形容词副词及比较级、最高级讲解 易错题练习 答案详解
形容词有几种基本用法。作为定语时,放在名词前,也可以放在不定代词后面,如“She is a good student”(她是一个好学生)和“___?”(电影里有什么有趣的内容吗?)。作为表语时,放在系动词之后,如“His idea sounds great”(他的主意听起来很棒)。作为宾语补足语时,放在宾语之后,常与make、keep、leave等动词连用,如“They keep the classroom clean every day”(他们每天保持教室干净)。形容词还可以名词化,如定冠词the+(good、___、poor、old、dead….),表示一类人。
副词有多种分类,包括时间副词、地点副词、方式副词(由形容词+ly构成)、程度副词、疑问副词等。它们的用法也多种多样。副词可以修饰形容词,如“very good”(非常好)、“quite expensive”(相当昂贵)。它们也可以修饰动词,放在后面,作状语,如“laugh happily”(快乐地笑)。副词还可以修饰其他副词或句子,如“very quickly”(非常快地)、“Unluckily。___”(不幸的是,他错过了火车)。有些形容词可以变成副词,只需要在后面加上-ly,如“frie
在英语中,有些形容词和副词容易混淆。例如,sick和ill的区别在于sick指身体不适,而ill指生病。alone和___的区别在于alone指独自一人,而___则指感到孤独。hard和hardly的区别在于hard指困难的,而hardly则是一个副词,表示几乎不。-ing形容词和-ed形容词也有不同的用法。too、also和either也有各自的用法。much too和too much也有不同的意思。有些词汇在拼写上也容易混淆,例如sometimes、some times、some time和sometime。另外,how long、how soon、how often和how far也有各自的区别。
I am ___。I find that pasta is more us than pizza.
Cheetahs run faster than goats。and ___.
When using the superlative form。one can say "I am the tallest in the class" or "Pasta is th
e most us food of the three." Alternatively。one can say "Cheetahs run fastest in the world" or "It is the largest ___."
It is ___。For example。instead of saying "He is ___," one should say "He is ___" or simply "___." nally。one should avoid including the subject in the comparison。such as saying "China is larger than any country in Asia." Instead。one should say "China is larger than any other countries in Asia." Similarly。one should say "Tom is the tallest of the three brothers" rather than "Tom is the tallest of his three brothers."
It is ___ structure and to use the appropriate articles。For example。one should say "The n of Shanghai is larger than that of Beijing" and "It is easier to make a plan than to carry it out." Finally。one should be mindful of using articles correctly。as in the comparison "Which is the larger country。Canada or Australia?"
___ on the menu is the lobster.菜单上最贵的菜是龙虾。
He is ___ I know.他是我认识的最聪明的人。
The view from the top of the ___.从山顶上看到的景非常美。
5.___ ___。___.
6.He said he would come to see us the next afternoon.
7.Dear students。please read every ___ carefully you are。the ___'ll make.
weight的最高级8.Mrs。Smith has a cute baby that often ___.
9.China ___.
10."The electric fan can ___ in the room。can't it?" "It's hard to say。but you can give it a try."
