八年级下unit 7必背词组及句子
Section A 必背词组
1.the highest mountain in the world(Qomolangma)世界上最高的山
2.the biggest desert in the world (the Sahara)世界上最大的沙漠
3.the longest river in the world (the Nile)世界上最长的河
4.the deepest of all the salt lakes(the Caspian Sea)所有咸水湖中最深的湖
(of all the mountains所有的山之中; 最高级后+of/among + 数量多用于同类事物,而in+范围多为地点)
5.about 9,600,000 square kilometers in size面积上大约960万平方千米
6.8,848.43 meters high (读作:eight thousand eight hundred and forty-eight point four three)
7.about 6,300 kilometers long大约6,300公里长
8.around 20 meters wide大约20米宽
9.事物长宽高的表达:基数词+ 表度量的名词(可数) + 形容词(long, wide, tall等)
The river is 2 meters deep.
10.long---length (n. 长度) wide---width (n.宽度) deep---depth(n.深度) high----height(n.高度)
the length/depth/ width/height/size of sth …的长度,深度,宽度,高度,面积
11.问事物的高,深,宽,长…? Ho w high/ deep/tall/ wide/ long/ is ... ?
12.问重量用How heavy be + sth/sb?
13.be higher than any other mountain比其他任何山更高(any other + 可n.单)
14.be higher than the other mountains比其他任何山更高(the other + 可n.复)
15.the biggest population in the world世界上最多的人口数量(表示人口的多少用large,big和small)
16.the population of ……的人口(对人口多少提问用What’s the ~ of …?)
17.China has a population of about 1.3 billion. 中国大约有13亿人口。
18.The population of China is about 1.3 billion. 中国大约有13亿人口。(谓语动词用单数)
19.About sixty percent of the population in China are famers.
20.the biggest country in Asia亚洲最大的国家
21.the second longest river in the world世界第二长河(the + 序数词+ 最高级)
< of the oldest countries in the world 世界上最古老的国家之一
< of the world’s most dangerous sport s 最危险的运动之一(one of + 最高级+ 可n.复+ 谓单)
< of the most popular places最受欢迎的地方之一
25.the most famous part最著名的部分(the/a part of ……的一部分)
26.a lot/much bigger大得多(even, much, still, a lot, a little, a bit… + 比较级表程度)
27.as big as …和…一样大(as + 原级+ as “和…一样”;否定:not as/so + 原级+ as “不如…”)
28.the same size as…和…一样大
29.feel free to ask me…随便问我…(feel free to do sth可以随便/放轻松做某事)
We are touring around Hong Kong for/on our vacation.
tourist 可n. There are many ~s in this area every year.
31.the ancient emperors古代的皇帝an emperor 一个皇帝
32.an ancient invention 一个古代的发明in ancient times 在古代
33.as you can see, + 句子正如你所看见的,…
34.amaze v. 使吃惊,使惊奇amazing adj.(物) amazed adj.(人) He was amazed at the news.
35.This makes it the longest wall in the world.这让它成了世界上最长的墙
36.The main reason was to protect their part of the country.主要原因是为了保卫他们部分的国土.
不定式作表语;如:My dream is to be an engineer.
37.protect … from/against …保护…免受…protect the environment 保护环境
She is wearing sunglasses to ~ her eyes from the strong sunlight.
38.protection 不可n. be under the ~ of …在…的保护下
The hat give ~ against the sun.
39.As far as I know, there are no man-make objects as big as this.
40.as far as I know,+ 句子就我所知,….as far as I can see, + 句子依我所见,…
41.man-make objects人造物体(handmade 手工的;homemade家庭制作的)
43.The Himalayas run along the southwestern part of China.喜马拉雅横卧在中国的东南部.
绵延,横亘… …
44.Thick clouds cover the top and snow can fall very hard.厚厚的云覆盖着山顶, 雪也可能下得很猛.
(thick adj.浓的稠的;厚的;茂盛的;粗壮的反义词:thin)
45.include用法:及物动词“包括,包含”The price ~s both house and furniture.(不可n. 家具)
adj. 一般位于名词代词之后,作后置定语“包括在内的”:Everyone laughed, me ~.
including 介词+ 名词代词构成介宾短语:Everyone laughed, including me.
46.freezing weather conditions冰冻的天气条件
freeze v. 结冰,凝固(froze -- frozen) freezing n. 冰点adj. 冰冷的,冰冻的
Water freezes below freezing. 水在冰点以下结冰。
47.living conditions 生活条件
48.be in/under good/bad/poor condition(不加s) 处于好/坏的状况
49.It is also very hard to take in air as you get near the top. (as = when)
当你接近山顶的时候,呼吸也非常的困难. take in air呼吸空气take in…吸入,吞人(体内) 50.the first people to reach the top第一个到达顶上的人(to reach the top不定式作后置定语修饰
people) the first people to do sth. 第一个做某事的人
51.risk their lives冒着他们的生命危险
risk n/v. 作名词,take risks/ a risk to do sth. 冒风险去做…
(be) at risk 在危险中= be in danger
risk sth. to do sth. 冒…风险去做… They risk their lives to climb mountains.
52.challenge themselves挑战自我challenge oneself 挑战某人自己
challenge v. challenge sb to (do) sth 向某人挑战做某事He ~d me to play chess.
可n. accept a ~ to do sth 接受做某事的挑战
53.in the face(n.) of difficulties面对困难= face(v.) any danger
54.The spirit of these climbers shows us that we should never give up trying to achieve our dreams.
登山都的精神向我们表明, 我们应该永不放弃努力实现我们的梦想.
achieve our dreams实现梦想= make one’s dream come true
achievement n. 成就成绩It is a great ~ that + 句子…是个巨大的成就。
one’s ~ in (doing) sth 某人在某方面的成就
55.the forces(n.) of nature自然力
force v. 强迫,迫使~ sb to do sth Our parents ~ us to do chores.
enjoy the beauty(n.) of nature(n.) 享受大自然之美
natural adj. 自然界的, 天生的He is a ~ musician.
56.succeed. v. 成功succeed in doing sth.He succeeded in finishing the work.
success n. “成功”不可数Confidence is the key to success. 自信是成功的关键。
success n. “成功的人/物”可数He is a great success.他是一个很成功的人。
successful adj. 成功的unsuccessful adj. 不成功的
successfully adv. 成功地
反义词:fail (in) sth fail in the exam 考试不及格I failed my driving test. 我驾照没考过。
fail to do sth The doctors failed to save the girl’s life. 医生们没能救活这个小女孩。
Section B
57.at birth在出生的时候
58.the date of one’s birth = on one’s birthday 在某人的生日
59.live up to…活到…
60.weigh about 0.1 to 0.2 kilo s重量大约是0.1到0.2千克
61.That elephant weighs many times more than this panda 那只大象比这只熊猫重很多倍。
62.对体重提问:How heavy(adj.) is an adult panda? 一只成年熊猫
How much does an adult panda weigh(v.)?
What’s the weight(n.) of an adult panda?
63.The car runs twice faster than the truck. 汽车比卡车跑得快两倍。
64.The car runs three times as fast as the truck. 汽车跑得是卡车的三倍。
65.at the Chengdu Research Base在成都大熊猫研究基地
67.do/make some research on sth 做某方面的研究
68.carry out a research(n.) into …对…进行研究= research(v.) into …
69.panda keeper 熊猫饲养员
70.prepare v.准备n. preparation make preparation(s) for 为…做准备
prepare sth "准备…",宾语是所准备的内容Mother was preparing dinner in the kitchen.
prepare to do sth.准备做某事He is preparing to go on a trip.
prepare for…为…做准备I was preparing for an exam when you called me up.
Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.抱最好的希望,做最坏的准备。
prepare sth. for sth/sb 为……准备某物Mom was preparing dinner for us at 6:00pm yesterday.
prepare sb. for sth. 使某人对……进行准备,如:
We have to prepare the students for that work step by step.
71.awake adj. 醒着作表语,不用于名词前作定语。be, stay, keep awake 反义词:asleep 睡着的
72.sleepy adj. 犯困的,瞌睡的
73.sleeping adj. 用于名词前作定语a ~ baby 一个睡着的婴儿sleeping bag 睡袋
74.wake(v.) up 弄醒叫醒~ -- woke – woken
75.with excitement(n.,注意不去e) 相当于excitedly adv. 激动地,兴奋地
76.walk into (走路时意外)撞上
77.fall over 强调向前摔倒,跌倒,绊倒
78.fall down 意为滑到倒下,后跟宾语时要加from Bob fell down from the tree.
79.fall off 强调跌落,从…掉下来,后面直接跟宾语= Bob fell off the tree.
80.fewer than 少于more than 多于
81.less +adj + than 不及比较:Joseph is less honest than his brother. 约瑟夫不像他兄弟那样诚实。
less than (中间不加任何词)“少于” There are less than 30 girls in my class. 我们班不足30个女生。
more than(中间不加任何词)“超过,多于,相当于over”
82.a symbol of China 中国的一个象征
83.another three days = three other days 再/又/另外三天
< so 大约放在数词或时间之后而about/ around放在数词或时间之前
85.die from illnesses死于疾病
86.辨析die from 与die of:相同点:都表“死于”,宾语为死亡原因,表因疾病而死时,两者可
互换。He died from/of cancer(n.癌症). 区别:die from 通常死于外部原因(食物,缺乏食物等)He died from an accident. 而die of通常由于人体自身原因(年老,忧伤等)造成的死亡
87.bamboo forests竹林bamboo trees bamboo leaves
88.in the remaining forests在剩下的森林里
91.the importance of saving these animals拯救这些动物的重要性
93.make more homes for the pandas为大熊猫建造更多的家园
94.catch whales for meat, fat and oil为肉,脂肪和油而捕鲸
95.sea life海洋生物96. water pollution(不可n.)水污染pollute v. polluted adj. 97. jump high out of the water高高地跃出水面98. rules on whale protection保护鲸的制度99.stop putting rubbish into the sea停止往大海里丢垃圾100. have to be protected不得不被保护
1. 和than连用,表示两者相比,than后可以跟:
a.  名词或代词:He is older than me / I . 他年龄比我大。
b.  动名词:Skiing is more exciting than skating. 滑雪比滑冰更刺激。
c.  从句:I was a better singer than he was. 我唱歌比他好。
2. 修饰形容词,副词比较级的常用修饰词有:no, a little, a bit, much, even, still, a lot, any等.
只用于修饰比较级的:much; still; even
He can't jump any higher. 他不能跳得更高了. Can he jump any higher? 他能跳得更高一些吗?
Do you feel any better today?  你今天感觉好一点了吗?
If you can jump any higher, I will give you a prize.如果你能跳得更高些,我就奖励你.
注意:比较级前还可加其他表示数量的词:My sister is ten years younger than me.
3. 常考句型
句型1:as+原形+as This jacket is as beautiful as that one.
句型2. not as/so +原形+as This school is not as beautiful as that one.
= less +原级+than This school is less beautiful than that one。
句型3 :1)表示“是......的几倍时” ......倍数+as 原级as.......
This garden is ten times as large as that one。这个花园是那个的九倍大。
倍数的表达:once , twice , three times,
2)表示“比...多几倍” 倍数+ 比较级+than ....
His garden is 9 times larger than that one.他的花园比那个大九倍。
句型4 :比较级+than any other+单数名词比较级+than (all)the other+复数名词
句型5 :the +比较级+of the two…(the twins.) “两个中较....” Amy is the shorter of the two girls.
句型6 :越来越……: (单音节)比较级+ and + 比较级” bigger and bigger
(多音节)“more and more +原级”more and more beautiful
句型7 :the + 比较级+句子,the + 比较级+句子越……,越……
The harder you study, the better grades you will get.
最高级的使用: 形容词的最高级要加定冠词the , 副词最高级可省略the,
句型1:the+最高级+ of /in…
in 表示“在…内(指某范围内)” 可以跟表示单位,组织,时间等单数名词.
of表示属性(指在同类的人,物中)后可接名词复数among 表示≥3的在…之间
句型2 :One of + the+最高级+名词复数“最……的……之一”
One of the most important languages is English. 最重要的语言之一是英语。
句型3 :the+序数词+最高级+单数名词+in短语“在……中是第几个……”
The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.
This pen is shorter than that one. The weather here is much hotter than that of Shanghai.
The cars made in Tianjin is much more popular than those in Shanghai.
