1.I _____ a book last weekend. (   )
A.buy    B.buys    C.bought
2.Can I have _______ apple juice? (   )
A.some    B.many    C.a few
3.—_____ you _____ a parrot show in the park yesterday? (   )
—Yes, that’s interesting.
A.Do; see    B.Did; look at    C.Did; watch
4.—What ________ your bedroom messy? (    )
—The ________ make my bedroom messy.
A.makes; toys    B.make; toy    C.make; toys
5.Don't drink ______ cola. It's bad for your health. (    )
A.so little    B.too many    C.too much
6.The boy is ______ a blue coat. (   )
A.with    B.put on    C.wearing
7.—________ I go to bed now? (    )
—No, you can’t. You ________ brush your teeth before bedtime.
A.Can; must    B.Must; must    C.Can; can’t
8.—Where did you go ________ your holiday? (     ) 
—I ________ to Xinjiang.
A.on; go    B.in; went    C.on; went
9.He is _______ a king for the play tomorrow. (     )
A.going to    B.going    C.going to be
10.We will _____ on the Internet. (    )
A.look them up    B.look up them    C.look them up at
11.—What did you do last weekend? (   )
—I ______ at home.
A.stay    B.stays    C.stayed
12.The football match is very ________.( 
A.excite    B.excited    C.exciting
13.We will meet ______ nine o’clock tomorrow morning. (    )
A.in    B.on    C.at
14.She is going to be a ______. She wants to fight COVID-19 (新冠肺炎).
A.teacher    B.doctor    C.farmer
15.—What did you do? (      )
—I stayed at home ________ your grandma.
A.in    B.to    C.with
16.This building has ______ floors. Our classroom is on the ______ floor. (   )
A.four; two    B.four; second    C.fourth; two
17.—______ you go to the supermarket yesterday? (    )
—No, I read books in the library.
A.Did    B.Do    C.Does
18.The dinosaur is ______ the rabbit. (   )
A.big    B.bigger    C.bigger than
19.He _____ play football before, now he _____ play football well. (   )
A.was; is    B.did; does    C.couldn’t; can
20.—________ pencil is longer? (   )
—Wu Binbin's.
A.Whose    B.Who    C.When
21.Jane is ______ than me. (thin)
22.My mother is _________ (learn) Chinese now.
23.I _________ (go) swimming last weekend.
24.I am going to _____ (go) cycling next weekend.
25.Those scarves in the window ________ (be) nice.
26.Chen Jie is _______ (thin) than you.
27.My brother is ____ (thin) than me.
28.Jim, please don’t ________ (shout) in the library.
29.They stopped the thief and _________ (take) him to the police station.
30.I finished my homework _________. It's so _________ (easy).
31.There w_________ many animals in that race.
32.I r_________ a bike with my friends today. It is fun.
33.Mr Li always f_______ his work on time.
34.I want to be a w________ in the future, because I like writing for the children.
35.He only ______ ______ ______ ______ (喝一点儿水) every day. It’s not healthy.
36.You must _________ (当心汽车和自行车).
37.Liu Tao has _________ (许多的好习惯).
38.Xiaoyong is p______ the suona, but the dog comes.
39.Wang Yaping gave her daughter a g_____ when she came back to the earth. That was a star.
40.Jim: Your maths teacher is so strong. ______________
Joe: He is 80 kilograms. He's stronger than my PE teacher.
The weekend comes again.Millie is _41__ with her mother.She would like her mother to buy a new _42__for her.
In a clothes shop,she finds an orange one.She tries it on,but it is too43_.She wants a bigger one.However(然而),the bigger one is not _44__, Millie doesn’t like other colours.Her mother says,“Let’s go to another shop to have a _45__.”Then they go out of the shop and into the next one.
This shop is very big and there are many kinds_46__sweaters,Millie likes an orange one and asks, “How_47__is it? ” “500 yuan”.answers the shopkeeper.
They_48__it is too expensive(贵的)and they don’t have so much _49__ with them.“Would you like a cheaper one?”The shopkeeper asks,Millie’s mother answers,“No,I will take it tomorrow _50__ my daughter likes it.”
41、A.dancing    B.studying    C.playing    D.shopping
42、A.T-shirt    B.blouse    C.skirt    D.sweater
43、A.big    B.small    C.cheap    D.expensive
44、A.orange    B.white    C.yellow    D.black
45、A.swim    B.drink    C.look    D.walk
46、A.on    B.of    C.in    D.for
47、A.many    B.old    C.much    D.long
48、A.talk    B.say    C.speak    D.tell
49、A.paper    B.food    C.money    D.time
50、A.because    B.so    C.if    D.but
True or False  (判断下列句子是否符合短文内容 ,符合的用 "T"表示 ,不符合的用F表示).
Jimmy, Tommy and John are classmates and friends. They study at the No. 9 Middle School. They study Chinese, English, Maths, History, Geography, PE, Art and Music. Jimmy likes Chinese, English and History. They are his favourite subjects. Tommy is good at Maths and Music. John's favourite subjects are English, History and Art.
