have nothing better to造句
1. I have nothing better to do on weekends than binge-watch Netflix.
2. Since I finished my work early, I have nothing better to do than take a nap.
3. As a student on summer break, I have nothing better to do than travel.
4. I have nothing better to do than study for my upcoming exam tomorrow.
5. On a lazy Sunday, I have nothing better to do than stay in bed all day.clothes造句
6. I have nothing better to do than browse social media while waiting for my friend to arrive.
7. After finishing my book, I have nothing better to do than start a new one.
8. With no plans tonight, I have nothing better to do than cook myself a nice dinner and relax.
9. I have nothing better to do than hit the gym and work out.
10. I have nothing better to do than catch up on emails and reply to messages.
11. With so much spare time, I have nothing better to do than learn a new language.
12. I have nothing better to do than babysit my neighbor's kids tomorrow.
13. After finishing my work for the day, I have nothing better to do than call my family and catch up.
14. I have nothing better to do than walk my dog and enjoy the beautiful weather outside.
15. With no plans for the evening, I have nothing better to do than attend a yoga class.
16. I have nothing better to do than organize my closet and donate old clothes to charity.
17. After finishing all my errands, I have nothing better to do than read a book in the park.
18. I have nothing better to do than play video games and relax after a tiring day at work.
19. With no social events on the horizon, I have nothing better to do than plan a weekend getaway.
20. I have nothing better to do than attend a writing workshop and improve my skills.
21. After finishing my project, I have nothing better to do than attend a concert.
22. I have nothing better to do than bake a cake and have a solo movie night.
23. With no plans to party this weekend, I have nothing better to do than volunteer at a local animal shelter.
