fern germ verb herd serve nerve
dirt shirt skirt stir swirl
turn hurt curl surf
cork horn storm born torn
On a winter morning。my mother and I were sitting on the porch。enjoying some pork and corn for breakfast。Suddenly。we heard a loud horn and saw a horse-drawn circus wagon approaching。My little sister and brother were so excited。they jumped up and down and shouted for joy。We all went to the town square to see the circus.
As we entered the big top。we saw a girl riding a turtle and a turkey surfing on a board。There were also clowns with funny faces and a nurse who was juggling purses。The highlight of the show was when a rooster flew over our heads and landed on a marker in the center of the ring.
After the circus。we went to a nearby farm to pick strawberries。My sister and brother were so happy。they shouted "hooray!" and "awesome!" We also saw some cows and a brown owl perched on a tree.
When we got home。my sister and brother played with their toys while I read a book。Suddenly。we heard a loud noise outside。It was a group of boys playing with fireworks。My mother scolded them and told them to be more careful.crayon中文谐音怎么读
The next day。we went to the beach and saw a fountain and a mountain in the distance。My sister and brother built a sandcastle and shouted "look at us!" We also saw a group of seagulls flying overhead.
On the last day of our n。we went to the zoo and saw a kangaroo and a koala。There was also a zookeeper who showed us a photo of a baby elephant。We had so much fun。we didn't want to leave.
In n。our n was full of adventure and excitement。We saw many interesting things and had a lot of fun。We can't wait to go on another trip soon.
On the sixth day。we learned about words that contain the letter ns "bl," "fl," "pl," "cl," "gl," "br," "cr," "gr," "pr," "fr," "tr," and "dr."
Words with "bl" include blue。black。blouse。bloom。bleach。blanket。and blonde hair。
Fl" words include flat。flu。fly。flame。flute。floor。flag。and flower。
Pl" words include plane。play。plus。platform。plum。plate。and plant.
Cl" words include clock。cloud。clean。clay。climb。close。clap。and clown.
Gl" words include glove。globe。glass。glue。glasses。and glider.