star to do sth造句简单
clothes造句1. I started to do my homework as soon as I got home. (我一到家就开始做作业了。)
2. She started to learn how to play the guitar last year. (她去年开始学习弹吉他。)
3. He started to exercise regularly in order to improve his health. (为了改善健康,他开始定期锻炼。)
4. They started to plan their vacation months in advance. (他们提前几个月开始计划度假。)
5. She started to read more books in order to expand her knowledge.(她开始读更多的书以扩展知识面。)
6. He started to cook dinner for himself every night instead of ordering takeout.(他开始每天晚上自己做晚餐,而不是点外卖。)
7. They started to save money for a down payment on a house.(他们开始为房子的首付款存钱。)
8. She started to practice yoga in order to reduce stress and anxiety.(为了减轻压力和焦虑,她开始练瑜伽。)
9. He started to study Spanish so he could communicate better with his coworkers.(他学习西班牙语以便更好地与同事沟通。)
10. They started to plant a vegetable garden in their backyard.(他们在后院开始种植蔬菜园。)
11. She started to volunteer at the local animal shelter on weekends.(她周末在当地动物收容所当志愿者。)
12. He started to take piano lessons in order to fulfill a lifelong dream.(为了实现终身梦想,他开始学习钢琴。)
13. They started to organize community events to bring people together.(他们开始组织社区活动,让人们聚在一起。)
14. She started to write a novel in her spare time.(她抽空开始写小说。)
15. He started to learn how to code in order to pursue a career in tech.(为了追求科技领域的职业生涯,他开始学习编程。)
16. They started to adopt sustainable practices at work to reduce their carbon footprint.(他们在工作中开始采用可持续的做法以减少碳足迹。)
17. She started to take dance classes as a way of staying active and having fun.(她参加舞蹈课程是为了保持活力和享受乐趣。)
18. He started to meditate every morning as a way of reducing stress and increasing focus.(他每天早上冥想,以减轻压力和提高注意力。)
19. They started to learn how to knit as a way of relaxing after work.(下班后放松的方式是学习如何编织。)
20. She started to paint as a creative outlet and form of self-expression.(她画画作为创造性出口和自我表达的形式。)
21. He started to take cooking classes so he could impress his girlfriend with homemade meals.(他参加烹饪课程,以便用自制的餐点给女友留下深刻印象。)
22. They started to learn how to surf during their beach vacation.(他们在海滩度假期间开始学习冲浪。)
23. She started to practice mindfulness as a way of reducing anxiety and improving mental health.(她练习正念作为减轻焦虑和改善心理健康的方式。)
24. He started to take photography classes as a way of pursuing a hobby.(他参加摄影课程是为了追求业余爱好。)
25. They started to take ballroom dancing lessons as a way of spending quality time together.(他们参加交际舞蹈课程是为了一起度过高质量的时光。)
26. She started to learn how to play tennis in order to stay active and meet new people.(她开始学习打网球以保持活力和结交新朋友。)
27. He started to write poetry as a form of personal expression and creativity.(他写诗作为个人表达和创造性的形式。)
28. They started to learn how to garden in order to grow their own food and live sustainably.(他们开始学习园艺以种植自己的食物并可持续生活。)
29. She started her own business in order to pursue her passion for entrepreneurship.(她创业是为了追求自己对企业家精神的热情。)
30. He started volunteering at a homeless shelter as a way of giving back to the community.(他开始在无家可归者收容所做志愿者是为了回馈社区。)
31. They started to take hiking trips as a way of exploring nature and staying active.(他们开始进行徒步旅行,探索大自然并保持活力。)
32. She started to learn how to sew in order to make her own clothes and reduce waste.(她学习缝纫以制作自己的衣服并减少浪费。)
33. He started to take public speaking classes as a way of overcoming his fear of public speaking.(他参加演讲课程是为了克服自己对公众演讲的恐惧。)
34. They started to take language classes so they could communicate better with their international clients.(他们参加语言课程以便更好地与国际客户沟通。)
35. She started to learn how to play chess as a way of challenging herself mentally.(她学习下棋作为挑战自己智力的方式。)
36. He started to take art classes as a way of expressing himself creatively.(他参加艺术课程以表达自己的创造性思维。)
37. They started to volunteer at an environmental organization as a way of protecting the planet.(他们在环保组织做志愿者是为了保护地球。)
38. She started her own blog as a way of sharing her thoughts and experiences with others.(她开博客是为了与他人分享自己的想法和经历。)
39. He started to take martial arts classes as a way of staying fit and learning self-defense.(他参加武术课程是为了保持健康并学习自卫技能。)
40. They started to learn how to scuba dive as a way of exploring the underwater world.(他们开始学习潜水以探索水下世界。)
41. She started to learn how to ride a motorcycle as a form of adventure and thrill-seeking.(她学习骑摩托车作为冒险和寻求刺激的形式。)
42. He started to take cooking classes in order to impress his friends with gourmet meals.(他参加烹饪课程是为了用美食佳肴给朋友留下深刻印象。)
