1. Wo
rk Inst ruct ion
Enter 1
or 0.
Is there a revision controlled Operator Work Instruction which contains loading information for the specific product
being built?(Score 0 if any unsigned handwritten instructions or any handwritten instructions more than 48 hrs old)
Are Work Instructions readily available to the operator and are they followed at Component Placement?
Are component part numbers and descriptions included on the Work Instructions?
Are component descriptions sufficiently detailed to check at first-article that the correct components are being used?
Is the machine head/slot number for component loading specified for each part number on Work Instructions?
WI ?
Are the reference designators and the quantity per part number specified on Work Instructions?
Is the component feeder type/size specified on Work Instructions or otherwise for each component package type?
WI Feeder /?
Is the machine Program Name specified on the Work Instruction or line set-up instructions?
Are the component loading verification aids hard linked to the placement program so that loading is verified against program data?
Can traceability of component lot codes be demonstrated for critical devices?
lot cose?
Is component loading/changes verified and cross checked by an individual other than the set-up operator at product changeover?
Is a component loading/changes verification log signed by the set-up operator and countersigned by the cross checker before start up?
Are first-articles conducted using AOI methods and complemented with description verification and value metering?
Are all Resistors & Capacitors measured for value and tolerance (one per part number) at first-article & at reel change?
2.10Is a first-article log signed to verify acceptance before start up?
Is the orientation of Tantalum SMT capacitors, Diodes, etc in tape format, standardized and documented for polarity orientation?
Is loading polarity referenced both from the tray and the component so as to ensure retrayed compone
nts are correctly loaded?
Has each step of the assembly process (screen print, placement, reflow, fabrication, assembly, test, rework, etc.) been optimized by the use of a DOE or other statistical process tool?
Are the DOE plans and results documented to support your optimized process settings?
Are your optimized process and assembly settings documented in a procedure or specification?
Is there a documented requirement to conduct daily nozzle centering and is there evidence that this is done?
3.5Is each feeder identified with its own unique serial number?
Is there a documented and effective Feeder Maintenance Program?Records (s/w or otherwise)must be by Feeder Serial Number.
Feeder ?Feeder .
Are database records maintained for each feeder serial number for the purpose of tracking its maintenance history and performance?
Feeder Feeder ?
Is feeder maintenance history used to monitor feeder life so that problematic feeders can be removed from the process?
Feeder feeder feeder?
Can it be demonstrated that the number of feeder indexes is counted & monitored for each unique feeder using software or otherwise?
Feeder Feeder ?
Is this information used to flag that preventative maintenance is required after x number of indexes?
s/n feeder feeder ?
Is there a documented requirement to indicate that Blocks or Support Pins are or are not needed for specific products?
support pin?
Is the No, location, type and height of Support Blocks/Pins identified on a product by product basis? Score NA if in 3.11 there are not needed.
supper pin no, ,?
Are the Support Pin locations identified for each product using templates/tooling or some other effective solution? Comment as above.
supper pin ?
Are components stored before and after loading in a manner which prevents damage?
4.2Are the Moisture Sensitive Devices (MSDs) readily known to the operator?
Are MSDs time stamped at opening and their exposure time monitored against pre determined limits?
Is there a flag to indicate that the exposure time has been exceed for any given device in a dry box?
Is there a flag to indicate that the MSD exposure has expired for any MSD device currently loaded in the placement machines?
Have MSD prcedures been updated to reflect the JEDEC standard for MSD control?(J-STD-003A MSD released in July 2002)
Is there evidence of correct implementation of J-STD-0033A for MSD devices?
J-STD-0033A ?
Are there MSD procedures in place to ensure MSD shelf life is reduced based on measured Relative Humidity conditions?
Is there a method in place to address the time spent in dry storage and its effect on remaining life based on MS Level and RH Level?
Is it clearly understood that MSD 'shelf life' continues to degrade during dry cabinet storage of some MSD devices?
If MSDs are on both sides of a PCBA, is there an effective method to account for time between 1st and 2nd reflow? PCBA,?
Can MSD control be demonstrated for rejected devices and devices used for rework?
Have MSD recovery methods been defined and adequate for all component types?
Does the control of Moisture Sensitive Components include those components on reels?
Is the baking or hot room storage time and temperature documented and controlled for component recovery?
Has this time and temp been determined based on the component supplier's guidelines?
Is there evidence to demonstrate that the control process for MSDs is in use and effective?
Are Component Placement Programs generated from CAD XY coordinate data?
5.2Is there a standardized nomenclature for Shape Code definition?
Can this nomenclature be used to determine the most appropriate shape code to allocate to a given part of given dimensions?
Are localized fiducials used for fine pitch devices when localized component fiducials exist on the board?
fine pitch fiducials?
Has manual component moving been eliminated given correct CAD, nozzle set-up, Shape Code allocation, local fiducials, Cam speed, etc?
Does the Fine Pitch placement machine have the capability to check lead Coplanarity in xyz?
Does the Fine Pitch placement machine use its coplanarity capability on all leads of 20 mil pitch or less,and all programmed parts?
20mil ?, NA
Does the Fine Pitch placement machine have the capability to check ball arrays? If no such device, score NA.
BGA ball ?,NA
Does the Fine Pitch placement machine use its ball array verification capability for all BGA devices? If no such device, score NA.
BGA ball ?,NA
Is the machine Program Name revision controlled to show traceability of program changes?
Are outputted boards at least sample inspected pre reflow for placement positional accuracy and for machine control purposes?
Is the frequency for this verification defined and documented, and is there evidence to suggest it is followed?
documented evidenceIs there a visual aid available which identifies the populated locations with polarity, and also the no-pop locations?
Is there a placement standard pre reflow to validate placement accuracy for the shape code,nozzle
allocation,etc.parameters used?
