                    丽阳中学  王贵泉
Teaching aim: Let Ss  know how to solve this kind of test problems
Teaching process:
Step 1 Show the passage
    sleep, chance, base, condition, final,  afford, hard,  fast, who, with 
  I love movies. Among all of them, I prefer movies that I can get inspiration from。The Puruit Happiness is such a movie。 This movie is    51  on a true story of Chris Cardner, a salesman   52    tried to build a future for himself and his 5—year-old son Christopher。
    Chris Cardner was having a  53    life in San Fracisco in 1981。 His wife hated to have a poor life,, so she left them。
While trying to sell his products, Cardner met Jay, a successful stockbroker. His new relationship with Jay helped him get a    54  to work in a stock company。 But he could not get any pay during the early minths. Without any pay, he could not    55  the apartment .He and his son had to    56  on the streets or homeless shelters
Cardner never let other people know about his bad  57  。 He arrived at theoffice early and stayed late every day. As an inte4lligent man, Cardner developed a number of ways to make his work   58  and better。   59 he got the job。  60  his confidence and the love and the trust of his son, Cardner opened his own company. And his story encouraged me to realize my dream.
Step 2  讲解解题技巧
  选词填空要求学生利用所给的12个词汇或10词汇中(一般有名词,单词、代词,动词,形容词,副词,数词,冠词,介词和连词等)补全一篇有10 个空缺的短文。要攻克这一难关,学生除了要进行大量的阅读,积累丰富的语言知识外,还须掌握一定的解题技巧
  1. 拿到题目后,不急于看短文,首先对备选的词汇研究几遍,对所给单词进行词性分析,并做简单标记。如:名词 —n。  动词 -v.  形容词 - adj。  副词 -adv。 等等。同时对词义做初步理解。
2. 通读全文,语义完整、适用、合乎逻辑是做好填词的前提。通过上、下文的句子充分理解短文的含义,注意发现固定搭配,凭借语感积极主动地猜测空格中所缺的信息,根据需要在备选词汇中寻匹配的答案。
n。 Sleep, chance, base, condition, final
v. Sleep, afford,base      adj。hard fast final
adv。 Hard, fast          pron. who 
prep. with
This movie is    51  on a true story of Chris Cardner, a salesman   52    tried to build a future for himself and his 5—year—old son Christopher。
  51题依据be based on 这一固定搭配短语,意思是“根据、以。。。。.为根据”
a  salesman 并不是作主语,而tried是动词,很有可能作谓语,因此用who引导定语从句,修饰salesman.
Chris Cardner was having a  53    life in San Francisco in 1981。
冠词a  +  单数名词    因此53题应起修饰作用,常用adj.
His new relationship with Jay helped him get a    54  to work in a stock company。
  a + 单数名词  其后动词不定式作名词的后置定语,故填名词
Without any pay, he could not    55  the apartment .He and his son had to    56  on the streets or homeless shelters
    55题依据去情态动词 + 动词原形 故填动词
    56题依据have to + 动词原形      故填动词
Cardner never let other people know about his bad  57  .
  57题依据形容词物主性代词/ 形容词修饰名词  故填名词
(6)Cardner developed a number of ways to make his work   58  and better。
58题应与better 并列同作宾语的补足语  make + 宾语+ 宾语的补足语
(7)  59 he got the job
59题位于句首,不影响句子的结构完整,很有可能是adv。 位于句首作状语。
(8) 60  his confidence and the love and the trust of his son, Cardner opened his own company。
  Step3 通读短文,核对答案
I love movies。 Among all of them, I prefer movies that I can get inspiration from.The Puruit Happiness is such a movie。 This movie is  based  on a true story of Chris Cardner, a salesman   who  tried to build a future for himself and his 5-year—old son Christopher.
    Chris Cardner was having a  hard  life in San Fracisco in 1981。 His wife hated to have
a poor life,, so she left them.
While trying to sell his products, Cardner met Jay, a successful stockbroker. His new relationship with Jay helped him get a  chance to work in a stock company。 But he could not get any pay during the early minths。 Without any pay, he could not  afford the apartment 。He and his son had to    sleep  on the streets or homeless shelters
Cardner never let other people know about his bad  condition  。 He arrived at the office early and stayed late every day。 As an inte4lligent man, Cardner developed a number of ways to make his work   faster  and better.   Finally he got the job。  With  his confidence and the love and the trust of his son, Cardner opened his own company。 And his story encouraged me to realize my dream。
