measure是什么意思 measure的用法和短语
measure vt.&Vi.&n.
(1)vt. measure the distance (the length)测量距离(长度)
measure sb for a new suit为某人量尺寸做衣服
measure ones ability估计/衡量某人的能力
(3)n. to ones measure 根据某人的尺寸
take measures to do sth 采取措施做某事
The dress designer measured her customers before making new clothes.
Let me make clothes to your own measure. 让我按照你的尺寸做衣服吧!
The police measured the speed at which the car was traveling.警察测量出该汽车行驶的速度,
The room measures five meters across.房间宽5米
一How long is this rope?一I don't know,I must measure it.
My mother is measuring me for clothes. 我妈妈在给我量尺寸做衣服
His eyes measured the newcomer from top to bottom. 他的眼睛上下打量着新来的人。
We must take necessary measures to solve these problems one by one.
They took strong measures against reckless drivers. 他们对于鲁莽的驾驶员采取强硬措施。
for good measure另外;外加
short measure分量不足
measure one's length全身跌倒躺在地上
clothes什么意思take someone's measure/get the measure of someone估量某人(的品格,能力等)
to one's measure按某人的尺寸
take measure采取措施
