ash造句 -回复
1. The volcanic eruption sent a large cloud of ash into the sky.
2. I couldn't see clearly through the window due to the ash from the nearby fire.
3. After the fire, the entire area was covered in a layer of ash.
4. The fireplace was filled with ash after a night of burning logs.
5. My clothes were covered in ash after helping with the cleanup of the fire.
6. The wind blew the ash from the barbecue onto the neighboring table.
7. The cigarette ash fell onto the floor, creating a small mess.
8. The volcanic ash made it difficult to breathe and see during the eruption.
9. The ashtray was overflowing with cigarette ash.
10. The forest fire left behind nothing but a barren landscape covered in ash.
11. The firefighter wore protective gear to shield himself from the burning ash.
clothes造句12. The ash from the incense stick floated gracefully in the air, creating a soothing atmosphere.
13. The ash from the burned paper fell like snowflakes onto the ground.
14. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, we must remember our mortality.
15. The volcanic ash served as a natural fertilizer, enriching the soil for future plant growth.
