;具有”, of 不可以省略。例如:
They are of great help / very helpful to learners of English.他们对英语学习者来说是很有帮助的。
The press conference seems of great importance / very important.这个新闻发布会看来很严重。
这个题就属于第五种用法,is of no use=is useless,所以选C Freedom fighters can be found everywhere, and they are of all times.(Unit 14)
该句的后半句,采用了be of接名词来说明句子的主语所具有的性质或特征。这是一种很常用的句式。
be of 后可接两种例外性质和类型的名词,他们的意义大相径庭。
1. be of后可接value,  importance,  use,  help,  significance,interest, benefit 等一些抽象名词,这样的结构用来说明句子主语所具有的作用、严重性或意义。在这类抽象名词前我们可用一些形容词,如: great,little, some, any, no, not much等来修饰抽象名词,用以说明程度。如:They are of great help to learners of English.
The book will be of great value to students of history.
The meeting is of great importance.
This medicine is of no use.
This matter is of no significance.
这件事无关紧要。在“be of + 抽象名词”结构中,其意义就相当于“be + 与该抽象名词同词根的形容词”。如:be of value→be valuable,be of help→be helpful,  be of use→be useful,be of importance→be important,    be of significance→be significant等。它们之间可以相互转换,因此,以上各例句可转换为:
They are very helpful to learners of English.
This book is very valuable to students of history.
This meeting is very important.
This medicine is useless.
This matter is insignificant.
2. be of +名词,还可用来说明句子主语在度量,大小,颜,类别等方面的特征。这类名词有 colour, age, size, height, weight, shape, type, kind等。在这类名词前常用different, all, the same,this, that,  a(n) +形容词等词来修饰或说明。如:
Coins may be of different sizes, weights, shapes, and of different metals.
These pens are of many different colours.
The two rooms are of a size / of the same size.
He is of the same weight as his brother.
The productive forces were of a very low level.
生产力处于非常低的水平。City Lights and Modern Times were of this kind.
注意:此类句型中的某些表达可以转换成“be + different / the same + in+抽象名词” 的形式。如:
Coins may be different in size, weight, shape, and metal.
These pens are different in colour.
The two rooms are the same in size.
一、“be of+抽象名词”,这时的of短语相当于这个名词的同根形容词,作为表语表示主语的性质或特征。of的意思是“具有、具备”等,常用于该结构的名词多见的有
of use=useful;of nouse=useless;of importance=important等。如:The matter is of great importance.=The matter is very important.在形容词前常用very来修饰,在“of+抽象名词”结构中,名词前常用great,much等来修饰。再如It is o fgreat importance for college students to master a foreign language.
二、“be of+集合名词或其它类型的名词”,相当于belong to或have。of表示归属关系或“有”的意思。如:The army and the people are of one family.=The army and the people belong to one family.军民是一家。
三、“be of+物质名词”表示主语是“用某种材料构成或制作的”,相当于be made of或be built of。如:Our building was of bricks.=Our building was built of bricks.
四、be of+(表示种类、颜、年龄、形状、价格等)名词,多用来表示主语的特征。这类结构的主语可以是人,也可以是物,其中的of可以省略。常用于该结构的名词有:kind,age,colour,size,height,shape,type,way,price等。如:Several of the stamps were of the unusual kind.其中几张邮票是例外种类的。
The two boys are of the same age.这两个男孩年龄相同。
She is of a different way of thinking.她的思维方式与众例外。
These two kinds of article are of the same price.这两种物品价格相同。
五、“be of+名词”也可以表示“来源、组成”。如:
He was of a poor peasant family.他出身贫农家庭。The committee is of seven people.该委员会由7人组成。
六、“be of+形容词的最高级”相当于。如:
