With the deepening of Reform and Opening-up as well as the increasing exchange and cooperation with the foreign countries, Chenghua Public Security Bureau has adopted the mode of managing those foreigners of “three illegalities” based on the actual condition of Chengdu City. By drawing on the relevant experience of other cities, it has also explored a mode of managing those foreigners suited to the feature of Chengdu City. Through the constant improvement in practice, it has developed a distinctive mode of managing those foreigners of “three illegalities”. Moreover, Chenghua Public Security Bureau has also taken measures to form the professional team for entry and exit administration, build and improve the online platform to interact with those foreigners as well as create the work mode featured by the foreigners administrating the foreigners.
By means of observation, comparison and literature survey, this paper has researched the policies aim
ed to manage the foreigners of “three illegalities” in Chenghua District. First of all, this paper will introduce the current status of the management over those foreigners of “three illegalities” in China. Secondly, it will summarize how Chenghua Public Security Bureau optimizes the dynamic decisions and actual cases related to the management of those foreigners of “three illegalities”. It is concluded that the optimization of the management of those foreigners of “three illegalities” can be of significant meaning and value to the innovation in social management as well as the enhancement of social stability. Lastly, by analyzing the organizational system, work mechanism and functional classification of Chenghua Public Security Bureau optimizing the management of those foreigners of“three illegalities”, it will also draw some experience and inspiration of different levels.
This paper aims to make a study of the cases of Chenghua Public Security Bureau optimizing the management of those foreigners of“three illegalities”. It will also make a brief summary of the innovative approaches adopted by the bureau. In addition, this paper will analyze and discuss the direction and concept of the management of those foreigners of “three illegalities”by the bureau. This paper has fully recognized the mode of managing the foreigners of “three illegalities”adopted by the bureau. It has not only set a good example but also provided the practical value. By introducing the
successful experience of Chenghua Public Security Bureau in this regard, this paper hopes to provide some reference for the management of those foreigners of “three illegalities”in other local public security bureaus.
(three illegalities: illegal entry,illegal residence, illegal employment) Keywords: Threeillegalities Foreigners Management Case study
第一章绪论 (1)
1.1研究背景和研究意义 (1)
1.1.1 研究背景 (1)
1.1.2选题意义 (1)
1.2“三非”外国人治理的研究综述 (2)
1.2.1国外研究现状 (2)
1.2.2 国内研究现状 (4)
1.3课题的理论依据 (5)
1.3.1 “三非”外国人有关理论解析 (5)
1.3.2 “三非”外国人治理的理论 (6)
1.4研究思路和研究方法 (7)
1.4.1本文的研究思路 (7)
1.4.2本文的研究方法 (8)
1.5研究价值 (9)
第二章“三非”外国人在华治理现状分析 (10)
2.1“三非”外国人在华理治理的现状 (10)
2.1.1 外国人“三非”案件呈持续上升趋势 (10)
2.1.2 非法居留案件所占比重较大且呈增长较快的趋势 (10)
2.1.3 非法就业案件总体增长较为缓慢 (11)
2.2 “三非”外国人的治理现状 (11)
2.3 “三非”外国人在华治理的存在的问题 (12)
2.3.1 部分县级公安机关未设立外国人管理的专门机构 (12)
2.3.2 治理“三非”外国人水平不高 (12)
2.3.3 对“三非”外国人治理信息化应用程度不高 (13)
第三章成华公安分局优化“三非”外国人治理的案例描述 (14)
3.1成华公安分局优化“三非”外国人治理案例的动因决策 (14)
3.1.1 在蓉“三非”外国人案件突出 (14)
3.1.2 “三非”外国人破坏社会治安秩序 (14)
3.1.3 成华公安分局先期在“三非”外国人治理上存在诸多不足 (15)
3.2成华公安分局优化“三非”外国人治理探索历程 (17)
3.3成华公安分局优化“三非”外国人治理案例的过程 (18)
3.3.1优化公安机关内部职能体系 (18)
3.3.2 选调、培养专业外管力量 (18)
3.3.3 加大打击“三非”外国人力度 (19)
3.4成华公安分局优化“三非”外国人治理案例的举措方法 (20)
3.4.1改革调整公安机关内部职能体系 (20)
3.4.2 建立完善网络管理服务平台 (20)
3.4.3 多渠道全方位宣传出入境法律法规宣传 (22)
3.4.4 建立健全出入境服务站 (23)
3.5成华公安分局优化“三非”外国人治理案例的经验 (25)
3.5.1成立外国人管理专业大队为主,其他警种配合的外国人治理职能体系 25
3.5.2 充分运用信息化手段 (26)
3.5.3 物建外国人积极分子 (27)
第四章成华公安分局优化“三非”外国人治理案例的组织体制分析 (28)
4.1.1 调整公安内部职能体系,成立外国人治理专业大队 (28)
4.1.2 以出入境管理大队为指导,辖区派出所对外国人进行属地化管理 (28)
4.1.3 建立完善以其他警种配合外国人治理职能体系 (29)成都it培训学校
4.2整合社会力量,对“三非”外国人进行动态管控 (29)
4.2.1以涉外单位为依托,对常住外国人进行管理 (29)
4.2.2以社区组织为抓手,对重点人员进行动态管控 (30)
4.2.3以物建积极分子为切入点,对“三非”外国人情况进行情报信息收集 (30)
第五章成华公安分局优化“三非”外国人治理机制分析 (32)
5.1成华公安分局优化“三非”外国人治理案例的工作机制实践分析 (32)
5.1.1建立成华公安分局外国人治理联席会议制度 (32)
5.1.2出入境大队指导下的各辖区派出所外国人属地化管理制度 (33)
5.1.3建立健全公安机关与外国人网络互动平台 (33)
5.2成华公安分局优化“三非”外国人治理案例的工作机制的效果与启示 (35)
第六章成华公安分局优化“三非”外国人治理案例的职能划分分析 (36)
6.1出入境管理大队对人员进行日常管理 (36)
6.1.1 对派出所人员管理工作进行检查、指导和培训 (36)
6.1.2 出入境管理大队对重点人员及重点场所进行管理 (36)
6.1.3 以专业力量为主导,打击“三非”外国人 (36)