一. 复习思路
对8A 1-7单元考查的词性转换做专项复习,归纳总结,讲练结合。 
1. high (adj.) 高的 height (n.) 身高    weigh (v.) 称重 weight (n.) 体重
例题:Please tell me about your _______________ (high) and _______________ (weigh).
      Do you know how to _______________ (weight) an elephant?
2. account (n./v.) 账目/记账 accountant (n.) 会计师
例题:Jane is good at Maths, so she will be an _______________ (account) in the future.
3. sign (v.) 签字 signature (n.) 签名
例题:There is a _______________ (sign) at the end of a letter.
Don’t forget to _______________ (signature) your name.
4. engine (n.) 引擎 engineer (n.) 工程师
例题:His father is an _______________(engine).
5. close (v.) 关闭 enclose (v.) 随函附上
例题:I _______________ (close) a photo of myself and some of my friends.
6. friend (n.) 朋友 friendly (adj.) 友好的
例题:The old lady is always _______________ (friend) to her neighbours.
7. ambition (n.) 志向 ambitious (adj.) 有志向的
例题:Ken is a model student and he studies hard for his _______________ (ambitious).
8. own (v.) 拥有 owner (n.) 拥有者,主人
例题:The rich man _______________ (owner) a house and he is the _______________ (own) of it.
9. probable (adj.) 可能的 probably (adv.) 可能地
例题:Kitty will _______________ (probable) be a good singer in 15 years’ time.
10. Germany (n.) 德国 German (n./adj.) 德语,德国人/德国的 Germans (pl.)
例题:I am a girl from _______________ (German). She is a _______________ (Germany) girl.
11. good (adj.) 好的 well (adv.) 很好地 better (adj./adv.)更好的/地 best (adj./adv.)最好的/地
例题:Ann is a top student so she does _______________ (good) in most subjects.
His English is the _______________ of all the subjects. (better)
12. bad (adj.) 坏的 badly (adv.) 坏地 worse (adj./adv.) 更坏的/地 worst (adj./adv.) 最坏的/地
例题:Among all the subjects, Chinese is my _______________(bad) subject.
13. physics (n.) 物理学 physical (adj.) 物理的,身体的
例题:_______________ (physical) is my favourite subject.
14. I  (pron.主格) myself  (pron.反身代词)
例题:I will tell you something about _______________(I).
15. act (v.) 行动 actor (n.) 男演员 actress (n.) 女演员
例题:Jackie Chan is a famous _______________ (act) in Asia.
Gong Li is one of the most famous _______________ (act) in China.
16. happy (adj.) 开心的 happiness (n.) 幸福
例题:Money doesn’t always bring _______________ (happy).
17. foot — feet (pl.)         
例题:This pair of shoes doesn’t fit his _______________ (foot).
18. glass glasses (pl.)     
例题:She always goes out with a pair of _______________ (glass)
19. tooth teeth (pl.)
例题:We must brush our _______________ (tooth) every day.
20. ski (v.)滑雪 skiing (n.)   
例题:The Blacks always go _______________ (ski) during the winter holidays.
1. succeed (v.) 成功 success (n.) 成功 successful (adj.) 成功的 successfully (adv.) 成功地
例题:The sports meeting in our school was very _______________ (success).
If you work hard, you can get great _______________ (successful).
Finally, I tried my best to fix the machines _______________ (successful).
2. busy (adj.) 忙碌的 business (n.) 生意,商业 businessman (n.) 商人
例题:Mr. Wood always discusses the _______________ (busy) over lunch and dinner every day.
3. assist (v.) 帮助 assistant (n.) 助手
例题:Miss Wu is the best shop _______________ (assist) in the shopping centre.
4. sell (v.) 卖 sale (n.) 销售 — seller (n.) 销售者
例题:Everything will be on _______________ (sell) at Christmas in Hongkong.
My mother is responsible for _______________ (sell) in her factory.
5. day (n.) 一天 — daily (adj.) 每天的 
例题:What do you think of your _______________ (day) life?
6. discuss (v.) 讨论 — discussion (n.) 讨论
例题:Everything is ready. Let's have a _______________ (discuss) about the outgoing.
7. bore (v.) 使厌烦 bored (adj.) 感到厌烦的 boring (adj.) 令人厌烦的
例题:What a _______________ (bore) lesson it is! 
      He gets _______________ (bore) with his work.
8. manage (v.) 管理 manager (n.) 经理
例题:Simon is the _______________ (manage) of his company.
9. luck (n.)运气 lucky (adj.)幸运的 luckily (adv.)幸运地 unlucky (adj.)不幸的
例题:_______________ (luck), he caught the early bus yesterday morning.
_______________ (luck), he fell off the bike and broke his leg.
10. fail (v.) 失败— failure (n.) 失败 
例题:I _______________ (failure) in the English test last term, I was unhappy.
11. drive (v.) 驾驶 driver (n.) 司机
例题:The bus _______________ (drive) asked the passengers to buy tickets one by one.
12. usual (adj.) 通常的 unusual (adj.) 不寻常的 usually (adv.) 通常地
例题:I _______________ have a class meeting once a week. (usual)
To my surprise, he came home later than _______________ (usually).
13. bake (v.) 烘烤 baker (n.) 面包师 bakery (n.) 面包房 
例题:Mrs. Black owns a _______________ (bake) on Nanjing Road.
14. different (adj.) 不同的 difference (n.) 不同之处
例题:The strawberries from Australia are _______________ (difference) ones from Japan.
15. interest (n.) 兴趣 interested (adj.) 感到有趣的 interesting (adj.) 令人有趣的
例题:I want to be a poet, because I’m _______________ (interest) in writing poems.
      Are there any _______________ (interest) news in the paper this morning?
16. France (n.) 法国 French (n./adj.) 法语/法国的 Frenchman (n.) 法国人
例题:Harry was born in Germany, but he can speak _______________ (France) very well.
17. hot (adj.) 热的 heat (n.)热   
例题:Everything on the Earth gets _______________ (hot) from the sun.
18. health (n.)健康 healthy (adj.) 健康的
例题:Milk and vegetables are _______________ (health) food.
I do exercises regularly, so I’m _______________ than before. (health)
19. explain (v.)解释 explanation (n.)解释
例题:I have known the truth. You needn’t _______________ (explanation) any more.
20. two (n./adj.)二 twice (adv.) 两次 
例题:My grandparents go to park _______________ (two) a week.
21. responsible (adj.)负责的 responsibility (n.)责任
例题:Our class teacher is _______________ (responsibility) for our class.
22. perform (v.)表演 performance (n.)演出 performer (n.)演员
例题:Luckily, David _______________ (performance)well in the contest.
He is the best _______________ (perform) in the play.
23. jog (v.)慢跑 jogging (n.)
例题:_______________ is a good activity for old people. (jog)
24. begin (v.)开始 beginning (n.) 
例题:At the _______________ (begin) of the meeting, all the people stand up to sing a song.
1. rob (v.) 抢劫 robber (n.)强盗 robbery (n.) 抢劫案
例题:I saw a _______________ (rob) in the bank yesterday. 
      The twins acted as two _______________ (rob) in the play.
The man _______________ (robber) the woman’s purse.
2. quiet (adj.) 安静的 quietly (adv.) 安静地
例题:Look! Those children are sitting there _______________ (quiet).
      Children, keep _______________ (quietly).
3. tour (v.) 参观 tourist (n.) 参观者 
例题:I saw two _______________ (tour) visit his home last night.
We want to _______________ (tourist) the Great Wall in the holiday.
4. worry (v.) 担心 worried (adj.) 担忧的 worriedly 担忧地 (adv.)
例题:Why was that man look _______________ (worry)?
      The woman looked _______________ (worry) at her sick son.
5. thief (n.)小偷 theft (n.)偷窃案 
例题:Yesterday a woman reported a _______________ (thief) to the policemen.
      The police caught three _______________ (thief) last Sunday.
6. sudden (adj.) 突然的 suddenly (adv.) 突然地
例题:Then _______________ (sudden) Mrs Brown noticed that her purse was not in her handbag.
I’m sorry to hear the _______________ (suddenly) death of his grandmother.
7. argue (v.) 争论 argument (n.) 争论
例题:Just now Li Hui and his brother got into a big _______________ (argue).
Because of generation gap, the children often _______________ (argument) with their parents.
8. usual (adj.)通常的 usually (adv.) 通常地 unusual (adj.) 不寻常的
例题:It is _______________ (usual) for Ben to be late for school. He always goes to school early.
I _______________ (unusual) read books with my parents.
9. crowd (n.) 人 crowded (adj.) 拥挤的 
例题:That road is always _______________ (crowd) with traffic.
There is a big _______________ (crowded) over there. What’s happening?
10. care (n.) 小心 careful (adj.) 小心的 carefully (adv.) 小心地
例题:Please look _______________ (care) at the blackboard, children.
Be _______________ (care) when you do your homework.
11. danger (n.) 危险 dangerous (adj.) 危险的
例题:It’s very _______________ (danger) to go out alone at night in this city.
We should offer those who are in _______________ (dangerous).
12. do (v.) 做 done (adj.) 完毕了的   
例题:“Well _______________ (do).” My teacher said.
13. true (adj.) 真的 truly (adv.) 真地 truth (n.) 事实
例题:Why didn’t you tell me the _______________ (true) yesterday?
14. quick (adj.) 快的 quickly (adv.) 快地 
例题:Her friend moved through the crowd _______________ (quick).
It’s much _______________ to go to Pudong International Airport by maglev than by bus. (quickly)
15. cross (v.) 穿过 across (prep.) 穿过
例题:While the bus was passing _______________ (cross) the road, the driver saw a boy standing in front.
16. hurry (v.) 匆忙 hurried (adj.) 匆忙的 hurriedly (adv.) 匆忙地
例题:The man went aboard _______________ (hurry).
      The postman went aboard in a _______________ (hurried).
17. tell (v.) 告诉 teller (n.) 出纳员,叙述者 
例题:Please give the money to the _______________ (tell).
18. fun (n.) 乐趣 funny (adj.) 有趣的
例题:The stories in this book sound _______________ (fun).
      What great _______________ (funny) it is!
19. follow (v.) 跟随 following (adj.) 下列的
例题:Could you answer the _______________ (follow) questions in English?
20. woman women (pl.)  man men (pl.)
例题:There are two _______________ (woman) tourists.
      Two-thirds of doctors are _______________ (man) doctors.
21. please (v.) 使高兴 pleased (adj.) 感到高兴的 pleasant (adj.) 令人高兴的
例题:They had a _______________ (please) trip last summer.
      I was _______________ (please) to meet you here.
22. wait (v.) 等待 waiter (n.) 男服务生 waitress (n.) 女服务生
例题:His sister works as a _______________ (wait) in a restaurant.
23. strange (adj.) 奇怪的 stranger (n.) 陌生人
例题:Children shouldn’t talk to a _______________ (strange) when they are at home alone.
1. invent (v.) 发明 invention (n.) 发明物 inventor (n.) 发明家
例题:The first steam engine by James Watt was one of the greatest _______________ (invent) in the world.
The electric light is a great _______________ (inventor) by Thomas Edison.
Who _______________ (invention) the 1 to 9 system of numbers?
2. amaze (v.) 使惊奇 amazed(adj.) 感到惊奇的 amazing (adj.) 令人惊奇的
例题:We find some _______________ (amaze) stories in this book.
He was _______________ (amaze) to hear the news.
3. calculate (v.) 计算 calculation (n.) 计算 calculating (adj.) 计算的 calculator (n.) 计算器
例题:Let me _______________ (calculation) the cost of the journey.
With the help of a computer , we can do _______________ (calculate) much faster.
A computer is the _______________ (calculator) machine.
We use _______________ (calculating) to calculate.
4. electron (n.) 电子 electronic (adj.) 电子的
例题: Students are not allowed to use _______________ (electron) calculators in class.
5. live (v.) 生活 living (adj.) 活的 alive (adj.) 活着的
例题:Scientists from all around the world want to know why all _______________ (live) things died at the end of the Cretaceous period白垩纪
      You are lucky to be _______________ (live) after the accident.
6. instruct (v.) 指示 instruction (n.) 指示
例题:Before the computer could begin calculating , someone had to program it with ____________ (instruct).
7. develop (v.) 发展 developing (adj.)发展中的 developed(adj.)发达的 development (n.) 发展
例题:With the _______________ (develop) of economy , China is becoming stronger and stronger.
China is a _______________ (develop) country and USA is a _______________ (develop) country.
8. India (n.) 印度 Indian (n./adj.) 印度人,印度语/印度的
例题:I have a new penfriend who is an _______________ (India) girl.
9. near (adv.) 接近 nearly (adv.) 差不多
例题:Although my grandfather is _______________ (near) 90 years old , he is still quiet healthy.
10. power (n.) 力 powerful (adj.) 强大的
例题:The sports car has a very _______________ (power) engine.
      Knowledge is _______________ (powerful).
11. little (adj.) 小的 less (adj.) 更少 least (adj.) 最少的
例题:At _______________ (little), I tried my best to help the lady.
12. easy (adj.) easier (adj. 比较级)
例题:The invention of zero makes it _______________ (easy) to write big numbers.
13. Greece (n.) 希腊 Greek (n./adj.) 希腊人,希腊语/ 希腊的
例题:In ancient times, people in _______________ (Greek) were good at planting crops.
14. nation (n.) 国家 national (adj.) 国内的 international (adj.) 国际的
例题:As we all know, Tokyo is an _______________ (nation) city。
15. accurate (adj.) 准确的 accurately (adv.) 准确地
例题:They must solve the problem _______________ (accurate).
      Do you know the _______________ (accurately) answer of this question?
16. especial (adj.) 特别的 especially (adv.) 特别,尤其
例题:The car is quite small, _______________ (especial) if you have many kids.
17. light (n.) 光 lightning (n.) 闪电
例题:We are afraid of _______________ and thunder. (light)
18. life (n.) 生命 lifetime (n.) 一生
例题:It took him the whole _______________ to buy the house. (life)
19. program (v.) 编程 programme (n.) 节目
例题:Someone had to first _______________ (programme) the computer with instructions.
20. solve (v.) 解决 solution (n.) 解答
例题:Use your brain, and try your best to _______________ (solution) the problem yourself.
21. abacus abacuses (pl.)
例题:_______________ are so fast and accurate that people still use them today. (abacus)
1. amuse (v.) 使娱乐 amusement (n.) 娱乐 amused (adj.) amusing (adj.)
例题:Disneyland is a famous _______________ (amuse) park in the U.S.A.
Have you heard of this _______________ (amuse) story?
2. harm (n.) 伤害 harmful (adj.) 有害的 harmless (adj.) 无害的
例题:Some dinosaurs are _______________ to us and they were good friends, but others are very _______________ (harm). 
      Smoking does _______________ (harmful) to our health.
3. gentle (adj.) 温柔的 gently (adv.) 温柔地 gentleman (n.) 绅士 
例题:Suddenly the wind blew _______________ (gentle).
He is a _______________ and he is very _______________ (gently).
4. create (v.) 创造 creative (adj.) 有创造力的 creator (n.) 创造者 creation (n.) 创造物
例题:Walt Disney was the _______________ of Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse, so they are Disney’s great _____________.(create) 
      Mike is a _______________ (create) boy and he always has some new ideas.
    The main purpose of industry工业is to _______________ (creation) wealth(财富).
5. think (v.) 思考 thinker (n.) 思想家 thought (n.) 思想
例题:Confucius was one of the greatest _______________ and had a lot of famous _______________. (think)
6. power (n.) 力量 powerful (adj.) 有力量的 
例题:The sports car has a very _______________ (power) engine.
    Hercules was a hero with great _______________ (powerful) in Greek fairy tales.
7. die (v.) 死亡 dead (adj.) 死亡的 death (n.) 死亡 
例题:The president’s _______________ (die) made us sad.
      His father has been _______________ (die) for 5 years. 
      Three men _______________ (die) in this accident.
8. exist (v.) 存在 existence (n.) 存在 
例题:This was a long time before people _______________ (existence).
      Does life _______________ (existence) on other planets? 
      We can learn the _______________ (exist) of dinosaurs from these footprints.
9. fierce (adj.) fiercely (adv.) 
例题:Suddenly the wind blew _______________ (fierce). 
      Some harmful dinosaurs were _______________ (fierce) than tigers.
10. main (adj.) 主要的 mainly (adv.) 主要地
例题:The giant panda _______________ (main) eats bamboos shoots , and sometimes it eats other plants.
11. Asia (n.) Asian (n /adj.)  Africa (n.) African (n./adj.)  Europe (n.) European (n./adj.)
例题:Chopsticks are used in many _______________ (Asia) countries.
      Greece is a _______________ (Europe) country.
Jimmy is a lovely _______________ (Africa) boy.
12. happy (adj.) happily (adv.) happiness (n.) happier 
例题:They become even _______________ (happy) than before.
      Sometimes money can not bring _______________ (happy). 
      The granny looked at her granddaughter _______________. (happy) 
13. life (n.) 生命 lives (pl.) 
例题:The famous doctor has saved a lot of people’s _______________ (life).
14. like (prep.) 像 unlike (prep.) 不像 
例题:He is thin and pale, _______________ (like) most healthy children.
15. real (adj.) 真的 really (adv.) 真正地 unreal (adj.) 假的
例题:Although they are _______________ (real), many people like cartoon films.
      It’s _______________ (real) nice of you.
16. mouse (n.) 老鼠 mice (pl .) 
例题My cat caught three _______________ (mouse) in my kitchen.
17. foot (n.) 脚 footprint (n.) 脚印 
例题:We know about the lives of dinosaurs from the _______________ (foot) they left behind.
18. loaf (n.) loaves (pl.) 
例题:Please go and buy two _______________ (loaf) of bread the the bakery.
19. church (n.) 教堂 churches (pl.) 
例题:Tourists can visit a lot of _______________ (church) in Italy.
20. sheep (n.) 单复数同形 
例题:There are a lot of _______________ (sheep) on the farm.
21. Greece (n.) 希腊 Greek (n./adj.)希腊人,希腊语;希腊的
例题:In ancient times , people in _______________ (Greek) were good at planting crops.
22. write (v.) writer (n.)   
例题:Do you know the _______________ of Harry Potter?
23. important (adj.) 重要的 importance (n.) 重要性
例题:Do you know the _______________ (important) of learning English?
24. final (adj.) 最后的 finally (adv.) 最后地
例题:_______________ (final), I got a second chance to attend the lecture.
  We will have our _______________ (finally) examination in a week.
25. two (n.) 二 second (adj.) 第二的
例题:He learned Chinese as his _______________ (two) language.
1. explore (v.) 探索 — explored (adj.) 有人涉及的 — unexplored (adj.) 无人涉足的
例题:We landed in an _______________ (explore) island. Nobody had been there before.
When I grow up, I will _______________ (unexplored) the space.
2. favour (n.) 帮助 favourite (adj.) 最喜爱的
例题:Boys and girls, can you do me a _______________? ( favourite ) 
      Maths is my _______________ (favour) subject.
3. navigate (v.) 领航 navigator (n.)
例题:Although Mrs. Smith is a woman, she is a good ______________( navigate ).
4. clear (adj.) 清楚的 — clearly (adv.) 清楚地
例题:I can’t hear you _______________ (clear). Could you say it again?
5. friend (n.) 朋友 — friendly (adj.) 友好的
例题:We were all wrong about the man being _______________. ( friend )
6. Australia (n.) 澳大利亚 — Australian (n.) 澳大利亚人 — Australians (pl)
例题:The kangaroo is a large _______________ ( Australia ) animal.
7. storey (n.) 楼层 — storeys (pl.)         
例题:The tree is very tall. It is almost three _______________ high. (storey)
8. kangaroo (n.) 袋鼠 kangaroos (pl.)     
例题:They look like giant _______________ (kangaroo).
9. free (adj.) 空闲的 — freedom (n.) 自由 
例题We are so lucky that we are _______________. (freedom)
10. arrange (v.) 安排 — arrangement (n.) 安排   
例题:I called the dentist to make an _______________. (arrange)
Mary and Rita are going to _______________ (arrange) a programme of activities.
11. part (n.) 部分 — partly (adv.) 一定程度上的 
例题He is only _______________ responsible for the accident. (part)
12. true (adj.) 真实的 — truth (n.) 事实 — truly (adj.) 真实地
例题:Sam, could you tell me the _______________? (true) 
      Please tell me _______________ what my teacher has said. (true)
13. frighten (v.) 使惊恐 — frightened (adj.) 感到惊吓的 — frightening (adj.) 令人惊吓的
例题:The _______________ boy ran away as quickly as he could. (frighten)
The movie is too _______________ (frighten) for children to see.
14. gentle (adj.) 温柔的 — gently (adv.) 温柔地
例题:Our pilot brought us down _______________ in a valley. (gentle)
15. piece (n.) 一片 — pieces (pl.)             
例题:I want to cut the cake into _______________. (piece)
16. care (v.) 关心 — careful (adj.) 小心的 — careless (adj.) 粗心的 — carefully (adv.) 小心地
例题:The boy always does his homework ___________ ( careful ) and makes few mistakes.
17. peace (n.) 和平 — peaceful (adj.) 平静的weight和weigh的转换 — peacefully (adv.) 平静地
例题:I don’t know why they always argue with each other and can’t live _______________ (peaceful).
I hope to live a _______________ (peace) life.
We look forward to _______________ (peaceful) and happiness.
18. lose (v.) 丢失 — lost (adj.) 丢失的,迷路的
例题:The police are busy searching the forest for the _______________ child. (lose)
    All of them _______________ their lives if King’s plan doesn’t work. (lose)
19. save (v.) 挽救 safe (adj.) 安全的 safely (adv.) 安全地 safety (n.) 安全,平安
例题:It’s _______________ to go across the street now than just now. Be quick. (safety)
20. laugh (v.) 笑 — laughter (n.) 笑声 
例题The film is so amusing that everyone has the tears of _______________. (laugh)
21. glow (v.) 发光 glowing (adj.) 发光的 
例题:To our surprise, he’s got two _______________ (glow) eyes.
22. win (v.) 赢 winner (n.) 获胜者
例题:I was so lucky that I interviewed one of the _______________ (win) of the competition.
23. appear (v.) 出现 disappear (v.) 消失 
例题:The string of the kite suddenly broke and the kite _______________. (appear)
24. heavy (adj.) 重中的 heavily (adv.) 沉重地 
例题:It was raining ________________ (heavy).
25. possible (adj.) 可能的 possibly (adv.) 可能地 — impossible (adj.) 不可能的
例题:It is still _______________ for humans to arrive anywhere in space now. (possible)
      I will _______________ stay at home this afternoon. (possible)
1. free (adj.) 自由的 freedom (n.) 自由 
例题:They tried to run away to _______________ (free).
    We are so lucky that we are _______________ (freedom).
2. silent (adj.) 寂静的 silently (adv.) 寂静地
例题:The streets were _______________ (silently) and deserted at mid-night.
A huge figure was moving _______________ (silent) towards Captain King’s house.
3. noise (n.) 噪音 noisy (adj.) 吵闹的 — noisily (adv.) 吵闹地
例题:Don’t make _______________ (noisy)!
      It’s too _______________ (noise) outside. Please close the window.
This town is even _______________ (noise) than that one.
Dad often breathes _______________ (noise) while sleeping.
4. attract (v.) 吸引 attractive (adj.) 有吸引力的 attraction (n.) 吸引力,吸引人的事物
例题:I saw your personal _______________ (attract) which someone else hasn’t got.
The Bund is one of the main _______________ (attract) in Shanghai.
Yu Garden _______________ (attraction) millions of people every year because of its delicious snacks.
Nancy is an _______________ (attract) girl. All people around her like her very much. 
5. danger (n.) 危险 dangerous (adj.) 危险的
例题:Peter realized the _______________ (dangerous) as soon as he entered the cave.
It’s _______________ (danger) to play ball games in the street.
6. ill (adj.) 生病的 illness (n.) 疾病 illnesses (pl.)
例题:When he was a child, he had several _______________ (ill).
7. true (adj.) 真实的 truth (n.) 事实,真相     
例题:Tell me the _______________ (true), please.
8. finish (v.) 完成 finished (adj.) 被完成的,完蛋的
例题:You are _______________ (finish), all of you.” Gork shouted.
9. save (v.) 挽救 safe (adj.) 安全的 safely (adv.) 安全地 safety (n.) 安全,平安
例题:Captain King _______________ (safe) himself and went back to the earth at last.
We must keep ourselves _______________ (save) when we cross the street.
Eventually, Captain king took us back to the earth _______________. (safe)
You should think about your _______________ (safe) when you go out.
Taking a train to London is _______________ (save) than taking a plane.
10. open (v. / adj.) 打开、打开的  close (v.) 关闭 closed (adj.) 关闭的
例题:The shop is still _______________. (open)
You should keep your eyes _______________ (close) when you do eye exercises.
11. sleep (v.) 睡觉 sleepy (adj.) 困乏的 asleep (adj.) 睡着的 sleeping (adj.) 睡着的
例题:The boy felt _______________ and soon fell _______________. (sleep)
The _______________ (sleep) child looks so quiet.
12. lose (v.) 丢失 lost (adj.) 丢失的,迷路的
例题:They were searching the _______________ (lose) child in the whole town.
13. intend (v.) 想要,打算 intention (n.) 意图,目的
例题:I have no _______________ (intend) of coming to this terrible place again.
14. bright (adj.) 明亮的 brightly (adv.) 明亮地
例题: Venus is the planet that shines in the sky _______________. (bright)
Nursery nurse are good at using _______________ (brightly) colours to attract babies.
15. weigh (v.) 称重 weight (n.) 体重
例题:You’ve got the same _______________ (weigh) as I.
16. power (n.) 力量 powerful (adj.) 强有力的
例题:Nobody took his small, _______________ (power) laser torch from his pocket.
17. immediate (adj.) 立即的 immediately (adv.) 立即地
例题: He left _______________ (immediate) without saying anything.
18. do (v.) 做 done (adj.) 完毕了的
例题:The thief said to himself, I am _______________ (do) for.”
19. late (adj./adv.) 晚的,迟到的 later (adj./adv.比较级) 较晚
例题:Moments _______________ (late), we were all out of the cage.
20. laugh (v.) laughter (n.)   
例题:The monster roared with _______________. (laugh)
  Teenager Jake Denham was skiing with his family in the USA when he fell over and lost one of his skis(滑雪板). His family didnt know that he had a problem. They kept on skiing. When they got to the foot of the mountain, there was no sign of Jake, which made them very worried.
  Jake couldnt find his ski anywhere. In the end, he decided to take off his other ski and walk down the mountain. But he couldnt work out the right way to go.
  It was now getting dark and he was a long way from any place of safety. He knew that he might die that night in the cold temperatures. But Jake kept calm. At home, Jake watched a lot of TV programmes about living in difficult situations. He remembered the tips from these programmes and knew that he should build a hole in the snow. He made a hole and pointed it up the hill so the wind couldnt blow into it. Outside his hole, the temperature dropped to a dangerous -15℃ that night, but inside it Jake was safe from the cold.
  But he had to get down the mountain. The TV programmes always said, If you are lost, you should find someone elses tracks(足迹)through the snow and follow them. I wanted to live my life, remembers Jake. So I got up and found some ski tracks and I followed those. He walked and walked and finally he saw lights. Nine hours after he lost his ski, he found a team of workers who came to save him. He was safe!
  His mum was very happy when she heard the news. Amazingly, Jake didnt even have to go to hospital. He got through the terrible experience without any injury.
1. Jake lost one of his skis after he fell over when skiing, didnt he?
2. When did his parents realized that Jake was missing?
3. What did Jake do to protect himself from the cold temperatures?
4. How did Jake get down the mountain the next morning?
5. How long did it take Jake return to safety after he lost his ski?
6. What do you think of Jake? Give at least one reason.
1. Yes, he did.
2. When they got to the foot of the mountain.
3. He built a hole in the snow. / He made a hole in the snow and pointed it up the hill.
4. By following some ski tracks. / He followed some ski tracks. / He found some ski tracks and followed those.
5. It took him nine hours to return to safety. / Nine hours.
6. He was clever / smart / intelligent because he could use what he learned on TV in emergency. / He was calm / brave because he still succeeded in solving the problem although he faced a difficult situation.
五、 课后作业 
Part 1 Listening(第一卷 听力)
I. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容, 符合的用T表示,不符合的用F表示)
(    ) 1. Only a few families have got TV sets at home.
(    ) 2. When people are free at home, they like watching TV programmes.
(    ) 3. Children are not interested in any TV progammes.
(    ) 4. Some parents feel that television is good for their children because they can learn something from it.
(    ) 5. People can know something happening in the world from TV programmes.
(    ) 6. Some parents think spending too much time on TV is harmful to their children’s eyes.
(    ) 7. Some parents think most TV programmes are suitable for their children.
II. Listen and complete the table听短文,完成下列表格
at (1) _______________ a.m.
meet a manager of a company
after the meeting
(2)_______________ to a restaurant to have dinner with his friend
(3)_______________ 1:30
finish his (4)_______________
from 2:30 to 3:30
have another (5)_______________ with his assistants
at (6)_______________
(7)_______________ to Los Angles
Part 2  Vocabulary and Grammar(第二卷 词汇和语法)
I. Choose the best answer选择最恰当的答案
1. There is ______ homework today, so we can play and have a lot of fun.
  A) many    B) a lot of    C) no    D) any
2. We often have sports after school. I like to play _____ football with my classmates.
  A) /    B) a    C) the    D) this
3. The teacher asked the students to stop ______ and have a group discussion.
  A) wrote    B) to write    C) writing    D) write
4. You’d better not ______ me after ten o’clock.
  A) to call    B) call    C) calling    D) called
5. Did our manager tell you ______ to do the next?
  A) why    B) what    C) who    D) how
6. That funny story made us all _______.
  A) laugh    B) to laugh    C) laughing    D) laughed
7. _______ cold weather it is in December!
  A) What a    B) How    C) What the    D) What
8. Mike is only a _____boy, but he can do many things himself.
  A) five years old    B) five-year-old    C) five year old    D) five years
9. I often receive letters ______ my pen-friends.
  A) by    B) with    C) from    D) on
10. I saw Jane ______ a green dress at the party. I think she looks better ______ black.
  A) wearing, in    B) put on, in    C) dressed, wear    D) put on, wear
11. How much did your mother _______ this big Christmas tree?
  A) pay on    B) spend on    C) cost    D) purchase
12. --- Everyone has handed in the test paper _____ Tom. --- He hasn’t done it yet.
  A) besides    B) except    C) except for    D) beside
13. You _____ to tell him the news. It will make him sad.
  A) needn’t    B) shouldn’t    C) couldn’t    D) don’t need
14. --- What’s wrong with you?      --- I don’t feel ______ today.
  A) better    B) good    C) well    D) cold
15. You must remember _______ them your new address when you move to the new flat.
  A) to tell    B) telling    C) told    D) tell
16. The beautiful lady denied ______ the old woman’ s purse on the bus.
  A) to steal    B) steal    C) stealing    D) stole
17. All _____ students elected him to be their group leader.
  A) the others    B) others    C) another    D) the other
18. Chinese New Year is coming. Why not ______ us for a short trip?
  A) to join    B) join    C) joining    D) joined
19. My grandfather _____ for over ten years, but I still remember him well.
  A) has died    B) had died    C) died    D) has been dead
20. The temperature in this room ______ high enough to let these small children feel warm and comfortable.
  A) has raised    B) has been raised    C) has risen    D) has been risen
21. ______ it was very late at night, my father was still preparing for his report.
  A) Though    B) If    C) Since    D) Before
22. Jack didn’t go to see the play with us because he ______ it already.
  A) had seen    B) has seen    C) will see    D) saw
23. The book is so interesting _____ all of us like reading it.
  A) /    B) because    C) that    D) or
24. That building was built _______ years ago.
  A) hundred    B) hundreds of    C) two hundreds of    D) a hundred of
25. Can you ______ fifty English words at a time?
  A) member    B) forget    C) memorize    D) memory
26. It has too many people in the room. Please keep the door _____.
  A) opened    B) opens    C) to open    D) open
27. My parents were very angry ______ me when I threw the test paper on the ground.
  A) at    B) on    C) in    D) with
28. Kitty has learned to speak Chinese only for three months, so she ______ as Tom.
  A) speaks Chinese not so good    B) doesn’t speak Chinese so well
  C) doesn’t speak Chinese so good    D) speaks Chinese not so well
II. Complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each word can only be used once(将下列单词填入空格。每空格限填一词,每个单词只能填一次)
  A. hungry    B. supermarkets   C. so   D. buy   E. get tired   F. are excited   G. parking 
  On Saturday, most people are busy shopping for their home. Some of them go to the stores; some go to the ___1___. But in America, most shoppers enjoy shopping in the shopping malls.
  A mall is a group of shops. there you can ___2___ clothes, furniture, and everything you need. Shopping malls provide a place for ___3___ your car. Usually, the mall is under one roof ___4___ the shoppers do not get cold or wet from wind, rain or snow.
  After shopping, you ___5___. You can walk into the sitting-rooms for a short rest. If you get ___6___, you can go to the dining-rooms in the malls to have a good meal. Now more and more Americans like to go shopping there.
III.    Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms用所给单词适当形式完成句子
1. _______________ houses are easily destroyed when typhoon comes. (wood)
2. The story really sounds very _______________. (excite)
3. He reported the _______________ to the police when he saw what was happening. (thief)
4. The object became _______________ suddenly and we were all surprised to see it disappear. (visible)
5. Children can always get _______________ from watching cartoons. (please)
6. The teacher is very _______________ with the student’s answer. (satisfy)
7. She _______________ in writing some computer games when she was in the middle school. (successful) 
8. You are _______________ wrong about it, I am afraid. (complete)
IV. Rewrite the sentences as required(按要求改写句子,每空格限填一词)
1. Peter often has bread for his breakfast. 改为否定句
  Peter _______________ _______________ bread for his breakfast.
2. I have already received some Christmas cards from my friends. 改为一般疑问句
  _______________ you received _______________ Christmas cards from your friends yet?
3. The small boy stopped crying after he saw his mother.(保持原句意思)
  The small boy _______________ stop crying _______________ he saw his mother.
4. It took me half an hour to go to the People’s Square by underground. 对划线部分提问
  _______________ _______________ did it take you to go to the People’s Square by underground?
5. We must protect our earth well. 改为被动语态
  Our earth must _______________ _______________ by us well.
Part 3  Reading and Writing 第三卷 阅读和写话
I. Reading comprehension(阅读理解):
(A) True or False(判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用T表示,不符合的用F表示)
  Mr Green, a London taxi-driver, has a new black taxi. With his taxi he hurries through the busy streets every day.
  One day when he was having a short rest, a young man jumped into his taxi. “To the station as fast as you can,” said the man in a very friendly way. “My train leaves at three o’clock.”
  Mr Green did this best, but there was a lot of traffic. At every corner there was a red light. “Hurry up, man! I don’t want to miss my train,” said the young man. “And I don’t want to have an accident,” answered Mr Green quietly.
  While he was driving, Mr Green looked in the mirror and suddenly saw the man’s face. He was a thief. The police were looking for him. His picture was in the newspaper.
  Mr Green raced through the streets and drove through red lights. Soon there was a police car behind him. Mr Green raced on until he reached the station. He stopped in front of the station at two minutes to three and the young man quickly jumped out of the taxi.
  “Stop! Stop!” cried Mr Green. At the moment the police car stopped Mr Green. Two policemen rushed into the station. Three minutes later they returned with the young man. “Well done!” the policemen said to Mr Green as they were taking the thief to the police car.
(    ) 1. Mr Green was busy every day.
(    ) 2. There was a lot of traffic in the streets of London.
(    ) 3. The young man drove the taxi very fast to catch 3 o’clock train in the afternoon.
(    ) 4. Mr Green saw the young man’s face in the mirror and remembered the picture in the newspaper.
(    ) 5. Mr Green ran through the red lights and tried his best to catch the right train.
(    ) 6. Mr Green told the policemen that he had caught the thief.
(B) Choose the right answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)
  The word “sport” first meant something that people did in their free time. Later it often meant hunting wild animals and birds.
  About a hundred years ago the word was first used for organized games. This is the usual meaning of the word today. People spend a lot of their spare time playing football, basketball, tennis and many other sports. Such people play because they want to. A few people are paid for the sport they play. These people are called professional sportsmen 职业运动员. They may be sportsmen for only a few years, but during that time the best one can earn a lot of money.
  For example, a professional footballer in England earns more than $30,000 a year. The stars earn a lot more. International golf高尔夫球and tennis champions网球锦标赛can make more than $50,000 in a year. Of course, only a few sportsmen can earn as much money as that. It is possible in sports for individuals like golf, tennis and motor-racing. Perhaps the most surprising thing about sportsmen and money is this: The stars can earn more money from advertising than from sport. An advertiment for sports equipment运动装备 does not simply say “Buy our thing.” It says “Buy the same shirt and ” Famous sportsmen can even advertise things like watches and food. They allow the companies to use their names or photographs of them and they are paid for this. Sport is no longer just something for people’s spare time.
1. The word “sport” now usually means ________.
  A) organized games                            B) hunting wild animals and birds
  C) games played during people’s spare time        D) professional games   
2. A “professional” sportsman is someone who _______.
  A) earns a lot of money                        B) plays a sport for a number of years
  C) likes sport very much                        D) earns money by playing a sport
3. Famous sports stars can earn _________ money from advertising than sport.
  A) less                    B) more            C) no          D) a lot of
4. “Spare time” means ______ time.
  A) own                B) great                C) free            D) home
5. Which of the following is NOT true?
  A) Many famous sportsmen can earn money besides playing sports games
  B) Professional footballers play football all their lives
C) If a company uses the photos of a famous sportsman, they will pay for him.
D) The author tells us three different meanings of the word “sport” in this passage
6. Which is the best topic of this passage?
  A) Sport and Money        B) Sports Games  C) People’s Spare Time      D) Professional Sportsmen   
(C) Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题)
  Mr Green works in a hospital. He is busy driving a car every day. His wife works in a school library. They have one son called Tommy.
  Half a year ago, when Tommy was six, Mrs Green took him to her school. The boy was clever and studied well. But at first he couldn’t adapt使适应himself to the new life. In the morning he woke up late and in the evening he didn’t go to bed on time. But his mother tried to make him do everything on time.
  One evening when Mr Green was driving in a street, a traffic accident happened. He had to take the wounded persons to the hospital and it took him about two hours. When he got home, he began to tell his family about it.
  “It’s time for you to go to bed, Tommy.” Said Mrs Green.
  The boy wanted to know what had happened in the accident. But he had to do what his mother told him. When he lay down, he said, “I don’t think Mom can look after me at all!”
  “Oh? Why?” asked his father.
  The boy said, “She always makes me go to bed when I’m not sleepy, but she wakes me up when I’m asleep!”
1. How does Mr Green go to work every day?
  He ______________________________________________________________.
2. Did Tommy get used to the school life at first?
3. What happened to Mr Green one evening when he was out in a street?
4. Did Tommy’s mother allow him to listen to the story of the accident?
5. What did Tommy’s mother ask him to do ?
  She asked him _____________________________________________________.
6. Do you think Tommy’s mother can look after her son well?
(D) Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语,完成短文)
  Last month we bought our daughter a little dog. She was only two years old. There are not many ___1___ of her age in our area, and we thought ___2___ would make her less lonely.
  We are right. They play with ___3___ happily all day. Our daughter now smiles and laughs a lot more than she ___4___. In a way it is like having two children in the house. ___5___ of them are very untidy, and they cry ___6___ they do not get what they want. It is ___7___ to look after the dog than my daughter --- it always eats up all its food and we don’t have piles of dirty clothes to wash. My wife is also very happy because I have stopped ___8___. The dog doesn’t like the smell.
1. A) child            B) children            C) little girl        D) little boy
2. A) a dog            B) a friend            C) dog            D) friends
3. A) another            B) others                C) each other        D) the others
4. A) used to            B) used                C) use to            D) is used to
5. A) All                B) Either            C) None            D) Both
6. A) when            B) why                C) how            D) what
7. A) easy            B) easier                C) easily            D) easying
8. A) to smoke            B) smoked            C) smoking        D) smokes
(E) Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)
  Long ago, the goal球门in a soccer game had n___1___ net. It was hard to tell w___2___ a ball went into the goal or not. Players often fought.
  One day, a fishing net maker went to w___3___ a soccer game. When he saw people f___4___ about the goal, he suddenly had an idea, “If I p___5___ a fishing net on the poles, it won’t be d___6___ to tell if the ball is in the goal.” He left the game and brought back two fishing nets. He put the net on the goal and it w___7___. Later, he started to m___8___ lots of nets for goals.
. Write at least 60 words according to the given topic “My School Life”以“我的学校生活”为题写话,词数不少于60个,标点符号不占格。
Do you find your school life interesting? Why?
What is your favourite school life? Why?
My school life
____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
____________ ____________ ____________ _________(60) ____________ ____________ ____________
____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
  Television has now come to nearly every family. It has become a very important part in
people’s life. People like to watch TV when they are at home. Children are especially keen on cartoons from TV.
  Some parents think that television is good for their children because it helps them know more about what is happening around them or in the world. With the help of some TV programmes of education, children can do better in school.
  Other parents do not feel so nice. They think their children spend too much time watching TV. It does harm to their eye. What’s more? They don’t think that most TV programmes are good for their children.
  Mr. Martin will be very busy tomorrow. In the morning, he will meet a manager of a company. The meeting will begin at 9:30 and last for about two hours. After the meeting, he will drive to a famous restaurant to have dinner with his friend from New York. Then before 1:30, he will try to finish his report on the subject they talked about in the morning. From 2:30 to 3:30 in the afternoon, he will have another meeting with his assistants on the development of his company. At about 4:50, he will be sent to the airport to catch the 6:30 plane to Los Angles.
1. 9:    2. drive    3. before    4. report    5. meeting    6. 6:30    7. fly
I. 1. CACBD    6. ADBCA    11. BBDCA    16. CDBDB    21. AACBC      26. DDB
III. Wooden    exciting    theft   invisible  pleasure    satisfied  succeeded    completely
IV. 1. doesn’t, have    2. Have, any    3. didn’t, until    4. How, long    5. be, protected
(A ) 1. T  2. T  3. F  4. T  5. F  6. F        (B) 1. A  2. D  3. B  4. C  5. B  6. A
(C)  1. He drives to work..     2. No, he didn’t.                3. A traffic accident happened.
    4. No, she didn’t.        5. She asked him to go to bed.      6. Yes, she can. /No, she can’t.
(D) 1. B  2. A  3. C  4. A  5. D  6. A  7. B  8. C
(E) 1. no  2. whether  3. watch  4. fight  5. put  6. difficult  7. worked  8. make
