这里有一些使用“take up too much room”造句的例子:
“The oversized sofa in the living room takes up too much room, leaving little space for other furniture.”
“I'm reluctant to buy that bulky exercise equipment because it will take up too much room in my small apartment.”
“My collection of vinyl records is growing, but I'm worried they'll take up too much room if I keep them all.”
“The stacks of unread magazines are starting to take up too much room on my coffee table; I need to find a better storage solution.”
“I love plants, but I'm afraid that if I buy any more pots, they'll take up too much room on my windowsill.”
“The amount of toys my kids have is ridiculous; they take up too much room in their bedrooms, and it's time to declutter.”
“I'm trying to downsize my wardrobe because I realize that some of my clothes are just taking up too much room without me even wearing them.”
“The extra large desk I bought for my home office is great, but it definitely takes up too much room, leaving little space to move around.”
