Unit 7 How much are these pants?
Section A
1. how much (价钱)多少
2. seven dollars 七美元
3. a red sweater  一件红的毛衣
4. want a sweater  想要一件毛衣
1. How much is this T-shirt?  这件毛衣多少钱?Its seven dollars.          七美元。
2. How much are these socks?  这些袜子多少钱?They are two dollars.      两美元。
3. Can I help you?  要我帮忙吗? / 您要买什么?
4. I want a sweater. 我想要一件毛衣。
5. What color do you want? 您想要什么颜的?
6. Here you are. 给你。
7. I’ll take it. 我买了。/ 我要了。
1. How much are these pants?
(1)how much在这里用来询问物体的价格,回答时用 “Its + 价钱” 或 “Theyre + 价钱”。
    ●例如:这块手表多少钱?  100美元。
    How much is this watch?  Its 100 dollars.
    ●这些土豆多少钱? 两美元。
    How much are these potatoes?  They are two dollars.
    What’s the price of.?
    How much do/ does ... cost?
    What’s the price of this red sweater?
    =How much is this red sweater?
    How much does your watch cost?
    =How much is your watch?
How much 还可以与不可数名词连用,用来提问量的多少。
※ How much water is there in the bottle?  瓶子里有多少水?
※ How much milk do you need? 你需要多少牛奶?
询问数量的多少还可以用how many,how many用来提问可数名词的量,回答时可以用完整的句子,也可以用简单的数字。
※ How many apples do you have? 你有多少个苹果?
I have two apples. 我有两个苹果。
※ How many brothers do you have? 你有几个兄弟?
    Only one. 只有一个。
      My shoes are under the bed.
      May I use your scissors?
      I like this pair of pants.
      I want a pair of new socks.
2. Its seven dollars.
    This hat is 5 dollars.
    My skirt is 100 yuan.
  其他的还有:英镑£   pound   
              法郎FRF  French Franc
              马克 DM  Mark
3. Can I help you?
    在公共场合看见别人有麻烦时:我可以帮你吗?/ 要我帮忙吗?
    另外提供帮助的句子还有:May I help you?    What can I do for you?
    不能说“What do you want?”,这样显得很没礼貌。
    回答时可以用以下的句子:Thank you. I want 谢谢,我想要
                            Yes, please. I’d like 是的,我想
                            No, thanks. I’m just looking around. 不,多谢。我只想到处看看。
    ●例如:您要买什么? 我想买些香蕉。
      Can I help you?
      Yes, please. I’d like some bananas.
    ●您买东西吗?  我想买件毛衣。
      What can I do for you?
      Thank you. I want a sweater.
当服务员问“Can I help you?”或 “What can I do for you?”时,顾客可以说:
I am looking for a coat. 我想买一件上衣。
I’d like to have a pair of shoes.我要买双鞋子。
※ Could I look at that blue bag? 我可以看看那个蓝的包吗?
※ Could you show me that hat? 可以把那顶帽子拿给我看一下吗?
※ No, thanks. I’m just looking around.
              I’m just having a look.  不用了,谢谢。我只是到处看看。/ 随便逛逛。
(2)help在这里是动词“帮助,援助”的意思。常用短语有help sb (to) do sth.帮助某人做某事,help sb. clothes什么意思with sth帮助某人某事。
I often help my mum (to) do the housework.
Jack often helps me with my English.
※ We must give them some help. 我们必须给他们一些帮助。
※ With teachers help, we solve the problem. 在老师的帮助下,我们解决了这个难题。
4. I want a sweater.
want 动词, 是“想要;需要;希望”的意思。不用进行时态,后跟名词、代词或动词不定式等。主语是第三人称单数时,动词要用第三人称单数形式wants。
想要某物  want sth.    想要做某事 want to do sth.    想让某人做某事 want sb. to do sth.
I want a T-shirt.
I want to go home.
My mother wants me to drink more milk.
5. What color do you want?
  What…do you want? 或 What , please?
  What size do you want? / What size, please?
  What kind do you want? / What kind, please?
6. Here you are.
  这是一个习惯句型,用以向对方展示所需要的东西,意思是“给你”。它是句型You are here.的倒装句,但两句的意思有很大差别。后者的意思是“你在这里”。类似的表达结构还有:Here it is.  Here they are.
  Is this your book?
  Yes, it is.
  Here you are.
  Thank you very much.
7. I’ll take it.
这句话的意思是“我买下了/我要了。”这是购物时的一句常用语。当顾客选好商品时,常常说:I’ll take it.或I’ll have it. 而不经常说:I’ll buy it.
(  )1. How much     the salad?
      A. is    B. are      C. do    D. does
(  )2. ---    these socks?
      ---Theyre ten dollars.
