dress code
Clothing is a mirror, from the dressing collocation can determine a person's own' experience accomplishment, aesthetic taste, character and hobbies. Based on their own body characteristics, according to the different time, occasion, purpose, to wear the clothes to carefully choose, collocation and combination, this is the basic quality of every successful marketing personnel. In contrast to the stable and monotonous men dress, women dress is much more bright and rich. It is precisely because women have more choice of clothes, but many people have no way to start. It is easy to bring some personal preferences of their daily clothes into formal occasions, leaving a bad impression on people if they are not careful.
Basic code and etiquette of dress:
First, the dress should pay attention to the overall beauty and decency. In the pocket of the suit, avoid stuffed with bulging.
Second, do not wear shorts, short shorts, tights, vest, etc. on formal occasions, underwear (vest, petticoat, socks, etc.) should not be exposed outside the coat.
Third, to participate in social activities, when entering indoor places, should take off the hat, to take off the coat or rain clothes.
The principles to dress are:
clothes和clothingPersonality principle: refers to clothing should serve the unique style. Everyone varies in age, gender, form, occupation, identity, etc., and this must first be studied first when dressing. The most thing young people should pay attention to is not to blindly follow the fashion.
Coordination principle: refers to the clothing should be coordinated with physical conditions, age, occasion, etc.
Benefit principle: refers to the clothing has an important etiquette function, should be distinguished according to the specific occasion is different. The general rule is to be traditi
onally conservative in business situations, stylish in social situations, and comfortable in casual occasions. These should not be confused, otherwise, it will be regarded as inappropriate by others.
The principle: refers to wear according to the family economic conditions. Generally speaking, the better the quality material of clothing, the higher the grade, the more expensive the price, wear up more style. But because people's own family economic conditions are different, clothes should be within their means.
We can dress needs, within our means, with decent clothes to dress up, but also can wear self decent.
