be distinguished from造句clothes造句
The genuine artwork can be distinguished from a counterfeit by examining the artist's signature and the quality of materials used.
Her exceptional singing talent allows her to be distinguished from other aspiring singers in the competition.
The twins look so similar that it is challenging to distinguish one from the other without careful observation.
The new product has unique features that help it be distinguished from its competitors in the market.
With his confident and assertive manner of speaking, he can easily be distinguished from his shy and reserved colleagues.
The endangered species of butterflies can be distinguished from common butterflies by their vibrant colors and unique wing patterns.
The twins decided to wear different colored clothes to the party to be easily distinguished from each other.
The rare gemstone's clarity and brilliance make it easily distinguishable from other ordinary stones.
The artist's unique style and use of vibrant colors help his paintings to be easily distinguished from those of his peers.
The CEO's visionary leadership and strategic decision-making abilities set him apart and distinguish him as a remarkable business leader.
