Unit 1 Wele back to school! 寒假预习练习
4.hand        [来源:ZXXK]
1.(  )A.boy              B.girl                C.bag
2.(  )A.Canada          B.China                C.friend
3.(  )A.panda          B.bag                C.cat
4.(  )A.black          B.hand                C.face
5.(  )A .Coke          B .coffee            C .ant
(    ) 1. ________ are you from?    —I’m from the USA.
A. What      B. Where      C. Who
(    ) 2. Nice ________ meet you, ________
A. to; to    B. too; to    C. to; too
(    ) 3. We ________ friends. Let’s play.
A. am        B. is        C. are
(    ) 4. We have two new ________ today.
A. friends    B. boy        C. girl
(    ) 5. Mike is a ________.
A. teachers    B. girl        C. boy
A组                              B组
(  )1. Nice to see you again.      a. It’s a ball.
(  )2. What’s this?              b. Nice to see you, too.
(  )3. How many eggs?            c. I am from England.
(  )4. What’s your name?          d. Fine, thank you.
(  )5. How are you?                e. Eight eggs.
(  )6. Where are you from?          f. My name is Amy.
1. Hello. I’m from canada.              (    )       
          A    B    C
2.Where is you from?                  (    )       
  A    B      C
3. My new friend is from UK.            (    )       
      A        B        C
4. This is mr Jones. He’s a teacher.      (    )         
    A      B          C
5. That is a boy. She’s my friend.      (    )       
    A              B          C
1.如果你想表达“我来自英国。”,你应该说:(    )
A. I’m from the UK.
B. I’m from UK.
2.如果你想说“我们是朋友。”你应该说:(    )
A. We are friend.
B. We are friends.
3.Amy是来自加拿大的新同学,她应该这样介绍自己:(    )
A. I’m from China.   
B. I’m from Canada.
4.上课时,老师会这样称呼同学们:(    )
A. Good morning.
B. Boys and girls.
5.大家应该这样向新同学表示欢迎:(    )
A. Wele!
1. morning, good, Mr Li(.)
2. Student, a, I, am(.)
3. you, this, can, read(?)
4. is. he. USA. from, the (.)
5.I from  Australia  am (.)
Girl: Hello! I’m Amy, What’s your name?
Boy: My name is Mike. I’m from Canada. Where are you from?
Girl: I’m from the UK. Nice to meet you!
Boy: Nice to meet you, too!
(  )1.Amy is a boy.
(  )2.Amy is from China.
(  )3.Mike is a girl.
(  )4.Mike is from Canada.
