I.Supplier Information 供应商信息 |
Date时间: |
Supplier Name供应商名字: Shiyuan Golf Products Manufacturing (Shanghai) Co., Ltd |
Address地址: No.586 Qingda Road, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park (East Area), Pudong New Area, Shanghai |
City城市: Shanghai |
State国家: China |
Zip邮编: 201201 |
Province省: Shanghai |
Country国家: China |
Contact Name联系人名字: |
Phone Number电话: |
II.Facility Information 工厂信息 |
Provide the following information for ALL of your facilities exporting to PING (Phoenix, AZ) or UPS-SCS (Ontario, CA). 提供以下所有可以向PING(Phoenix,AZ)或者UPS-SCS(Ontario,CA)出口的工厂信息 |
Facility Name工厂名称: |
Address地址: |
City城市: |
State国家: |
Zip邮编: |
Province省: |
Country国家: |
Contact Name联系人电话: |
Phone Number电话: |
Description of facility? (check all that apply)对工厂的描述(检查所有的应用) |
Manufacturing制造 □√ |
Warehouse 仓库 □√ |
Distribution Center 配送中心 □ |
Other (please specify) 其他(请特别指出) □ |
III.Consolidator/Freight Forwarder/Drayage Agent Information 混载 /货代信息 |
If you use any consolidators/freight forwarders/drayage agents to move goods to a consolidation facility, warehouse, or freight forwarder for export to the U.S. – please complete the following section. If none is used, please go to Section IV. 如果使用任何混载/货代把货物运到组装工厂,仓库或者到付出口去美国-请完成以下部分。如果没有使用,请填第四部分 |
Name of Consolidator or Freight Forwarder装货公司或货代的名称: |
Address地址: |
City城市: |
State国家: |
Zip邮编: |
Province省: |
Country国家: |
Contact Name联系人名字: |
Phone Number电话: |
Name of Drayage Agent (highway carrier)货代名字(路运): |
Address地址: |
City城市documented 翻译: |
State国家: |
Zip邮编: |
Province省: |
Country国家: |