List of documents to help facilities preparing the onsite verification/审核文件清单
This list is provided to help facilities prepare the onsite verification.Verifiers will only be able to validate a criteria if the facility can provide robust evidences that it meets the requirements of this criteria.This list provided is not exchaustive and facilities should provide the documentation in the format it is currently available.Procedures are only valid if the facility can demonstrate that they are implemented.此清单能帮助工厂提前准备审核所需的主要文件Permits许可证
CM3.1Evidence that you partner with chemical suppliers,brands or service providers to proactively conduct hazard assessments or alternative assessments on chemical products and formulations and use this information to make decisions about which chemicals you use与化学品供应商、品牌、服务商主动进行危害评估或替代物评估的记录
,并依评估结果选择化学品的证据documented evidence
CM3.3Evidence of reducing water use,energy use,wastewater treatment costs by using more efficient or sustainable
chemistry(records showing reductions achieved and describing which type of sustainable chemistry was applied toachieve these reductions)用更有效的方法和可持续的化学品以降低废水处理成本,减少水和能源的使用的证明(