wake up        get up            get dressed        wash the face    brush the teeth      have breakfast      go to school      go to work      have lessons            have lunch        take a rest          play sports    take exercises        go (back) home        have dinner      do homework           
have a bath        go to bed      sleep          eat        drink    cook   
have a party        have a picnic      do some reading        do shopping    go shopping      go boating        go swimming        go sightseeing go fishing          go traveling      go on a river cruise    go to the circus   
go to the flower show        go to the cinema    go to a football match      watch a football match on TV        come to tea          see a film          watch the birds              listen to music / the radio      watch TV      climb the mountain    play cards        e-mail a friend        write a letter
visit a friend / Beijing    meet a friend 
sing    draw    paint    play the piano / the guitar    do well in
make a ship model      play cards      play chess 
run    swim  skip rope  swim  play basketball  play football  play table tennis       play tennis        play badminton      do weight-lifting   
家务water the flowers    do gardening      plant trees / flowers      clean the house  sweep
the floor      wash the dishes    cook  wash the car    wash clothes  feed the pet   
read      listen      speak      write    study    learn  practice hand in the homework      borrow a book      return a book      catch up with 
teach    mark the homework      prepare the lessons      tell a story   
want    love    enjoy  like  dislike    love  prefer    hope    wish    agree with      think      dream    feel sad /happy /excited /bored  worry   
take exercise          see a doctor          take the medicine    go on a diet
have a cold / fever / toothache / headache        feel tired /hot /cold /ill /sick  eat      drink   
listen to    hear    look at      see      watch   
feel hot / cold /tired                  sound interesting / different / great   
look young / tall / beautiful /fresh /good   
grow / plant a tree    grow / plant flowers    water the flowers    dig a hole    fill in the earth        pick up the fruit        appear
leave    leave for  start      walk    swim   jump      fly      sit down    stand up        throw at       travel   go   come  get to    get out of    get down    fall        fall over for    move      bring    take    climb  run 
与职业有关的动词work    put out fires    clean up everything    deliver letters   catch criminals      serve food and drinks        help in a shop 
drive a taxi / an ambulance      check your teeth    help us to learn
help sick people 
与“说”有关的动词say      speak    talk        tell 
与“看”有关的动作look    look at    look for      watch    see 
last      begin  start    end  finish    bite    blow    blow out      buy    call    carry    catch    change  check    close  open      count    cost    cover    crash    cut      decorate      free    change    give    grow / grow up    help  invite    get wet    kill    keep    look for    make    need    put on    put out    show        turn      wait for      run into      crash into    weigh     
have a rest    have a bath  have a cold   have a good time    have been to have a look  have fun    have to 
take a message    take a rest    take medicine    take exercise    take photos    take a bus
take me to the flower show  take the third left    Ill take it.
play computer games      play cards      play basketball    play musical instruments    play the piano 
主格: I we you she he it they
宾格:weigh的形容词 me us you her him it them
形容词性物主代词:my our your her his its their
名词性物主代词: mine ours yours hers his its theirs
(1) 一般在形容词或副词后+er
older taller longer stronger, etc
(2) 多音节词前+more
more interesting, etc.
(3) 双写最后一个字母,再+er
bigger fatter, etc.
(4) yi,再+er
heavier, earlier
(5) 不规则变化:
well-better, much/many-more, etc.
Most nouns + s a book –books
Nouns ending in a consonant +y - y+ ies a story—stories
Nouns ending in s, sh, ch or x + es a glass—glasses a watch-watches
Nouns ending in o +s or +es a piano—pianos a mango—mangoes
Nouns ending in f or fe - f or fe +ves a knife –knives a shelf-shelves
