clothes造句can't stand sb doing造句有:
1.I can't stand my neighbor playing loud music late at night. (我无法忍受我的邻居在深夜放音乐)
2.She can't stand her boss constantly criticizing her work. (她无法忍受她的老板对她的工作不断挑剔)
3.They can't stand their friend always being late for appointments. (他们无法忍受他们的朋友总是迟到)
4.He can't stand his sister borrowing his clothes without asking. (他无法忍受他的妹妹未经允许就借他的衣服)
5.We can't stand our classmates talking loudly during class. (我们无法忍受我们的同学在课堂上大声说话)
6.She can't stand her co-worker constantly interrupting her in meetings. (她无法忍受她的同事在会议上不断打断她)
7.He can't stand his roommate leaving dirty dishes in the sink. (他无法忍受他的室友把脏盘子留在水槽里)
8.They can't stand their neighbors smoking in the shared courtyard. (他们无法忍受他们的邻居在共用的庭院里吸烟)
9.She can't stand her friend always canceling plans at the last minute. (她无法忍受她的朋友总是在最后一刻取消计划)
10.I can't stand people talking loudly on their phones in public places. (我无法忍受人们在公共场所大声打电话)
