译林小学英语6上Unit1 单元试卷一
(      )1. A. clean          B. clever          C. class     
(      )2. A. king            B. boy          C. people   
(      )3. A. liked          B. visited        C. showed   
(      )4. A.turn            B. hurt            C. third
(      )5. A. magic          B. maths          C. map     
(      )6. A. were          B. wear          C. care     
(      )7. A. laugh          B. foolish          C. through
(      )8. A. try            B. tree            C. street 
(      )9. A. try on          B. point to        C. shout at 
(      )10. A. new clothes    B. magic clothes    C. make clothes 
(      )        (      )          (      )        (      )        (      )
(      ) 1. A. Yes, there wasn’t        B. No. there was.          C. Yes, there was.
(      ) 2. A. Yes, I am              B. Oh yes,They fit well.    C. No, I don’t.
(      ) 3. A. We like English and Chinese.  B. I don’t like Art.    C. I like toy monkeys.
(      )4. A. Yes, they do.          B. Yes, he is.            C. He is wearing jeans.
(      )5. A. No, I don’t.            B. Yes, there were.      C. No, there are.
Long long ago , there _______ a king . He liked new clothes. One day ,two men wanted to make new clothes for him. ________ people can see the new clothes. But ________ people can’t see them. The king walked through the street in his new clothes. A ______ boy pointed at the king and _______. The king wasn’t wearing any clothes.
(      )1.l____gh      A. au      B. ua        C. ou      ____________
(      )2.n_ __t      A. es      B. ex        C. ax      ____________
(      )3.w__ ___r      A. ae      B. oa        C. ea      ____________
(      )4.t__ ll        A. o      B. e        C. a        ____________
(      )5.t  __n      A. ar      B. ur    C. ry          ____________
二、 词组翻译(10分)
1. 指着_______________________    2. 变成______________________   
3. 很久以前________________        4.讲个故事______clothes什么意思  ____________
5. 愚蠢的人_____________________  6. the next sentence____________________
7. walk through the city_____________  8. magic clothes ________________    ____
9. American cowboy ____________  ___10. think hard _____________________  __
(    )1.How many PE lessons do you have in a week?  A. I’m sorry to hear that.
(    )2.How do you feel now?                    B I usually watch TV.
(    )3.I’ve got a bad stomach ache.                C. I’m ill at home.
(    )4.What do you usually do on Friday evening?    D. She’s thirty-one.
(    )5.Does Mike like playing table tennis?          E. Three.
(    )6.Why are you absent today?                  F. No, he doesn’t.
(    )7.How old is your mother?                  G. Yes, I like going shopping.
(    )8.Do you have any hobbies?                  H. I feel cold.
(    )9.How does he spend his weekends?            I. He studies Chinese.
(    )10.What subjects does Mike study at school?    J. He often surfs the Internet.
(    )1. Long long ago, there       a boy called Ma Liang.
      A. was              B. were                C. is               
(    )2. I ________ TV a moment ago.
      A. watch            B. watched            C. looked               
(    )3. There were     people sitting on the bench.
    A. only one          B. a lot                C. a lot of
(    )4. I want to play _______ football but he wants to play _______ volleyball.
      A. /; the              B. /; /                  C. the; /             
(    )5. Do you want ________?
      A. visit the forest        B. visiting the forest  C. to visit the forest       
(    )6. Each student            one picture.
      A. draw            B. draws              C. drawing           
(    )7. She usually _______ new clothes           his doll.
      A. makes…with    B. make…for          C. makes…for     
(    )8. The lion always walks ______ the forest every day.
      A. on                B. under              C. through               
(    )9. Were there ________ people in the street?
      A. some              B. any              C. much               
(    )10. What ________ beautiful girl!
      A. /                B an                  C. a               
(    )11. The shoes are very cool, but they       me.
