fall onto造句
1. I saw a bird fall onto the roof.
2. The leaves fall onto the ground in autumn.
3. The ball rolled off the table and fell onto the floor.
4. I stumbled and fell onto the grass.
5. The raindrops fall onto the window pane.
6. She slipped on the wet floor and fell onto her back.
7. The child climbed the tree and accidentally fell onto a branch.
8. The cat jumped up onto the tree branch and then fell onto the soft grass.
9. The snowflakes fall onto the rooftops and create a beautiful scenery.
10. The book slipped out of my hand and fell onto the pavement.
11. The acrobat performed a daring stunt and fell onto the safety net.
12. While bowling, he released the ball too early and it fell onto the gutter.
13. The airplane lost control and fell onto the runway during landing.
14. The coin fell out of my pocket and onto the ground.
15. The hiker slipped on the steep slope and fell onto the rocks below.
16. The baby crawled towards the edge of the bed and fell onto a pile of pillows.
17. The rock climber lost her grip and fell onto her safety harness.
18. The hailstones fell onto the car's windshield, causing damage.
19. The banana peel caused him to slip and fall onto the wet floor.
20. He tripped over a wire and fell onto the hard concrete.
21. The basketball player jumped to make a shot but missed and fell onto the court.
22. The box of fragile dishes slipped from her hands and fell onto the floor.
23. The toddler climbed onto the chair and fell onto the carpeted floor.
24. The tree branch cracked under his weight and he fell onto the ground.
25. The little boy lost his balance on the bike and fell onto the grass.
26. I accidentally bumped into the table and the vase fell onto the tiled floor.
27. The apples fell onto the farmer's basket as he shook the tree.
28. The rain poured heavily outside, with droplets falling onto the plants.
29. The hammer slipped from his hand and fell onto his foot, causing pain.
30. The skateboarder attempted a trick but lost control and fell onto the ramp.
31. The ladder leaned against the wall and accidentally fell onto the flowerpot.
32. The curtains fell onto the stage as the actor finished the monologue.
33. The toddler reached for the cookie jar but lost balance and fell onto the floor.
34. The hailstorm damaged the cars, with ice falling onto their roofs.
35. The construction worker dropped the hammer, which fell onto the scaffolding.
36. The toy boat floated in the bathtub until it capsized and fell onto the water.
37. The tree branch snapped during the storm and fell onto the powerlines.
