"He stuffed the rest of the cookie into his mouth."(他把剩下的饼干塞进了嘴里。)
"I'm stuffed from all that food!"(我吃了太多食物,肚子都撑坏了!)
"The closet was stuffed full of old clothes."(壁橱里塞满了旧衣服。)
"She's always stuffing her face with chocolate and cakes."(她总是大吃特吃巧克力和蛋糕。)
"I've got so much stuff to do, I don't know where to start."(我有太多的事情要做,不知道从哪里开始。)
"The fridge is stuffed with leftovers from the party."(冰箱里塞满了派对剩下的食物。)
"She stuffed the money into her purse."(她把钱塞进钱包。)
"My head is stuffed up and I can't breathe properly."(我头昏脑胀,喘不过气来。)
"The bag was stuffed with documents."(那个包里塞满了文件。)
"The drawer is stuffed with old photos."(抽屉里塞满了旧照片。)
"She stuffed the toys into the toy box."(她把玩具塞进了玩具箱。)
"The fridge is stuffed with food."(冰箱里塞满了食物。)
"I've got so much stuff, I don't know what to do with it all."(我有很多东西,不知道该怎么处理。)
"The box was stuffed full of tissues."(盒子里塞满了纸巾。)
"The closets were stuffed with clothes."(壁橱里塞满了衣服。)clothes造句
"The backpack was stuffed with books and notebooks."(背包里塞满了书和笔记本。)
