大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国英语:The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland;威尔士文:Teyrnas Unedig Prydain Fawra Gogledd Iwerddon;苏格兰盖尔语:An Rìoghachd Aonaichte na Breatainn Mhòr agus Eirinn mu Thuath;爱尔兰语:Ríocht Aontaithe na Breataine Móire agus Thuaisceart Éireann;低地苏格兰语:Unitit Kingdom o Great Britain an Norlin Airlann),简称联合王国英文:United Kingdom)或不列颠英文:Britain)[4],通称英国,是由大不列颠岛上的威尔士和英格兰的关系英格兰苏格兰威尔士,以及爱尔兰岛东北部的北爱尔兰以及一系列附属岛屿共同组成的一个西欧岛国。中文里的“英国”一词,即由“英格兰”而来,其国际代码为GB。
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,[nb 4] commonly known as the United Kingdom (UK) and Britain, is a sovereign state located off the north-western coast of continental Europe. The country includes the island of Great Britain, the north-eastern part of the island of Ireland and many smaller islands. Northern Ireland is the only part of the UK that shares a land border with another state—the Republic of Ireland.[nb 5] Apart from this land border, the UK is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean in the west and north, the North Sea in the east, the English Channel in the south and the Irish Sea in the west.
英国总面积约243,610平方千米(94,060平方英里)。它占有不列颠岛大部分地方,当中包括整个不列颠岛爱尔兰岛东北(面积占整个爱尔兰岛1/6)和一些围绕不列颠岛的小岛屿。[10]该国坐落在北大西洋北海之间,东南海岸朝向法国,距离法国北部海岸 35千米(22英里),中间被英吉利海峡分隔。[11]根据一个1993年的调查,英国10%的国土是森林,其中46%用作畜牧业用途,另有25%用作农业用途。[12]伦敦格林尼治皇家天文台
英国国土最北端的横坐标是北纬61°,最南端的横坐标是北纬49°,而最西端的纵坐标是西经9°,最东端的纵坐标是东经2°。北爱尔兰爱尔兰共和国的边界长达360-千米 (224-英里)。[11]不列颠海岸线长达17,820千米(11,073英里)。[13]不列颠岛以海峡隧道连接欧洲大陆,总长度达50千米(31英里)(水底部分长达38千米(24英里)),是当前世界上最长的水底隧道。[14]
苏格兰占英国总面积的1/3,面积达78,772平方千米(30,410平方英里)。[16]当中有近八百个岛屿[17]大部分分布在苏格兰岛的西部、北部;分别称为赫布里底岛奥克尼岛设德兰岛。苏格兰的地形是Highland Boundary Fault造成的,这个断层,西至Isle of Arran ,
东至Stonehaven 。[18]断层造成两个不同的区域;西北部的苏格兰高地和东南部的苏格兰低地。苏格兰大部分山地都在高低区域,其中有不列颠岛最高的本尼维斯山(高达1,343米(4,406英尺))[19]在低地区域的福斯湾和 Firth of Clyde 之间的狭窄被称作Central Lowlands ,这个地带里坐落着拥有最多人口的格拉斯哥和首府、政治中心爱丁堡
威尔士占全英面积不到1/10,约20,779平方千米(8,020平方英里)。[20]威尔士在全英来说,是最多山地的,只有南威尔士山地较少。海滨城市加的夫斯旺西纽波特都坐落在南威尔士。在这三个城市的北部,有South Wales Valleys 。Snowdonia 和斯诺登山 (高达1,085米(3,560英尺),是威尔士最高的山)是威尔士最高的两座山。威尔士14座超过914米(3000尺)的山一起被称为Welsh 3000s。威尔士的海岸线长达1200公路(750里)。威尔士也有几个岛,当中最大的是西北部的Anglesey。
北爱尔兰面积只有14,160平方千米(5,470平方英里),大部分都是山地。北爱有不列颠岛最大的湖,内湖,面积达388平方千米(150平方英里)。[21]北爱的高峰是Mourne Mountains的Slieve Donard(高达852米(2,795英尺))。[12]
The total area of the United Kingdom is approximately 243,610 square kilometres (94,060 sq mi). The country occupies the major part of the British Isles[99] archipelago and includes the island of Great Britain, the north-eastern one-sixth of the island of Ireland and some smaller surrounding islands. It lies between the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea with the south-east coast coming within 35 kilometres (22 mi) of the coast of northern France, from which it is separated by the English Channel.[100] As of 1993 10% of the UK was forested, 46% used for pastures and 25% used for agriculture.[101] The Royal Greenwich Observatory in London is the defining point of the Prime Meridian.[102]
The United Kingdom lies between latitudes 49° to 61° N, and longitudes 9° W to 2° E. Northern Ireland shares a 360-kilometre (224 mi) land boundary with the Republic of Ireland.[100] The coastline of Great Britain is 17,820 kilometres (11,073 mi) long.[103] It is connected to continental Europe by the Channel Tunnel, which at 50 kilometres (31 mi) (38 kilometres (24 mi) underwater) is the longest underwater tunnel in the world.[104]
England accounts for just over half of the total area of the UK, covering 130,395 square kilometres (50,350 sq mi).[105] Most of the country consists of lowland terrain,[101] with mountainous terrain north-west of the Tees-Exe line; including the Cumbrian Mountains of the Lake District, the Pennines and limestone hills of the Peak District, Exmoor and Dartmoor. The main rivers and estuaries are the Thames, Severn and the Humber. England's highest mountain is Scafell Pike (978 metres (3,209 ft)) in the Lake District. Its principal rivers are the Severn, Thames, Humber, Tees, Tyne, Tweed, Avon, Exe and Mersey.[101]
