摘 要:本文从英语中多数词都有本意和涵义两层意思论述了词“library”、“mother”在句中的涵义的用法,又通过几个例子来说明不注意词汇的涵义就会造成选词不当。
关键词:library mother 本义 涵义
library的本义是a place where books may be read or borrowed. 在这个意义上,这个词对所有使用英语的人都是一样的,但一旦被不同的人在不同的上下文中使用,就可能有迥异的涵义了:
1. the library is the storehouse of human knowledge and aspiration.
2. he was a boring person because all he had was library knowledge.
1.句中“library”引起的联想是褒义的,而2.句中的“ library”则有“呆板”、“狭隘”(stuffiness,confinement)等涵义。
mothe的本义是 female parent, 它的涵义一般都是emotional warmth,comfort,security等。用作动词时一般是褒义的涵义,但也要看它用在什么上下文中。如:
1. these orphans need someday to mother them.
the old lady mothered him during his illness.
2. i resent being mothered.
the boy is spoiled because you have been mothering him.
“mother”一词在这两组句子中均做动词,但涵义却不大相同。在第一组句子中它的涵义是 take good care of ,而在第二组句子中则转为overprotect.
我们在用英语写作时,要特别留心所使用的词的涵义。你对一个姑娘说“you are thin.”
这大概是客观情况,但你如果说“you are skinny.”,恐怕就会得罪人家,而你说“you are slim(or slender)”.她会十分的高兴。其实 thin,skinny,slender,slim 几个词的本义都是below the average weight 。但它们的涵义却不大相同。home 和fireside给人以温暖、亲切 (warmth,affection )之类的联想,而house 和stove 则不会引起此类联想。little和 small 本义相同,但little往往带有感情彩。
1. i was especially grateful to professor collins,for his course in modern arts indoctrinateme in the techniques ofmodern painting.
本句中的indoctrinate 虽和teach本义相同,却会引起propaganda,forced instruction之类的联想,所以用得不当。
2. my aunt is a generous and charitable woman:she is very pious in her desire to help others.
教方面指devotion in religion, 但在指非宗教事物时往往有self-righteous的涵义。
3. some of my classmates wanted to be scientists,writers or teachers.some wanted to be physicians or nurses.and some others wanted to be politicians.
politician和statement虽然都是a person interested in politics的本义,但politician的涵义往往是someone who engages in politics for his own selfish purposes.有哪个人会有这样的联想?
4. the teachers all praised xiao lei,for she was really a grind.
grind虽是用功的学生的意思,someday是什么意思但颇有过分用功的书呆子 的涵义,所以应说diligent student 或hardworking student.
5. i was overcome with grief because my old man had kicked the bucket. old man虽和father本义相同,kick the bucket的本义也就是die,但old man 给人以不敬之感,更有不庄之嫌,用在此句中都不适宜。
为了掌握好词的涵义,平时阅读时要特别留心,经常把本义相同的词放在一起比较,注意其涵义的褒贬,感情彩及其他细微区别。这样,才能用词的时候得心应手,能够用得恰当。 □