What’s the highest mountain in the world?
Section A 1a-2d
Teaching aims(教学目标)
2. 熟练掌握形容词和副词的比较级和最高级。
Language points(语言点)
要求掌握以下句式:    主语+ adj/ adv 比较级 + than
                      主语+adj/ adv最高级+ in+ 地点
                      主语+adj/ adv最高级+ of/ among …
2.要求掌握以下词汇:(1)动词:tour, protect,
(2)名词:square, meter, desert, population, Asia, tour, wall
(3) 形容词:deep, amazing, ancient, wide
(4)  词组: feel free, as far as I know
(protect, population, amazing 是比较难得词语,要多设置情景,让学生学会用。注意 feel free, as far as I know短语的用法。)
Difficulties(难点):Reading comprehension
Teaching steps(教学步骤)
1. Warm-up and lead-in(课堂热身和引入)
(1)  Let’s enjoy the natural beauty of China.
T: It’s the longest river in China. Can you name it?
S: It’s the Yangtze River.
2. Presentation(呈现新知识)
Show Ss pictures of natural wonders and ask some questions about each one.
T:Look at the picture, this is a river. It’s the longest river in the world. Can you name it?
S:It’s the Nile.
After this, let’s do 1a. Match the facts you know.
3. Practice (练习)
T: I will show you a picture, there are three women in it. Would you please compare them by their appearance, height, weight or some other aspects?
4. Listening practice
5. Performance.
T: Make conversations using the information in 2a.
6. Reading comprehension.
Before reading
T: Look at the picture, where is it?
Ss: It’s the Great Wall.
T: This is the most famous part of the Great Wall. Do you know what it’s called ?
Ss: It’s the Badaling part.
T: Can you tell me something about the Great Wall?
Ss: It’s one of the seven famous wonders of the world.
7. While reading.
T: Turn to page 50. Read the passage carefully, and answer the following questions.
1. How long is the Great Wall?
2. Why did the ancient emperors build the wall?
3. What does the Great Wall look like?
回答问题后,通过disappearing passage 来帮助学生背诵记忆这篇对话。
8. After reading.
T: Please translate the following phrases into English.
9weight的最高级. Homework
1. Write a short passage about your hometown by using the comparative and superlative forms.2. Remember important phrases.
