8A—Unit1 Friends
Comic strip & Welcome to the unit  6~7
1. be hungry / be full      hungry - hungrier – hungriest
2. thirsty—thirstier—thirstiest
3. Can I have something to drink?  I have something important to tell you. 不定代词做后置定语
4. Can I have some more food?
some more 再一些→数量词+ more + n. = another + 数量+ n.
eg. I need to buy two more books. = I need to buy another two books.
5. There’s nothing in the fridge. = There isn’t anything in the fridge.
6. Maybe we can share it.
maybe句首may  be句中
7. invite teenagers to write about their best friends
invite sb to do sth / invited sb to sp
8. honest  an honest boy ;honest—dishonest    a dishonest boy
9. keep a secret for sb
10. make sb + adj. / do
11. share my joy
* share sth with sb    * joy 欢乐不可数
12. care about 关心She does not care about her daughter at all.
* care  v. 关心,担忧,照顾,喜爱,介意,在乎I don’t care what to eat tonight.
* care  n. 小心,照料take care of
13. yourself — yourselves
14. Is he/ she ready to help you when you have problems?
* be ready to do sth 乐意做某事
* have problems with sth / doing sth  He has problems with English/ learning English. 15. Do you believe (what he says )= believe his words
宾语从句,陈述句语序(主+谓)I don’t know where he lives
16. polite—impolite
17. tidy—tidier—tidiest
18. make 成为,适合What makes good friends? 是什么造就好朋友?
19. trust  v.  trust sb 信任某人
20. lie  n. 可数tell lies
lie  v. 撒谎lie to sb  v. 躺lie down
21. joke  n. 可数tell funny jokes
22. true  adj. 确实的
a true friend        a real bridge
real指客观上存在,并非想象和虚构的,它是与"无"相对而言Lu Xun's real name is Zhou Shuren.
true是指"真正的","真实的",强调事实和实际情况相符,它是与"假"相对而言The news is true.
true 还可以表示“正确的”,real没有这种用法What he said is true.
Reading  8~10
1. one of +the/ 形容词性物主代词+最高级+n.复最...之一
eg. Shanghai is one of the biggest cities in china.
2. slim-slimmer-slimmest
3. generous  adj. 慷慨的be generous to do sth / be generous to sb
4. be willing to do = be ready to do
Are you willing to keep a secret for me?
5. be ready to do 已经做好...的准备We are ready to hear the news. 我们随时准备听消息。
乐意做某事I’m ready to help you with your English.
6. She always gives her seat on the bus to someone in need.
* sit (v) — seat (n) 座位
* someone in need  in need作为定语修饰someone
7. voice  n. 可数
voice,指人活动物特有的嗓音Her voice is nice.
noise,不和谐、不悦耳的声音Don’t make so much noise, my father is sleeping.
sound,指人所能听到的任何声音Lights travels faster than sound in the air.
8. She wants to be a singer when she grows up.
* singer  n. 歌手
* when引导的从句主将从现(She will be a singer when she grows up.)
* grow up长大
9. He is the tallest boy in our class — almost 1.75 metres.
* almost,adv. 几乎,差不多Supper is almost ready.    Almost no one believed him.
* the + adj (最高级) + 比较范围(in+地点/ of+ 同类)
She is the slimmest girl in our class / of the three.
10. wear,穿的状态wear最常用词,指穿衣、鞋袜或戴手套等,侧重穿戴的状态wear glasses 戴眼镜
put on穿的动作It’s cold outside. You’d better put on your coat.
dress 宾语是人dress sb给某人穿衣She is old enough to dress himself every morning.
dress up穿上盛装,打扮的漂亮The girls all dressed up to take part in the evening party.
dress up as打扮成They dressed up as ghosts last night.
11. sense  n. 感觉have a humor/direction
12. bored adj. 修饰人,感到无聊的boring 修饰物,令人无聊的
eg. The boring story makes me bored.
13. fit  v. 适合This coat doesn’t fit me.      吻合the key doesn’t fit the door.
14. When he walks past our desks, he often knocks our books and pens onto the floor.
* walk past = pass经过
* knock  v. 碰撞knock at / on 敲门knock the book onto the floor
* onto  prep 到...的上面on 状态onto动作
15. She is shorter than I am.  →A+be +adj (比较) than B
He is heavier then I (am) .    My book is more interesting than yours.
16. straight  adj 笔直的straight hair            adv. 笔直地go straight on
17. sweet,* adj. 可爱的,惹人喜欢的Mary is a sweet girl.  The baby is so sweet.
* adj. 甜的,芳香的Honey tastes sweet.    The flower smells sweet.
* n. 糖果Most of the children love sweets.
18. smile,vi.  He smiles when he meets me.
* smile,微笑,表示满意,善意的笑smile at 对....微笑
* laugh,发笑,放声大笑不但有面部表情,还有动作和声音laugh at 嘲笑
19. say a bad word (bad words) about sb. = speak ill of sb. 说某人坏话
20. When something worries me, I can always go to her.
* sth worry sb 某事使某人麻烦what he says worries me a lot / his words worry me a lot sb worry about sb/sth Don’t worry about me.  I worry about his health.
worried  adj. 担心的sb be worried about 某人为……担心I am worried about his health.
make sb worried 使某人焦急/担心Jack always makes his parents worried.
* go to her 去她
21. Who would you choose as your best friend ?
* choose  v.  choose sth 选择...  I want to choose a pen for my daughter.
choose to do    He choose to walk to school.
choose from 从....中选择choose one from these books
choose sb as/to be sth  We chose her as our monitor.
* as 作为
22. personality  n. 可数
23. be kind to sb.对某人友好
Grammar  11~12
1. worse,adj. 更糟,bad/ ill 的比较级,可加much起强调作用
Your bad is bad, but his is much worse.
* worse,adv. badly的比较级He did worse this time.
2.worst,adj. 最糟,最差bad的最高级He is the worst of three.
3.height n. 高度— high  adj. 高的
How high is the tower ? = What’s the height of the tower?
The height of the house is about 5 metres.
What’s your height?        It’s forty feet in height.
4. * weight,不可数n. 重量
What’s your weight?    My weight is 50kg.
put on weight 增肥lose weight 减肥
* weigh是weight的动词形式,称.....的重量
What’s the weight of the elephant ? = How much does the elephant weigh ?weight和weight的区别
How much does he weigh?  Please weigh the apples.  He weighs 50kg.
5. competition  n. 竞赛
take part in the Drawing competition
6. test  n. 测试take an English test
7. among强调三者及三者以上之间Our English teacher likes sitting among us.
between强调两者之间There is a door between the windows.
Integrated skills  13~14
1. make friends with sb
2. travel around the world = travel all over the world
3. Today Amy and I talked about our future plans.
* in the future 在将来future plans未来计划
* plan  n.  make plans to do sth
v.  plan-planned-planning  plan to do sth
4. I will be happy if I can make other people happy.
* other people = others
* if 引导的条件状语从句主将从现We will go on a picnic if it doesn’t rain tomorrow.
5. His pictures of horses are beautiful works of art.
