“To arrange for an appointment with us, please complete the reply slip and sent it back to us.”
在语法上,这叫做时态的一致(sequence of tenses)。下面是几个指导原则:
Ⅰ主句(main clause)里的动词是过去时态的话,名词从句(noun clause)或副词从句(adverb clause)里的动词也要以过去式出现,如:
Tom said/ that he was busy yesterday.
Janet wanted to know/ why she was not given a more important job.
Lily failed/ because she did not submit the project report.
None could help you/ if you continued being lazy.
weigh的过去式Although David was unwell,/ he went to office as usual.
Newton discovered/ that gravitation causes apples to fall.
Our elders told us/ that experience is the best teacher.
(ii)比较性的副词从句里的动词时态有伸缩性,视情况而定,不一定非过去式不可,如:  Susan valued his advice more/ than she values mine.
Peter weighed as much/ as I shall weigh after my dinner.
Jim believes/ that he will get the job.
The officer has just told us/that his annual leave was approved weeks ago.
Christine is infuriated/ because she was criticised for her sloppy work.
Ⅲ形容词从句(adjective clause)中的时态最自由,最不受拘束,如:
Tom mooted the idea/which some ignored, which others tend to attack, but which many will eventually accept.
“President Clinton stated/ that he will not run in the next presidential election.”
按照常理,名词从句里的“will not run”要改为“would not run”才能和主句里的过去式“stated”一致。论者把这种现象视为“特殊情况”,算是给名人的“特权”吧!一般人还是遁常道而行,避免争议。
