1.be eager for 渴望
He was eager for the first prize.
2.be enough for 足以
A bare word will be enough for me.
3.be famous for 以……闻名
Lu Xun was famous for his works.
4.be fit for 配得上,合适
It won't be fit for us to live in.
5.be grateful for 感激
We should be grateful for your trial order.
6.be qualified for 够格(in)
He worked hard to be qualified for the job.
7.be ready for 有准备
The troops were ready for anything.
8.be responsible for 负责
He should be responsible for that.
9.be sorry for 为……感到难受
You'll be sorry for this.
10.be sufficient for 足够
The money is sufficient for a car.
11.be thankful for 感激
We all have something to be thankful for.
12.be valid for 有效
Your tickets will be valid for 10 days. With
13.be angry with 对人……发怒
Don't be angry with me for nothing.
14.be busy with 忙于
He pretended to be busy with some work.
15.be consistent with 一致,相吻合
Let's be consistent with our exercise. 16.be content with 满意
He had to be content with third place. 17.be familiar (to) with 熟悉
I’m not familiar with English.
18.be identical with 相同
A pencil is not compared with a ruler.
19.be patient with 对……忍耐
We must be patient with children.
20.be popular with 受欢迎
This will be popular with consumers.
21.be afraid of 害怕
Don't be afraid of asking questions.
22.be ahead of 超前He will be ahead of others in English.
23.be aware of 觉察
Be aware of some donation fraud! 24.be
capable of 能够
She was capable of more exertions.
25.be careful of 当心
Be careful of that horse it often kicks.
26.be certain of 有把握
I myself was certain of the facts.
27.be conscious of 自觉
He was conscious of being watched.
28.be envious of 妒忌
Do not be envious of your neighbors.
29.be fond of 爱好
Trina professed to be fond of art.
30.be guilty of 犯有…罪
He was sentenced to be guilty of heresy.
31.be ignorant of 无知,不晓
She appears to be ignorant of this fact.
32.be independent of 独立,不依赖
Judges must be independent of political.
33.be jealous of 妒忌
He was said to be jealous of her.
34.be kind of 和气
valid from是什么意思
She was kind of hoped to be invited.
35.be short of 短缺
Jerky word is to be short of calcium likely.
36.North of 之北
China lies to the north of Vietnam.
37.be shy of 羞于
My children are shy of strangers.
38.be sure of 有把握
Can I be sure of a profit if I invest?
39.be worthy of 值得,配得上
We esteem him to be worthy of trust.
40.be close to 靠近
He wanted to be close to the people.
41.be contrary to 相反
Miracles are contrary to nature.
42.be cruel to 对残忍
We shouldn't be cruel to animals.
43.be dear to 对……亲切
He lost all that was dear to him.
44.be equal to 与……相等
Will she be equal to such a task?
45.be faithful to 忠于
You have sworn to be faithful to me .
46.be fatal to 致命
His illness was fatal to our plan.
47.be harmful to 有害
Fatty food will be harmful to you.
48.be indifferent to 对……漠不关心
I am indifferent to their arguments.
49.be inferior to次于
I consider it to be inferior to robot .
50.be liable to 易招致
The sentries are liable to fall asleep.
51.be new to 对……陌生
His own mornings are new to God.
52.be obedient to 服从
All things are obedient to money!!
53.be obvious to 明显
The mistake was obvious to all present.
54.be polite to 客气
You should be polite to everyone.
55.be previous to 之先
It happened previous to his arrival there.
56.be rude to卤莽
I never smile at those who are rude to me.
57.be sensitive to 敏感
We must be sensitive to this issue.
58.be similar to 相似
