1.Special Processes特殊过程
当特殊过程(具体参考AS 9100/9110 条款 7.5.2)被确定存在时,需要对特殊过程评估及过程进行验证、监视和测量,并对此过程进行控制。
NOTE 1: 当组织内部存在特殊过程,在第一阶段就需要识别并针对这种特殊过程的管理审核是必须的
a) 特殊过程的验证
需审核每个特殊过程有关的记录,包括特殊过程的策划与实际结果之间的结果比较  (see 9100 clause 7.5.2).
b) 特殊过程的监视、测量和控制
NOTE 2:  Special processes are managed by using personnel qualified, as required by organization and/or  customer requirements, and by controlling physical or chemical process characteristics  [e.g.,
temperature,  time  (process duration),  pressure,  chemical  composition  of  product  or  process
treatment material (surface treatment solution)].
NOTE 3: If an audit(s) has been performed by a customer or by a specialized independent 3rd party, the  audit team can take the audit by these organizations into account.
2.Audit Reporting审核报告
3.Nonconformity Management不符合项的管理
4.Audit Records审核记录
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4.2    Documentation requirements文件控制
4.2.1    General总要求
12    a.    Documented statement of a quality policy文件化的质量Quality policy ref.:
13 Documented quality objectives文件化的质量目标Quality objectives ref.:
14    b.    Documented quality manual文件化的质量手册Quality manual ref.:
15    c.    Documented procedures required by 9100-series List of procedures ref.:
standards AS9100体系要求的形成文件的程序
16 Documented records required by 9100-series List of records ref.:
17    d.    Necessary documents and records as per clause
4.2.1.d文件管理 4.2.1.d条款中要求的文件和记录
18 Documented safety policy and safety objectives (9110 Safety policy/safety objectives ref:
19  Accessibility and awareness of personnel of relevant
QMS documentation and changes相关人员可以接触到
并知道相关 QMS文件和更改
4.2.2    Quality manual质量手册
20 Quality manual established, maintained and质量手册的建
21    a.    Includes the scope of the QMS包括 QMS的范围
22 Includes justification of exclusions删除的理由List excluded clauses:
23    b.    Includes QMS documented procedures or reference to
documented evidence
24    c.    Includes a description of the QMS processes and
d.    Includes a description of the processes and
procedures used for: (9110 only)过程和程序的描述
25  proficiency of personnel人员的能力要求
26  rosters of certifying staff and personnel认证有关人
27  training program培训计划
28  current approved technical data目前已核定的技术数
29  performing preliminary inspection进行初步核查
30  acceptance of incoming articles
31 inspecting articles involved in an accident for hidden
damage before MRO activities (9110 only)
32  conducting maintenance in compliance with
customer, statutory and regulatory requirements
33  performing final inspection and 'return to service' of
maintained articles
34  governing work performed at another location
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4.2.3    Control of documents文件控制
35 Documents required by the QMS are controlledQMS 文件所
36 Records are controlled in accordance with clause 4.2.4
Documented PROCEDURE exist and includes: Procedure ref.:
37    a.  approval process 审批程序
38    b.  review, update, and re-approval process审查、批准和
39    c.  identification of changes and current revision status识
40    d.  documents are available where needed使用处可获得
41    e.  documents are legible and identifiable文件保持清晰和
42    f. external documents are identified and controlled外来文
43  g.  obsolete documents are identified and controlled作废
4.2.4    Control of records记录控制
44 Records (as required in 4.2.4) are established and controlled
建立和控制记录(在 4.2.4的要求)
A documented PROCEDURE exists that includes controls for:
Procedure ref.: 形成文件的控制程序存在,包括:
45 identification鉴定
46  storage存储
47  protection保护
48  retrieval检索
49  retention保留
50  disposition处置
51  supplier created and/or retained records供应商生成或产
52 Records are legible, identifiable and retrievable记录都清晰可
Samples of records reviewed审查记录样本辨,识别和检索
53 Records of product origin, conformity and shipment are Samples of records reviewed审查记录样本
maintained (9120 only)
54 Back-up procedures are defined for records stored in an Procedure ref.:
electronic form (9120 only)
55  Electronic records are secured and cannot be corrupted
due to software or system changes (9120 only)
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Item # 8 Quality Management System Requirements 序号QMS要求9 C 10 NCR Objective Evidence/Comments客户证据
与意见  (e.g., observations, OFIs)
5.1    Management commitment管理承诺
Evidence of top management commitment includes:最高管理
Evidence ref.:  56    a.  communicating importance of meeting customer,
statutory, and regulatory requirements传达满足顾客和法
57    b.  establishing a quality policy制订质量方针
58    c.  establishing quality objectives制订质量目标
59    d.  conducting management reviews进行管理评审
60    e.  ensuring availability of resources确保资源的获得和可用
61    f. establishing the safety policy建立安全方针  (9110
62 g.  ensuring safety objectives are established确保安全
目标的建立  (9110 only)
5.2    Customer focus顾客为关注点
Top management ensures:高层管理人员保证:
63  customer requirements are determined and met有决心满足
64  product conformity is measured产品符合的测量
65  on-time delivery (OTD) performance is measured准时交
66  actions are taken, if planned results are not or will not
be achieved策划的结果不能实现时,需采取行动(杨兴
5.3    Quality policy质量方针
Top management ensures that the quality policy高层管理人员确保质量方针:
67    a.  is appropriate是适当的
68    b.  includes a commitment to comply with requirements and
continually improve the effectiveness of the QMS包括对满Commitment ref.承诺证据:
69    c.  provides a framework to establish and review its quality
70    d.  is communicated and understood在组织内部得到沟通与
71    e.  is reviewed for suitability持续适宜性的评审
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Item # 8 Quality Management System Requirements 序号QMS要求9 C 10 NCR Objective Evidence/Comments客户证据
与意见  (e.g., observations, OFIs)
5.4    Planning策划
5.4.1    Quality objectives 质量目标
Top management ensures that quality objectives are最高管理者确保质量目标:
72  established建立
73  measurable可测量
74  consistent with the quality policy与质量方针一致
5.4.2    Quality management system planningQMS策划
Top management ensures最高管理者确保:
75    a.  QMS planning is carried out to meet the requirements
defined in clause 4.1 and the quality objectives最高管理者
76    b.  QMS integrity is maintained when changes occur发生变
5.4.3    Safety objectives安全目标  (9110 only)
Top management ensures safety objectives are:
77  Established建立
78  Measurable可测量
79  consistent with the safety policy与安全方针一致
5.5    Responsibility, authority and communication职责、权限和沟通
5.5.1    Responsibility and authority职责和权限
Top management ensures that responsibilities and authorities最高管理者需确保职责和权限:
80  are defined定义
81  communicated沟通 Accountable executive manager责任部门经理人(9110 only) 82 A
manager has been appointed by top management with
authority to ensure that all necessary resources are
obtained最高管理者需任命一名经理人,鹕保其权限及资源    Maintenance manager(s) 维修经理(9110 only)
83 Top management appointed a manager(s) responsible for
assuring that all maintenance required is performed in
accordance with all requirements
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