必修二Unit 5 Music Grammar课时作业
I've always had strong opinions of how love should be expressed, but others had their own ways of showing care.
What I remember most about visiting my  1  parents is the loud tick of the  2  in the dining room as we  3  ate our meal. With so little conversation I was quick to  4  his family as cold. When we got into the  5  to go home, his father suddenly appeared.  6  , he began to wash his son's windscreen. I could feel he is a  7  man through the glass.
I  8  another lesson about love a few years later. I always return phone calls  9  and regularly contact my friends. I  10  the same from them. But I had one friend who  11  called, answering my messages with short e­mails. I rushed to the  12  :She wasn't a good friend! My anger  13  as the holidays approached. But then she came to a gathering I hosted and  14  me a beautiful dress I had fallen in love with when we did some window­shopping the prev
ious month. I was  15  at her thoughtfulness,and regretful for  16  I'd considered her to be uncaring.Clearly I needed to  17  my expectations of friends.
Far too often,I ignored their unique  18  , eagerly expecting them to do things in my  19  . Over the years,however,I've learned to   20  other persons' love signs.
【语篇解读】 怎样表达爱对此作者有自己的观点而其他人有他们自己的方式因为每个人表达的方式不同有时会误解其他人。通过两件事情作者吸取了教训。
1A.own      B.boyfriend's
C.girlfriend's      D.father's
B [own自己的;boyfriend's男朋友的;girlfriend's女朋友的;father's父亲的。根据下文中his familyhis fatherhis son等信息可知作者是去拜访男朋友的父母故选B项。]
2A.clock      B.table
C.plates      D.dishes
A [clock钟表;table桌子;plate盘子;dish盘子根据空格前的关键词tick(钟的滴答声)可知选A项。]
3A.excitedly      B.nervously
C.silently      D.instantly
C [excitedly兴奋地;nervously紧张地;silently安静地;instantly立刻。根据下句With so little conversation可知是很安静地吃饭故选C项。]
4A.regard      B.treat
C.get      D.have
A [as...固定搭配……看作当作。因为交流太少作者很快就认为男朋友的家人比较冷漠。treat对待;get获得;have有。]
music可数吗5A.bus      B.train
C.car      D.plane
C [根据下文...he began to wash his son's windscreen.他开始清扫儿子的(汽车)挡风玻璃可知我们开车回家故选C项。]
6A.Punctually      B.Carefully
C.Proudly      D.Coldly
B [punctually准时地;carefully认真地;proudly骄傲地;coldly冷酷地。能够改变作者看法的应该是作者男友的父亲认真地为儿子清扫挡风玻璃的这个行为故选B项。]
7A.cold      B.strange
C.tough      D.caring
D [cold冷酷的;strange陌生的;tough坚强的;caring有爱心的。通过清扫挡风玻璃的这个行为可以看出作者男朋友的父亲是关心家人的故选D项。]
8A.understood      B.learned
C.taught      D.tried
B [understand理解;learn学习;teach教;try尝试。learn a lesson吸取教训。文章第二段讲了从拜访男朋友父母这件事中得到教训第三段讲从与朋友交往这件事中吸取教训故选B项。]
9A.in order      B.in turn
C.without delay      D.without difficulty
C [in order按顺序地;in turn轮流;without delay及时;without difficulty容易地。根据句意我总是及时地给朋友回电话定期与朋友联系可知选C项。]
10A.expect      B.consider
C.intend      D.ask
A [expect期待;consider认为;intend打算;ask要求。句意:我也期待我的朋友以同样的方式对待我故选A项。]
11A.regularly      B.still
C.even      D.rarely
D [regularly有规律地;still仍然;even甚至;rarely很少地罕有地。根据关键词but可知朋友没有像我期待的那样对待我也就是很少打电话不定期联系故选D项。]
12A.faith      B.suggestion
C.judgment      D.approval
C [faith信念;suggestion建议;judgment评价;approval赞同。根据下一句She wasn't a good friend!可知这是作者对朋友作出的评价故选C项。]
13A.remained      B.failed
C.grew      D.quit
C [remain保持;fail失败;grow增加;quit离开。My anger        as the holidays approached.构成转折关系。所在的一句及下文说明作者改变了对朋友的看法故前面作者还是认为她不是一个好朋友所以还是很生气再根据approached
14A.handed      B.bought
C.helped      D.offered
A [hand传递交给;buy买;help帮助;offer提供。她来到我主持的聚会上给了我一条我心仪很久的裙子因为朋友来到了聚会现场不可能是买裙子而offer太过正式所以A项最合适。]
15A.depressed      B.upset
C.fascinated      D.shocked
D [depressed沮丧的;upset难过的;fascinated着迷的;shocked吃惊的。作者的朋友通过自己的方式表现出了其独特的关爱让作者感到吃惊(shocked)从而改变了她的看法故选D项。]
16A.how  B.what
C.why  D.whether
A [根据句意:对我是如何认为她不关心他人的感到后悔故选A。]
17A.make      B.change
C.appreciate      D.draw
B [make做;change改变;appreciate欣赏感激;draw画吸引。上句说到我感到后悔那么我肯定是要改变对朋友的期待故选B项。]
18A.expectations      B.experiences
C.adventures      D.expressions
D [expectation期待;experience经历;adventure冒险活动;expression表达。全文都在讲不同的人表达关爱的方式故这里是说我忽视了他们独特的表达方式故选D项。]
19A.manners      B.skill
C.means      D.way
D [in...way固定结构……方式。我忽视了他们独特的表达方式而期待他们用我的方式表达关爱故选D项。]
20A.send      B.read
C.give      D.express
B [作者由起初的误解他人到最后懂得领会(read)人们传达爱的方式照应文章的开头。故选B项。]
A computer program has beaten a human champion  at the ancient Chinese board game Go. It marked an important advance for the 1.        (develop) of artificial intelligence. The program2.        (call) AlphaGo,had taught itself how to win. It beat the European champion in all five games of a match in October. The developers say 3.        (it) learning a
bility may someday let computers help solve real­world problems. Those could include making medical diagnoses and 4.        (conduct) scientific research.
