Chapter One
Geography. People and Language
New Words & Phrases.
temperate      温带、和的           
precipitation    降雨量
latitude        纬度
immigrant      移民
colony          殖民地
diverse          多样化的
Germanic        日尔曼语系的
evolve          演变,发展
Vikings          北欧海盗
codify          编簨,系统化
undocumented    无文件记载的
subsequently      随后的
barbarian        野蛮人
division          部分,分界线
husbandary        饲养业
missionary        传教士
monastery        修道院
I. Geography
1. full name: the United Kindom of Great Britain and Northen Lreland.
2. Location: the U.K locates to the northwest of mainland Europe,an island country surrounded by sea,It lies in the North Atlantic Ocean.
3. Area: 242.910 square kilometers
4. Composition: British Isles
5. Political division: England,  Scotland, Wales,  Northen Island                     
6. Mountain: Ben Nevis (本尼维斯)1st 1343m
7. River: Seven River (塞文河)1st ,338km (in Wales)
Thames River(in England), 2nd ,336km
8. Lake: Lough Neagh(内湖)1st ,338km
      (in Northern Ireland)
9. climate:a maritime climate
        plentiful preciperation
        foggy,rainy, instablility
10:Major Cities:
  1st :London,capital
2nd :Birmingham(伯明翰)
3rd :Leeds(利兹)
II. People
1.Race:the English  81.5%
      The Scottish  9.6%
      The Irish    1.9%
      The North Irish 7%
2.Population: 60 million (a 2005 estimate)
3.Religion: Christianity
III. Language: English is a member of the Indo-European family of language. It is in the Germanic group of this family.
Old English(5th -1150)
  The Angles,Saxons and Jutes drove the Celtic-speaking people out of what is now England into Scotland,Wales, and the Ireland in the 5th and 6th century, they used the language of northeastern regien of the Netherland—that is now called Old English.
Middle English(1150-1550)
    In 1066, William, the Conqueror invaded and conquered England, they used French as the official language,so many French words came into English vocabulary. English day by day evolved into what is now referred to as Middle English.
Modern English(1550-now)
  In 1467, The printing press was introduced by William Caxton,who brought standardization to English, the dialect of London became the standard. Spelling and grammar became fixed.
2.Standard English
  It is based on the speech of the upper class of southeastern England, adopted as a broadcasting standard  in the British media.It is used as much in printed material and is normally taught in schools and to non –native speakers learning language. It is called Queens English or BBC English. At present, nearly a quarter of the worlds population use
English. It has became a universal linguia franca
Chapter Two  History
New words and Phrases
pious            虔诚的
coronation        加冕
feudalism          封建制度
charter            宪章
constitution        宪法
provision          条款
parliament        议会
monarchy          君主制度
Puritan            清教徒
dominion          领土,统治权
retake            收回
originate          发源
maritime          海上的,靠海的
norm              准则
dialect            方言,地方话
Christianity          基督教
the British Isles      不列颠岛
Guildhall          市政厅
St.Pauls Cathedral    圣保罗大教堂
Indo-European family of language 印欧语系
Northen Ireland      北爱尔兰
I. The Origin of the Nation (55BC-1066AC)国家的起源
巨石阵:In 2500BCTheBeaker folk(比克人) invaded the British islands,they built the Stonshenge in 1800BC-1400BC
        In 1000BC,The Celts(凯尔特人) from the west of the Europe invaded the British island 3 times and settled there.
1. 55BC-410AC  Romans rule罗马统治时代
  The recorded history in Britain began in the year 55BC, Julius Caesar(凯撒大帝) and his troops invaded and ruled the island. The Celts became slaves,and many of them were driven to the mountains of Scoltland an Wales.The Britain became a province of Rome.
2. 446AC-871AC  The Anglo-Saxons盎格鲁-撒克逊时代
In the mid-5th century the Anglo-Saxons and The Jute from Denmark and Northern Germany, invaded the Britain and drove all the Roman troops, their language was English, replaced the Celtic language. the country became known as England, meaningthe land of the Angles.
  The Heptarchy(七国时代):to the beginning of 7th century,they built 7 countries.In 596AC St.Augustine(圣奥古斯丁 )was sent to Britain to convert the Anglo-saxons.By the late of 7th century, Roman Christianity become the dominant religion.
