Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.
Period 1 词汇学习课
【重点】:sadness, moving等词汇变换。
【难点】:prefer, end 等词汇的运用。
1. Read after the tape player together, correct your pronunciation.
2. Prepare for your word reading in groups, then have a competition, the others give th
em marks.
3. Look at some pictures and say out the new words.
4. Learn the forms of the words.
1. prefer --(pt/pp)preferred      1) prefer sth  更喜欢某物 eg.  Would you prefer tea?
    prefer A to B=like A better than B比起B 更喜欢A    eg. I prefer water to tea.   
2) prefer (not) to do sth 更喜欢(不)做  eg.  I’d prefer to live in Chongqing .
3) prefer doing to doing = prefer to do rather than do
He likes riding a bike better than driving.=He _________ riding a bike_________ driving.
=He prefers ______ ride a bike ________ ________ drive.
2. Australian(adj.)-- Australia (n.)    3. electronic (adj.)-- electricity (n.)  4. dialogue = dialog=conversation   
5. ending(n.结局)--end (n.尾部,末尾/v以......结束) -(反)beginning
  短语:at the end of +时间/地点(在......末尾)in the end=at last=finally (最后)
        end (up )with以.....结束,end up doing 结束做某事
  Eg. 1)The class ________ at 12:10 every morning.  2)You can find it ___________ the  road.
      3) ________, we understood the surprising _______ of the movie.     
6. plenty of + 可数/不可数=much/ many/  enough(疑问句)
There’s ________ (=________) water in the glass. Is there ________ water in the glass?   
7. superhero--(pl.)superheroes
8. intelligent(adj.)=wise,  (n.) intelligence    9. a sense of humor/direction/safety 幽默感,方向感,安全感
                                        10.sadness(n.)--sad (adj.)--sadder; illness(n.)-ill(adj.)  happiness(n.)- happy  (类似)kindness, shyness, fairness
11.pain(n.) – painful (adj.)  12. reflect(v.)—reflection (n.)
13. moving=touching(令人感动的), moved=touched (感动的)I was ________ by the _________ story.
15. What a pity! It’s a pity.真遗憾!  16. wound(n.) – wounded (adj.)
5. Summary:1.掌握了本单元重点词prefer, end等的词用法及sad等词性变化。
2. 通过对单词的合理拓展,注重新旧单词的区别和联系,更好的掌握新词。
6. Homework:1. 疯狂朗读记忆单词和相关词汇变化,准备第二天单词检测。
2. 完成Section A预习案
    Period 2-3  Section A听说课(1b---2c)
1. 学习并了解一些音乐知识。
2.熟读Section A重点短语句子。
1. Go through the study-guide
1. 能跟着跳舞的音乐_______________________      有好歌词的音乐_______________________ 
  不太吵的音乐_______________________      演奏不同种类的音乐的音乐家_______________________ 
吵闹的电子音乐_______________________ 演奏安静而缓慢的音乐_______________________ 
2. 能放松我大脑的悦耳音乐____________________________________         
3. 空闲时间(2)____________________________________
4. 既然那样_______________________              5. 第二次世界大战_______________________ 
6. 只坚持一种电影_______________________   
7. 当我消沉或疲惫时,我喜欢看能鼓励我的电影。_____________________________________________   
8. 有滑稽对话和以大团圆结尾_______________________________________________ 
9. 竭尽所能解决问题______________________________________________ 
10. 看完之后,我又充满了希望,我的烦恼好像就减轻了。___________________________________________
11. 大笑2小时是一种放松的方式。______________________________________________   
12. 像泰坦尼克号那样的剧使我感到更伤心______________________________________________ 
13. 提供关于某个课题的大量信息____________________________________________ 
14. 思考太多_______________________                 15. 停止思维_______________________     
16. 及时拯救世界_______________________             17. 曾经有段时间_______________________ 
18. 我太怕了而不敢独自观看他们。_______________________ 
19. ---你喜欢那种音乐?______________________________________________ 
20. ---你喜欢那种电影?______________________________________________ 
2. Lead -in: “Do you like music? What kind of music is it?” Go through the music weve learnt.
3. Go through some Attributive Clauses”
I like music.  +  The music has great lyrics.      I like music that has great lyrics.
定语从句(Attributive Clauses)
要点: 1.修饰一个名词或代词的词叫先行词。
2. 连接先行词和定语从句的词叫关系词。
RULE 1:  人 (先行词) + who/that + 从句
        (先行词)music可数吗 + which/that + 从句
RULE 2 who / that 在定语从句中做主语时,谓语动词的单复数应与先行词保持一致
